Page 9 - aruba-today-20240828
P. 9
LOCAL Wednesday 28 august 2024
Granting the Shoco a future in Aruba: Renewed conservation efforts
for Aruba’s endangered endemic burrowing owl
By: Aruba Birdlife Conservation, Greg Peterson
This year marks the reacti- activities. Over 90% of their The new owners, the Ibero-
vation of Shoco conserva- natural burrows at Tera star group, have agreed
tion efforts, which had been Cora were destroyed with- to continue supporting the
disrupted by the Covid-19 in just a few years follow- project and is committed
lockdowns. Over the past ing the introduction of off- to taking it a step further.
few years, Shocos have roading adventure tourism, Maintenance will be per-
faced increasing chal- and many Shocos are still formed on the existing ar-
lenges in finding safe and killed to date by the reck- tificial burrows as the golf
suitable breeding locations less driving of off-road ve- course undergoes renova-
across many areas of our hicles. It is well known, both tions and upgrades, and
island. locally and internationally, 12 new artificial burrows will
that Aruba’s unsustainable, be added at safe locations
Tera Cora, the coastal including the so-called ‘ad- around the golf course in-
area behind the Tierra del venture’, tourism has come creasing the total number
Sol golf course, was once at a very high cost to the is- to 32.
a high biodiversity area land’s natural environment This specific Shoco conser-
and one of the most im- prove the Shocos’ chances with alternative breeding and biodiversity. vation project, led by the
portant breeding grounds of survival, the first 20 artifi- opportunities was the sys- Earlier this year, discussions Aruba Birdlife Conserva-
for the Aruba Burrowing cial burrows were installed tematic destruction of their were initiated with the new tion, will be integrated into
Owl (Athene cunicularia at the Tierra del Sol Golf natural burrows at Tera owners of the golf course the new golf course design
arubensis), locally known as Course. The primary rea- Cora, due to unregulated regarding the existing Sho- and branding, bringing in
the “Shoco.” In 2019, to im- son for providing Shocos UTV and ATV off-roading co conservation project. an educational q
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Renaissance
Wind Creek Aruba Resort!
The Aruba Tourism Author- Mr. Jorgino Willems rep-
ity recently had the great Distinguished Visitor resenting the Aruba Tour-
pleasure of recognizing (10>years consecutively ism Authority, and staff
Goodwill Ambassadors of visiting Aruba) members of Renaissance
Aruba. The honorees were Goodwill Ambassador Wind Creek Aruba Resort
respectively honored with (20>years consecutively bestowed the certificate
a certificate for their years visiting Aruba) upon the honorees, pre-
of visits, loyalty, and love Emerald Ambassador sented them with gifts, and
for the island of Aruba. (35>years consecutively thanked them for choosing
visiting Aruba) Aruba as their favorite va-
The honorary certification cation destination, as their
is presented on behalf of The honorees were: home away from home.
the Minister of Tourism as
a token of appreciation Goodwill Ambassadors The top reasons for return-
and to say “Masha Danki” Mr. Joe & Mrs. Deborah ing to Aruba provided by
to guests who have visited Paulo from Somers Con- the honorees were: • “Brought our fami- Tourism Authority, we
Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or necticut, United States. • Aruba’s people. lies together from all over would like to express our
more consecutively. Mr. Ayden Paulo from • Aruba’s weather to vacation together” sincere gratitude and ap-
Somers Connecticut, Unit- & beaches are perfect for • “We feel safe here” preciation to the honorees
The three levels of honor ed States, diving. for their continued visits to
are as follows: • Aruba’s restaurants. On behalf of the Aruba the “One Happy Island”. q