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P. 8 Dialuna, 30 August 2021
“Señor ta mi wardador,
mi’n tin falta di nada Whomever dwells in the
Den cunucu di yerba berde shelter of the Most High,
e ta ponemi sosega. will rest in the Shadow of the
E ta hibami na awa trankil, Almighty...
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. I say to the Lord: My Refuge,
Salmo: 23 my Fortress, My God in You I
“Señor ta mi wardador,
Cu hopi tristesa nos ta anuncia Psalm 91; 1-2
fayecimento di mi casa, tata, welo, mi’n tin falta di nada
ruman, tio y amigo: Den cunucu di yerba berde
e ta ponemi sosega.
Edmond M. de Freitas E ta hibami na awa trankil, With our hearts full of
Mihor conoci como “Junny” Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. Gratitude for a life-time shared,
*22-07-1960 - †23-08-2021 Salmo: 23 all the beautiful memories built
and all she has meant to us,
Mayornan: †Juan M. de Freitas
†Benigna F. de Freitas-Willems Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di: we now say farewell to our
Na nomber di su: beloved:
Casa: Rosita R. de Freitas-Benders
Yiunan: Jonathan y Maureen de Lucia Maria Dijkhoff Ms. Leanor Louise
Freitas Carfano
Jaldhyr de Freitas Mihor conoci como: better known as “Lee”
Josanne de Freitas “Chichi” of “Jufrouw Lucia” * May 6th, 1949 - August
Naïndi de Freitas 5th, 2021+
Najee de Freitas *18-02-1952 - †25-08-2021
Agni Figaroa
Yiu di criansa: Natusha Croes On behalf of those dear to her
Nieto(a)nan: Acto di entiero lo wordo heart, whom she called family,
Lyorah, Djaïr, Jaece who were there day and night
Jahzhyr de Freitas anuncia despues.
Jahrish de Freitas by her side
Shëantèlee Fingal Forever sister amara Jorge
Hila Toppenberg Godson Mike Leysner
Rumannan: “Señor ta mi wardador, Like son Derrick Comenencia
Magaly Coffie-de Freitas y Juny Forever Friend Maureen van
Coffie mi’n tin falta di nada
†Evelyne Kelly-de Freitas y Prisco Den cunucu di yerba Ierland
Kelly berde e ta ponemi Beloved neighbor
Glenn y Jacqueline de Freitas Lopez and confident Alexia
Gregory y Yetssica de Frietas-Galvis sosega. Comenencia
Quintero E ta hibami na awa Dear friendsReina Thomas and
Sobrino y sobrinanan, primo y trankil,
primanan, amigo y amiganan, Christoffer Sanbino
conocirnan y bisiñanan. Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. Care giver Adelfa Sanchez
Salmo: 23 We extend this invitation to all
Demas famia: de Freitas, Benders, her friends and ex-colleagues
van Heyningen, Willems, Palfit, Nos ta anuncia of Aruba’s F&B- and Timeshare
Coffie, Kelkboom, Kelly, Lopez,
Galvis Quintero, Figaroa, Jowett, fayecimento di: Industry, to attend her wake
Croes, Fingal, Toppenberg, Gordon, which will take place on:
Dubero, Maduro, Kock, Geerman, Gilbert Conrad
v/d Biezen, Wild, Vrolijk, Dabian Tuesday, 31 of August,
Ta invita pa acto di entiero cual *31-07-1976 - from 2-4 pm at the Aurora
lo tuma lugar na Aurora Funeral †21-08-2021 Funeral Home
Home dialuna 30 di augustus 2021
di 9’or pa 11’or di mainta. Despues
lo sali pa Santana Centraal Sabana Acto di entiero lo Instead of flowers, a donation
Basora. to Luna Foundation for those
wordo anuncia
Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos despues. little ones for which Lee always
por a lubida algun famia of conocir. deeply cared, will be highly
Despues di entiero nos no por ricibi appreciated.
bishita di condolencia na cas.