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P. 13
obituario Dialuna 30 augustus 2021
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta Whomever dwells in the shelter of the “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta
di nada. Den cunucu di yerba berde e Most high, di nada
ta ponemi sosega. E ta hibami na awa will rest in the Shadow of the Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi
trankil, pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. I say to the Lord: My Refuge, my E ta hibami na awa trankil,
Salmo 23 Fortress, My God in You I Trust. Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
Salmo: 23
Cu dolor na nos curason pero Psalm 91; 1-2
conforme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta Cu profundo tristesa nos ta anuncia
anuncia fayecimento di nos querida With our hearts full of Gratitude for a fayecimento di:
mama, Wela, i bisabuela: life-time shared, all the beautiful
memories built and all she has meant
to us,
we now say farewell to our beloved:
Jorgina Estrelita Ruiz Lampe
*25 mei 1929 – †13 augustus 2021
Na nomber di su:
Cecilia E. (Lienchi) Ruiz
Sra. Vda. Leonida B. Maduro-Ras Sra. Vda. Guillermina Marline Tromp Ruiz
Cariñosamente yama: Chichia Ms. Leanor Louise Carfano
better known as "Lee" Nietanan:
Sue-Ann y Roman (Ale) Aparicio Tromp
Na nomber di su: *May 6th, 1949 - †August 5th, 2021 Jené v.d Biezen y Gianno Angela
Esposo: †Leandro Maduro Carline Nicolle Tromp
Yiunan: †Richard On behalf of those dear to her heart,
Lilian y Albino whom she called family, who were Bisanietonan:
Qion Kock
Sandra y Jeery there day and night by her side Jayroy Aparicio
(Venezuela) Jaymar Aparicio
Magalie y Cun Forever sister Tamara Jorge Elysian Lesire
Gian Angela
Soraya Godson Mike Leysner
Carine Ruman:
Frenk Like son Derrick Comenencia Violeta y Porfirio Lacle Lampe y famia
Nelson Suanan:
Nieto-y nieta nan, bisnieto i bisnieta Forever Friend Maureen van Ierland Segundo Scharbaay Y famia
nan, Iha nan, Ruman nan, Sobrino y Ricardo Luydens y famia
sobrina nan, Swa i cuña nan, Primo i Beloved sister/Bestfriend
prima nan, conocir nan y bisiña nan. Alexia Comenencia Prima/ruman: Etty Maduro Franken y famia
Dear friends Sobrina y sobrinonan, prima y primonan,
Demas famia: Maduro, Ras, Paesch, Reina Thomas and Christoffer ihanan, bisiñanan, amiganan stima.
Tromp, Werleman, Petrochi, Leon, Sanbino
Muller, Croes, Kelly, De Castro, Marin, Famia: Lampe, Ruiz, Tromp, Aparicio, van der
Biezen, Kock, Lesire, Angela, Scharbaay,
Corea, Matos, Thiel, Samuels, Bareño, Care giver Adelfa Sanchez Luydens, Lacle, Croes, Henriquez, Maduro,
Angela, Lispier, Gross, Richardson, Franken, Thiel, Nadal, Dake, de Mey,
Quintero, Reyes, Marquez. Loepstok, Loefstop Justina y demas famia nan
na Curaçao, Hulanda, Merca y Inglatera.
We extend this invitation to all her
friends and ex-colleagues of Aruba's
Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar F&B- and Timeshare Industry, to Ta invita pa acto di entiero cual lo tuma
Diabierna, 3 di September 2021 na attend her wake lugar diaranson 1 di September 2021 na
misa Imaculada concepcion na St. which will take place on: Misa San Francisco na Playa di 9’or pa
11’or di mainta despues lo sali pa Santana
Cruz pa 9’or di mainta sigui pa su Catolico na Playa.
ultimo lugar di sosiego na Santana di Tuesday, 31 of August, from 2-4 pm
St. Cruz. at the Aurora Funeral Home Nos ta pidi disculpa si nos por a lubida algun
Instead of flowers, a donation to Luna familiar den nos tristesa.
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero Foundation for those little ones for Despues di entiero nos no por ricibi bishita di
nos no por ricibi bishita na cas. which Lee always deeply cared, will condolencia na kas.
be highly appreciated.