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                Thursday 1 February 2024

            South Africa says Israel is already ignoring U.N. court ruling

            ordering it to prevent deaths in Gaza

            By  GERALD  IMRAY  and  SE-                                                                                         nothing to stop the civilian
            BABATSO MOSAMO                                                                                                      casualties in Gaza and said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    similar inaction contributed
            PRETORIA,    South   Africa                                                                                         to  the  horrific  death  toll
            (AP)  —  Israel  has  ignored                                                                                       in  the  genocide  in  Rwan-
            the ruling by the U.N.’s top                                                                                        da  in  1994,  when  more
            court  last  week  by  killing                                                                                      than  800,000  people  were
            hundreds  more  civilians  in                                                                                       slaughtered in the East Af-
            a  matter  of  days  in  Gaza,                                                                                      rican country.
            South  Africa’s  foreign  min-                                                                                      “We  are  allowing  this  to
            ister said Wednesday, add-                                                                                          happen  again,  right  be-
            ing  that  her  country  has                                                                                        fore  our  eyes,  on  our  TV
            asked  why  an  arrest  war-                                                                                        screens,” Pandor said.
            rant  for  Israeli  Prime  Minis-                                                                                   The court’s ruling is binding
            ter  Benjamin  Netanyahu                                                                                            on  Israel,  and  the  country
            has  not  been  issued  in  a                                                                                       could  face  U.N.  sanctions
            case  South  Africa  filed  at                                                                                      if it is found to be breach-
            the  separate  International                                                                                        ing its orders, although any
            Criminal Court.                                                                                                     sanctions  may  be  vetoed
            Foreign Minister Naledi Pan-                                                                                        by  close  ally  the  United
            dor said South Africa would                                                                                         States.
            “look  at  proposing  other                                                                                         Netanyahu  has  said  that
            measures  to  the  global                                                                                           Israel  “will  continue  to  do
            community” in a bid to stop   Smoke rises following an Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip, as seen from southern Israel,   what  is  necessary  to  de-
            Israel  killing  civilians  dur-  Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024.                                                           fend  our  country  and  de-
            ing its war in Gaza against                                                                        Associated Press   fend  our  people.”  Israel
            Hamas militants, but didn’t  mit a report on steps taken  more    Palestinians   have  It  says  the  majority  of  the  says the offensive is aimed
            go into details.             to abide by the ruling within  been  killed,  according  to  dead are women and chil-  at  destroying  Hamas  after
            The  preliminary  ruling  by  a month.                    figures from the Health Min-  dren.                       its  Oct.  7  attacks  on  Israel
            the   U.N.’s   International  A  top  official  in  South  Af-  istry  in  Hamas-run  Gaza.  “I can’t be dishonest. I be-  that killed some 1,200 peo-
            Court of Justice in South Af-  rica’s  foreign  ministry  has  The  ministry  said  Wednes-  lieve the rulings of the court  ple, mostly civilians.
            rica’s  case  accusing  Israel  said the country hopes that  day  that  150  people  were  have been ignored,” South  Israel says it has abided by
            of  genocide  in  Gaza  or-  Friday’s ruling, and whether  killed  in  the  territory  in  the  Africa’s   foreign   minister  international law and is do-
            dered Israel to do all it can  Israel is abiding by it, will be  last  24  hours,  bringing  the  said.             ing its best to minimize civil-
            to prevent death, destruc-   discussed  on a wider level  total number of Palestinian  “Hundreds of people have  ian casualties in Gaza.
            tion and any acts of geno-   at the United Nations, possi-  deaths in the war to more  been killed in the last three    It  says  it  has  killed  more
            cide  against  Palestinians  bly as early as Wednesday.   than 26,700.                 or four days. And clearly Is-  than  9,000  militants  and
            in  the  territory.  It  stopped  Since  the  ruling,  Israel  has  The Health Ministry’s count  rael  believes  it  has  license  accuses Hamas of embed-
            short  of  ordering  a  cease-  continued its military offen-  does  not  differentiate  be-  to do as it wishes.”  ding in civilian areas, mak-
            fire. It also ruled Israel must  sive, which it says is aimed  tween combatants and ci-  Pandor  said  there  was  a  ing it difficult to avoid civil-
            urgently get basic humani-   at  Hamas,  and  hundreds  vilians.                       danger of the world doing  ian casualties.q
            tarian aid to Gaza and sub-

            Cyprus-led sting operation busts illegal European immigration ring

            that arranged sham marriages

            NICOSIA,     Cyprus    (AP)  with  the  more  than  130  Two  individuals,  aged  37
            —  Cyprus  officials  said  sham  marriages,  including  and  24  respectively,  were
            Wednesday they led a Eu-     circulating  forged  docu-   arrested  in  Cyprus.  The
            ropol-organized  sting  op-  ments  and  assisting  in  ille-  other two, aged 45 and 46,
            eration that dismantled an  gal entry into the country.   were  taken  into  custody
            international  criminal  ring  Police  in  Cyprus,  Portu-  abroad  on  the  strength  of
            facilitating  illegal  immigra-  gal  and  Lithuania  initiated  a European arrest warrant.
            tion and residency in Euro-  the  joint  sting  operation  A Cyprus court on Wednes-
            pean Union countries using  dubbed “Operational Task  day  ordered  the  13  sus-
            dozens  of  sham  marriages  Force Limassol” on Jan. 29.  pects to remain in custody
            on the east Mediterranean  They conducted simultane-      until  Feb.  7.  Proceedings
            island nation.               ous  searches  in  targeted  to  extradite  the  remain-
            Police  said  the  sham  mar-  homes and arrested 13 sus-  ing two in Portuguese and
            riages  involved  women  pects in Cyprus, one in Por-     Lithuanian  custody  were
            from Portugal and Lithuania  tugal and another in Lithu-  underway.
            and  men  from  India,  Ban-  ania.                       Europol       coordinated
            gladesh  and  Pakistan.  Ac-  Cypriot authorities said four  the  sting  operation  and   People enjoy the sun and the sea in the southern port city
            cording  to  police,  the  ring  of  those  suspects  are  be-  provided   funding   and   of Limassol on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus,
            was implicated in a host of  lieved to be the ring’s mas-  intelligence.q              Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024.
            illegal  activities  associated  terminds.                                                                                      Associated Press
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