Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
Monday 14 May 2018
Between May 15 and 19, 2018
A.T.A. organizes 34rd “Annual Tourism Conference Aruba”
Meeting with partners from North America
ORANJESTAD — Once more increase of 3.6 % is project- tion”, is presented by Gregg This is the place where stra- Naturally, during the pro-
Aruba Tourism Authority ed for the United States, 3 % Wasiak and John Speers of tegics can be discussed gram, the participants
(ATA) is ready to welcome for Canada, resulting in an The Concept Farm, and more profound and initia- have the opportunity to
more than 50 participants, overall increase of 3.6 % for ‘advertising agency’ for tives can be shared on discover our island by jeep
mainly from the North 2018. Aruba in North America. the field of intelligence, in- or catamaran or elseway.
American market, at the novation and integration. Friday evening ATCA 2018
‘Annual Tourism Confer- The Program The afternoon ATCA offers These sessions will proceed will have its closure with a
ence Aruba’ (ATCA) taking The conference starts off participants several ac- on Friday all day. reception at the Archeo-
place 15th to 19th of May with a reception at the tivities to get to know the logical Museum. q
2018. The participants are Hilton Aruba Caribbean island. There will be the
tour operators, local and in- Resort & Casino Tuesday possibility to enjoy a cruise
ternational airlines, hotels, evening in honor of the par- along the South Coast to
representatives of Aruba in ticipants of ATCA. The of- discover different beaches.
North America and also lo- ficial opening takes place The night will offer a cultural
cal stake holders. Thursday morning where and gastronomic experi-
Aruba Tourism Authority ence in the center of Oran-
What is ATCA? (ATA) together with Aruba jestad where a visit is also
Stake holders and agen- Hotel and Tourism Associa- paid to Cosecha art center
cies have a common goal tion (AHATA) and Aruba to get introduced to the
to sell Aruba abroad. The Airport Authority N.V.(AAA) work of our local artisans.
objective of ATCA is to take welcome the participants
the opportunity to broaden at the Thursday during the day
the knowledge of Aruba for Renaissance Convention ATA has walk in sessions
this group and at the same Center. The conference is and participants can also
time enforce the relation- only open for invites and discover ‘Path to Happi-
ship. This of course with the the CEO of ATA will present ness.’ In this way the differ-
focus on enriching our tour- “A.T.A.’s Strategic Direction ent ‘niches’ in the market
istic market. Participants will for 2018: The Big Picture”. will be presented and the
also be able to share their CMO of AHATA Jim Hepple diversity of the island is ex-
successful experiences, will speech too and “Gate- plored in the areas of ro-
strategic goals and bind way 2030“, the Expansion mance, gastronomy, family
with ATA offices in the Unit- Project of Aruba Airport joy, well-being and so on.
ed States as well as Aruba. Authority N.V. is presented Several inspection visits will
by James Fazio,CEO Aruba be paid to accommoda-
These kind of meetings are Airport Authority N.V. tions, and in the afternoon
important and will provide one will continue with the
a strategic view on the The “Evolution of the North toruistic marketplace, the
coming year for Aruba’s in- America Creative Cam- most important part of this
coming tourism market, in paign”, will be introduced conference.
this case the continent that by Sanju Luidens, CMO of
provides in the majority of A.T.A. and finally “Authen- The marketplace is the
visitors coming to our island: tic Aruba: A first look at the place where partners can
North America. This year an Strategic & Creative Evolu- meet, negotiate and share.