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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 28 august 2024
            Feds file new indictment in Trump Jan. 6 case, keeping charges

            intact but narrowing allegations

                                                                      the department in the final  tute  official  acts  for  which  Smith  that Trump participat-
                                                                      weeks of the Trump admin-    he  is  entitled  to  immunity,  ed in a scheme orchestrat-
                                                                      istration.  Trump  ultimately  effectively  stripping  those  ed by allies to enlist slates of
                                                                      relented in that idea “when  allegations from the case.   fraudulent electors in battle-
                                                                      he was told it would result in  “As  we  have  explained,  ground states won by Dem-
                                                                      mass resignations at the Jus-  the President’s power to re-  ocrat Joe Biden who would
                                                                      tice Department,” accord-    move ‘executive officers of  falsely attest that Trump had
                                                                      ing  to  the  original  indict-  the United States whom he  won in those states.
                                                                      ment.  Rosen  remained  on  has appointed’ may not be  It  also  retains  allegations
                                                                      as acting attorney general  regulated by Congress or re-  that Trump sought to pres-
                                                                      through the end of Trump’s  viewed by the courts,” Chief  sure  Vice  President  Mike
                                                                      tenure.                      Justice John Roberts wrote  Pence  to  reject  legitimate
                                                                      The  new  case  no  longer  for the court.                electoral  votes,  and  that
                                                                      references  Clark  as  a  co-  The  justices  returned  other  Trump and his allies exploit-
                                                                      conspirator.                 core allegations in the case  ed the chaos at the Capitol
            Special  counsel  Jack  Smith  speaks  about  an  indictment  of   Trump’s   co-conspirators  to U.S. District Judge Tanya  on Jan. 6 in an attempt to
            former President Donald Trump, Aug. 1, 2023, at a Department   were  not  named  in  either  Chutkan, the trial judge pre-  further  delay  the  certifica-
            of Justice office in Washington.                          indictment,  but  they  have  siding over the case, to de-  tion of Biden’s victory.
                                                     Associated Press  been  identified  through  termine what constitutes an  Roberts wrote in his majority
                                                                      public  records  and  other  official act protected from  opinion that the interactions
            By ERIC TUCKER and ALAN-     pearance in months given     means.                       prosecution  and what does  between Trump and Pence
            NA DURKIN RICHER             that  the  case  had  been   In its opinion, the Supreme  not.                         amounted  to  official  con-
            Associated Press             effectively frozen since last   Court  held  that  a  presi-  The  new  indictment  still  in-  duct for which “Trump is at
            WASHINGTON (AP) —            December  as  Trump’s  im-   dent’s interactions with the  cludes one of the more stun-  least presumptively immune
                                         munity  appeal  worked  its   Justice Department consti-  ning allegations brought by  from prosecution.” q
            Special counsel Jack Smith  way through the justice sys-
            filed a new indictment Tues-  tem.  The  special  counsel’s
            day against Donald Trump  office  said  the  updated
            over his efforts to undo the  indictment,  filed  in  federal
            2020  presidential  election  court  in  Washington,  was
            that keeps the same crimi-   issued by a grand jury that
            nal  charges  but  narrows  had  not  previously  heard
            the allegations against him  evidence in the case.
            following a Supreme Court  It  said  in  a  statement  that
            opinion   that   conferred  the indictment “reflects the
            broad  immunity  on  former  Government’s efforts to re-
            presidents.                  spect  and  implement  the
            The  new  indictment  re-    Supreme  Court’s  holdings
            moves a section of the in-   and remand instructions.”
            dictment that had accused  The  central  revision  in  the
            Trump  of  trying  to  use  the  updated criminal case con-
            law enforcement powers of  cerns Trump’s dealings with
            the  Justice  Department  to  the Justice Department.
            overturn his election loss, an  The  original  indictment  in-
            area of conduct for which  cluded  allegations  that
            the Supreme Court, in a 6-3  Trump tried to enlist the de-
            opinion last month, said that  partment in his failed effort
            Trump  was  absolutely  im-  to  undo  his  election  loss,
            mune from prosecution.       including  by  conducting
            The stripped-down criminal  sham investigations and tell-
            case represents a first effort  ing states  incorrectly  that
            by  prosecutors  to  comply  significant fraud had been
            with a Supreme Court opin-   detected.It  detailed  how
            ion likely to result in a signifi-  Jeffrey Clark, a top official
            cant revision of the allega-  in the Trump Justice Depart-
            tions against Trump over his  ment,  wanted  to  send  a
            efforts to block the peace-  letter to elected officials in
            ful transfer of power. It was  certain states falsely claim-
            filed  three  days  ahead  of  ing  that  the  department
            a deadline for prosecutors  had  “identified  significant
            and defense lawyers to tell  concerns that may have im-
            the judge in the case how  pacted the outcome of the
            they wanted to proceed in  election”  and  had  asked
            light of that opinion, which  top department officials to
            said  former  presidents  are  sign it, but they refused.
            presumptively immune from  Clark’s  support  for  Trump’s
            prosecution for official White  election  fraud  claims  led
            House acts.                  Trump  to  openly  contem-
            The two sides will be back  plate naming him as acting
            in court for a status hearing  attorney  general  in  place
            next week, the first such ap-  of  Jeffrey  Rosen,  who  led
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