Page 13 - MIN VOS 28 JULY 2015
P. 13

Minister Mike de Meza and Deputy Clark Abraham

Exchange thoughts on the
IMPORTANCE of Aruba and
Bonaire having a good


THE people of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao are            brothers and do not                                     He explained that Bonaire started investing in eco-
brothers. The cultural and familiar relationship is     have political color”                                   energy many years ago and that currently 40 to 60%
very much strong between these countries.               that’s why it’s so                                      of their energy is produced by wind energy but that
Aruban Minister of Economic Affairs Mike de Meza        important for the island                                Bonaire wants to make this 100% and combine it with
and Bonaire Deputy of Economic and Financial Affairs    representatives to sit                                  wind energy, solar energy and other resources.
Clark Abraham both agree that the tie between the       together and to trust
two islands needs to be fortified.                      each other enough to advice each other on different     “Bonaire would love to work with Aruba so we can
                                                        aspects and stimulate each other in the cultural area.  both become good examples for the other islands and
During a courtesy visit that Deputy Abraham paid to                                                             present a complete eco-energy product and conserve
Minister de Meza they discussed numerous common         Deputy Abraham mentioned that it is very important      nature and if possible explore opportunities to share
interest topics and shared experiences from both        to invest in building and maintaining ties between      knowledge with their other islands in the region. We
countries that could help the other country develop     the islands thus fortifying their relationship. He      could even create a knowledge centre to sell to the
or learn from each other.                               mentioned how happy he is that Minister de Meza         region.” Deputy Abraham concluded.
                                                        shares his opinion.
Bonaire can learn a lot from Aruba’s economic develop   The deputy commented about the Green Aruba
and that could benefit the social-economic life of the  conference after his meeting with Minister de Meza.
islands, Minister de Meza commented in a interview      He mentioned that the two countries could achieve
held after the meeting.                                 a lot for our region in the eco-energy or sustainable
Minister de Meza emphasized that “Our islands are       energy area.

   Melvin Dabian

was successful in the San Francisco competition

                                                        MELVIN Dabian participated in the 42k run in San        watch to make sure he was still on schedule and he
                                                        Francisco and concluded with a time of 3 hours and      managed to finish the race in the time scheduled.
                                                        23 minutes. A tremendous time for his first special
                                                        Marathon. The San Francisco Marathon is known for       Melvin Dabian ended up in 292nd place out of the
                                                        its challenges because it includes the Golden Gate      6025 full marathon participants, in 269th place
                                                        Bridge which isn’t easy to run and needs to be passed   out of the 3987 participants in the male category,
                                                        twice.                                                  and in 41st place out of the 258 participants in the
                                                                                                                age 40-44 category. Melvin Dabian is extremely
                                                        When Melvin Dabian arrived in San Francisco he          satisfied with the results and ecstatically happy
                                                        encountered a really cold weather, the weather was      with his performance. He mentioned that it was an
                                                        so cold that it affected him during his first days of   unforgettable experience.
                                                        training. To survive the cold Melvin had to buy a cap,
                                                        gloves and wear long sleeves especially since the race  Melvin Dabian thanks god, the entire I-Run Aruba
                                                        starts at 05:30am.                                      team and a few others that played an important role
                                                                                                                in his achievement, for example Silvienne Valdez and
                                                        The San Francisco race was completely sold out and      his personal trainer Juan Valdez from Triple’s Fitness
                                                        had more than 25.000 runners from all around the        Centre, his entire family that accompanied him to San
                                                        world. At the starting line Melvin was in the second    Francisco, his big fan, his siblings that have supported
                                                        wave right behind Pro’s/ Elite runners from all around  him throughout all of this and his persona coaches
                                                        the world. The race went very well. The idea was to     Beto Maduro and Jovita Maduro from Aruba Malmok
                                                        make an easy start and finish it strong.                Runner.
                                                        As the race went on Melvin Dabian felt like he
                                                        mastered the hills well and recovered quickly after     Melvin Dabian will be staying in San Francisco to
                                                        passing them. Melvin Dabian constantly checked his      enjoy his family vacation for one more week.

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Tuesday, July 28 2015                                                                         9LOCAL
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