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             Wednesday 30 december 2020
            New U.S. dietary guidelines: No candy, cake for kids under 2

            By CARLA K. JOHNSON                                                                                                 evidence  isn’t  as  clear  for
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   moderate drinking.  Lower-
            Parents now have an extra                                                                                           ing the limit for men would
            reason to say no to candy,                                                                                          likely be socially, religiously
            cake  and  ice  cream  for                                                                                          or culturally unacceptable
            young  children.  The  first                                                                                        to many, Clark said, which
            U.S.  government  dietary                                                                                           could  have  ripple  effects
            guidelines  for  infants  and                                                                                       for  the  rest  of  the  guide-
            toddlers, released Tuesday,                                                                                         lines. “They need to be ac-
            recommend  feeding  only                                                                                            ceptable to people, other-
            breast  milk  for  at  least  six                                                                                   wise they’ll reject it outright
            months and no added sug-                                                                                            and we’ll be worse off,” he
            ar for children under age 2.                                                                                        said. “If you lose the public,
            “It’s  never  too  early  to                                                                                        these  guidelines  have  no
            start,”  said  Barbara  Sch-                                                                                        merit whatsoever.”
            neeman,  a  nutritionist  at                                                                                        More  careful  scientific  re-
            University   of   California,                                                                                       search  into  the  long-term
            Davis. “You have to make                                                                                            effects of low or moderate
            every  bite  count  in  those                                                                                       levels of drinking is needed,
            early years.”                                                                                                       he said.
            The guidelines stop short of                                                                                        WHAT’S ON YOUR PLATE?
            two key recommendations                                                                                             Most Americans fall short of
            from scientists advising the   In this Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020 file photo, Valentina Frey of Switzerland breasts feed her daughter,   following  the  best  advice
            government.  Those  advis-   Charlotte Katharina, in the Paul VI hall on the occasion of the weekly general audience at the   on nutrition, contributing to
            ers  said  in  July  that  every-                                                                  Associated Press   obesity, heart disease and
            one should limit their add-                                                                                         diabetes. Much of the new
            ed sugar intake to less than  guidelines say. If breast milk   Pregnant  women  should  themselves  to  one  serving  advice   sounds   familiar:
            6%  of  calories  and  men  isn’t available, they should   not  drink  alcohol,  accord-  per day — a 12-ounce can  Load  your  plate  with  fruits
            should limit alcohol to one  get  iron-fortified  infant  for-  ing  to  the  guidelines,  and  of  beer,  a  5-ounce  glass  and  vegetables,  and  cut
            drink per day.               mula  during  the  first  year.   breastfeeding   women  of wine or a shot of liquor.  back on sweets, saturated
            Instead, the guidelines stick  Babies  should  get  supple-  should  be  cautious.  Caf-  Tuesday’s  official  guide-  fats and sodium.
            with  previous  advice:  limit  mental  vitamin  D  begin-  feine  in  modest  amounts  lines ignored that, keeping  The   guidelines   suggest
            added  sugar  to  less  than  ning soon after birth.      appears  safe  and  women  the advice for men at two  making small changes that
            10% of calories per day af-  Babies  can  start  eating   can  discuss  that  with  their  drinks per day.          add  up:  Substitute  plain
            ter age 2. And men should  other  food  at  about  6      doctors.                     Dr.  Westley  Clark  of  Santa  shredded wheat for frosted
            limit  alcohol  to  no  more  months  and  should  be  in-  ALCOHOL AND MEN            Clara  University  said  that’s  cereal. Choose low-sodium
            than  two  drinks  per  day,  troduced  to  potential  al-  In  July,  the  science  advis-  appropriate.  Heavy  drink-  canned black beans. Drink
            twice as much as advised  lergenic  foods  along  with    ers  suggested  men  who  ing and binge drinking are  sparkling  water  instead  of
            for women.                   other foods.                 drink  alcohol  should  limit  harmful,  he  said,  but  the  soda.q
            “I don’t think we’re finished  “Introducing  peanut-con-
            with alcohol,” said Schnee-  taining  foods  in  the  first
            man, who chaired a com-      year  reduces  the  risk  that   Will COVID-19 vaccines work on the
            mittee  advising  the  gov-  an  infant  will  develop  a
            ernment on the guidelines.  food  allergy  to  peanuts,”    new coronavirus variant?
            “There’s more we need to  the guidelines say.
            learn.”  The  dietary  guide-  There’s  more  advice  than                                                         Viruses   often   undergo
            lines  are  issued  every  five  in prior guidelines for preg-                                                     small  changes  as  they
            years  by  the  Agriculture  nant    and    breastfeed-                                                            reproduce    and    move
            Department  and  the  De-    ing  women.  To  promote                                                              through  a  population.  In
            partment  of  Health  and  healthy     brain   develop-                                                            fact,  the  slight  modifica-
            Human  Services.  The  gov-  ment in their babies, these                                                           tions  are  how  scientists
            ernment  uses  them  to  set  women  should  eat  8  to                                                            track the spread of a virus
            standards for school lunch-  12  ounces  of  seafood  per                                                          from one place to anoth-
            es  and  other  programs.  week. They should be sure                                                               er.
            Some highlights:             to  choose  fish  —  such  as                                                         But if a virus mutates signif-
            INFANTS,  TODDLERS  AND  cod, salmon, sardines and                                                                 icantly enough, one worry
            MOMS                         tilapia  —  with  lower  lev-                                                         is  that  current  vaccines
            Babies  should  have  only  els  of  mercury,  which  can                                                          might  no  longer  offer  as
            breast  milk  at  least  until  harm  children’s  nervous                                 AP Illustration/Peter Hamlin  much  protection.  And  al-
            they  reach  6  months,  the  systems.                      By The Associated Press    even  if  that  turns  out  to  though  that’s  a  possibility

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