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                                                                                                           local Monday 4 deceMber 2023

            Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aruba Announces Exclusive Offer:

            Multiple Consecutive Weeks of Ownership at a 20% Discount!

                                                                                        ury  vacation  destinations.  En-  paradise. Casa del Mar invites you
                                                                                        joy  the  flexibility  of  exchang-  to discover the world of vacation
                                                                                        ing  your  weeks  for  incredible  ownership with unparalleled ben-
                                                                                        experiences  at  other  resorts  efits.
                                                                                        around  the  world,  opening
                                                                                        doors to new adventures and  For more information about Casa
                                                                                        cultures.                       del Mar and this exclusive owner-
                                                                                    "This  exclusive  offer  reflects  Casa  ship opportunity, please visit www.
                                                                                    del  Mar's  commitment  to  provid-
                                                                                    ing new owners with the ultimate  or  contact  our  dedicated  team
                                                                                    vacation  experience,"  said  Starr  at
                                                                                    Ramos,    Marketing,  Communica-    and request our buyers guide - or
                                                                                    tions,  Activities  &  Members  Rela-  just give us a call at 297-582-7000
                                                                                    tions  Manager  at  Casa  del  Mar.  Ext. 614.
                                                                                    "We  understand  that  potential  About  Casa  del  Mar:  Casa  del
                                                                                    new  owners  value  both  flexibility  Mar  is  a  premier  luxury  vacation
                                                                                    and affordability, which is why we  ownership  provider  dedicated  to
                                                                                    are  thrilled  to  offer  multiple  con-  delivering  exceptional  vacation
                                                                                    secutive weeks of ownership with  experiences. With a commitment
             Oranjestad, Aruba – Casa del Mar,      rooms,  but  also  benefit  from   a substantial 20% discount. It's our  to quality, convenience, and val-
             the  premier  name  in  vacation       an  exclusive  20%  discount  on   way of saying thank you for choos-  ue, Casa del Mar has become a
             ownership, is thrilled to announce     the listing prices, making your   ing Casa del Mar."                trusted  name  in  the  industry,  of-
             an offer that will redefine the way    dream vacations more afford-    Don't miss out on this exceptional  fering  a  lifetime  of  unforgettable
             you  experience  vacations.  Now,      able than ever.                 opportunity to own your vacation  vacations.q
             you  can  secure  multiple  con-    2.  Versatile   Accommodations:
             secutive  weeks  of  ownership  in     Choose  from  our  exquisite
             the  same  suite  at  Casa  del  Mar   renovated One-Bedroom Am-
             with  an  exclusive  20%  discount!    bassador  suites,  perfect  for
             This  extraordinary  opportunity  al-  accommodating  up  to  four
             lows you to indulge in extended,       guests,  or  our  spacious  Two-
             unforgettable getaways while en-       Bedroom  Presidential  suites
             joying all the benefits of ownership   that  comfortably  host  up  to
             at Casa del Mar without having to      six  people.  Our  suites  are  de-
             change rooms during your stay!         signed  to  provide  the  utmost
                                                    comfort  and  luxury,  ensuring
             Casa  del  Mar  is  renowned  for  its   that your stay is nothing short
             commitment  to  providing  “home       of extraordinary.
             away from home” vacation expe-      3.  Perpetual  Ownership:  Casa
             riences, and this latest offer is no   del Mar offers you the unique
             exception. Here are just a few of      opportunity to secure your va-
             the exceptional benefits you'll en-    cation year after year through
             joy when you become an owner           perpetual    ownership.   With
             at Casa del Mar:                       Casa  del  Mar,  you  have  a
             1.  Discounts  on  Multiple  Weeks     cherished destination to return
                 Bundle:  With  this  new  offer,   to, creating a lifetime of cher-
                 Casa del Mar extends its com-      ished memories, which can be
                 mitment  to  delivering  value     passed  onto  future  genera-
                 to its new owners. By securing     tions.
                 multiple  consecutive  weeks,  4.  Global Exchange Value: As a
                 you'll  not  only  enjoy  the  con-  Casa del Mar owner, your suite
                 venience  of  extended  stays      and  ownership  grants  access
                 without the hassle of changing     to a worldwide network of lux-
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