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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 30 december 2020

            New Covid-19 measures starting today

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Gov-         the  exception  of  Dec
            ernment  of  Aruba  (GOA)        31  until  Jan  1  as  then
            introduced  new  measures        curfew  starts  at  2am
            with  regards  to  Covid-19      (Jan 1st, 2021).
            in  a  press  conference  on  •  During the days of Dec
            Tuesday  December  29th          30, 2020 through Jan 3,
            in  the  morning.  Yesterday     2021.
            Aruba had 206 active posi-
            tive cases.                  1.  All  establishments  must
                                             close  at  10:00pm  ex-
            The reasons behind this de-      cept for hotels.
            cision is the consistent pat-  2.  No live music with DJ's is
            tern of daily new cases and      allowed.
            the  raise  in  positive  local  3.  Restaurants   are   al-
            cases.  This  in  combination    lowed  musical  enter-
            with  the  preoccupation         tainment as long as the
            of  people  lowering  their      rules  and  regulations
            guard  and  not  testing  or     are followed.
            late.  It  is  very  important  to  4.  Guests must be seated
            understand  that  the  new       at tables of a maximum
            measures  are  to  protect       of eight persons per ta-
            the island and its locals and    ble.  Guests  cannot  be
            visitors and to stress the ne-   standing  in  long  lines
            cessity that all of us take the   waiting  for  tables  and
            protocol serious to keep us      cannot  agglomerate,         outside.                    homes  with  a  limited  10. Dande  bands  are  dis-
            all safe and healthy.            five  people  maximum  6.  Dancing is not allowed.       number of people.            couraged      because
                                             can  wait  outside,  at  7.  Music outside of restau-  9.  Home  visits  are  limited   they visit various homes
                                             1.5m distance.               rants is not allowed.       to  a  maximum  of  ten      and  take  off  masks  to
            The following new rules and  5.  Establishment  owners,  8.  Businesses  are  allowed     people  inside,  if  dis-    sing.  This  puts  a  pause
            regulations are valid:           management,        and       to  throw  fireworks  until   tancing is possible, and   on a culture tradition in
            •  Curfew  starts  on  De-       compliance officers are      December  31st,  2020       a maximum of 25 peo-         order to protect health
                cember  30,  2020  from      responsible for guests to    until  3pm.  After  that    ple  outdoor,  if  distanc-  and the economy.
                11:00pm-5:00am     with      follow  rules  inside  and   hour  it  is  allowed  in   ing is possible.             q
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