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Monday 4 deceMber 2023
Start this year’s vacation with this amazing experience in the heart
of Costa Linda Beach Resort
Water’s Edge Restaurant is a jewel many had the pleasure to find!
Eagle Beach – When you think Calamari or the mouthwatering
of a restaurant that pleases the creamy Garlic Tarragon Shrimp.
needs of a whole family or a You can also opt for a classic
large group of people with all French Onion Soup, a Lobster
different tastes? Think Water’s Bisque or the famously Water’s
Edge Restaurant. Located at Edge House Wedge, a crisp
the shore of Aruba’s most won- wedge of fresh romaine lettuce
derful beach, The Eagle Beach topped with homemade blue
Aruba. Water’s Edge Restau- cheese dressing, diced toma-
rant is guaranteed to serve you toes, chopped bacon, caramel-
a fantastic magical night to re- ized pecans and blue cheese
member. Whether you prefer to crumbles, drizzled with balsamic
enjoy the view from indoors air reduction. This followed by the
conditioned comfort, outdoors in Chef’s special of seafood such
the soft tropical breeze or under as Fresh salmon filet seasoned
a palapa with your toes in the and grilled, topped with lemon late sauce and coffee jelly. Not
sand. This spectacular restaurant cilantro butter and served with to mention the fresh and light Thank you to all our guests
offers the best ocean view sun- homemade mashed potatoes piece of key lime pie. From the bottom of our hearts,
set or sky full of stars dinner while and fresh asparagus, a nice we would like to Thank all of
the crispy Caribbean night wind plate of Ahi Tuna or a succulent Creating memories our guests who showed us
caresses your face and plays pasta dish like the Florentina Fet- If you are planning a birthday so much love and support
with your hair. tuccine Alfredo. Meat Lovers will dinner, here you will receive a all throughout the year, and
have their fix with choices of a nice bottle of champagne to hopefully will continue to do so
From the minute you arrive there devourable 22oz. Bone-In “Tom- take home with you to extend in the years to come. What we
will be a great staff welcoming ahawk” Rib-Eye, pan seared in your experience even further are most grateful for is that we
you with the most contagious garlic infused oil and finished in whether on the beach or your could get back to doing what
smiles and warmth. The intense the oven or our juicy N.Y Strip own private balcony. we love, which is looking after
menu with a great variety of ap- Loin, seasoned & grilled. All our our guests. So, thank you for
petizers, main courses and deli- steaks options are seasoned with every dinner, lunch, breakfast,
cious desserts will not disappoint. a blend of kosher salt and freshly Live entertainment every to-go order, every glass
Seafood, Steaks and interna- cracked black pepper. Served Just about every day of the of wine, every birthday, an-
tional favorites. All on one menu with homemade mashed pota- week, there is a different live niversary and date-night that
specially made just for you. toes, seasoned vegetables and entertainment by the best local you spent with us this last year.
a choice of red wine reduction, artists for you to enjoy. Whether To our new guests, Welcome!
Culinary Voyage green peppercorn demi glace, you’re in a romantic mood, or We hope you to see you back
Start your gastronomic jour- mushroom sauce, or bacon blue more in a swinging mood, there soon!q
ney with a scrumptious ap- cheese butter. For extra sides the is absolutely a night especially
petizer such as the Maryland options are delectable. Fresh as- for you where you can combine
Crab Cakes, maybe the Crispy paragus, seasonal vegetables, great music with delicious cock-
mashed or baked potatoes, fries tails mixed with concoctions. In
or rice and beans. Combine addition, Water’s Edge offers
your personal choice with one of three daily Happy Hours from “Water’s Edge Restaurant is
the most exclusive wine from the 12pm-1pm, 4pm-6pm and again where magnificent beach views,
great selection of international from 9pm-10pm with all premium amazing food and excellent
wines to compliment your dish. brands specially priced. service come together.”
Kids will enjoy every item of the Water’s Edge is open daily from
specially compiled kids menu Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 8am – 11pm
and there are also optional dish- Whether you join us for breakfast,
es for all vegans, vegetarians lunch or dinner, Water’s Edge To reserve your table please
and gluten-free guests. To end Restaurant & Bar offers a relaxed call +297 583-8000 / ext 8106 or
the culinary voyage with some and inspirational dining experi- direct line +297 586-9494
luscious sweetness, the desserts ence overlooking the beautiful
are wild. From a piece of coco- Eagle Beach with spectacular For more information about
nut flan, NY cheese cake, carrot ocean views. Gather with friends the menus, entertainment and
cake, chocolate brownie or our and family for drinks and appe- hours, please visit the website
classic Tiramisu with kahlua and tizers or a night of pampering
amaretto served with choco- and relaxation.