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a8    local
                   Wednesday 6 april 2022

            Aruba Marriott thanks its heroes Antonio Ras and Tisha Powell for

            saving the life of a guest

            Palm  Beach  -  Training,  of  Loss  Prevention,  Anto-   “All  members  of  the  team
            teamwork  and  courage  nio Ras who is Loss Preven-       of  Loss  Prevention  has
            were  the  formula  that  tion  Supervisor  and  Loss  training  and  certification
            helped  save  the  life  of  a  Prevention  Officer  Tisha  in CPR, the use of the AED
            guest  on  Tuesday  night,  Powell  went  to  the  room  machine  and  other  emer-
            the 23rd of March, when a  to  offer  their  assistance.  gency  procedures,  and
            guest had a stroke and did  They  started  with  CPR  im-  practice these skills regular-
            not have any pulse.          mediately  and  while  they  ly in order to be prepared
                                         were  performing  the  CPR,  at all and any given time,”
            2 associates of the depart-  they  followed  the  instruc-  Ruthline Theysen, Complex
            ment of Loss Prevention of  tions  of  the  Automated  Director of Human Resourc-
            Aruba  Marriott  Resort  re-  Externel  Defibrillater  (AED),  es  expressed,  adding  that
            acted immediately to help  which  was  to  give  shock  “we  are  extremely  proud
            save  the  life  of  this  guest  to  the  guest.  After  getting  and thankful to our heroes
            while  the  ambulance  was  to a weak pulse, they kept  Antonio Ras and Tisha Pow-     The  guest  has  recovered  Aruba  Marriott  nominat-
            on its way to the hotel.     trying and after a few tries,  ell, who acted immediately  and  together  with  their  ed  Antonio  Ras  and  Tisha
                                         they  were  able  to  get  a  and  applied  all  that  they  partner  expressed  grati-  Powell  to  receive  one  of
            At about 23:58 on the 23rd  stronger  pulse,  which  was  have learned with courage  tude to Antonio, Tisha and  the  most  prestigious  rec-
            of  March,  the  security  of-  held  stable  until  the  team  and a strong teamwork. We  the team of Aruba Marriott  ognitions  of  Marriott  Inter-
            fice  received  an  emer-    of paramedics and ambu-      thank them heartily on be-   Resort with a lot of emotion  national,  “The  Chairman’s
            gency  phone  call  to  tend  lance arrived to the scene  half  of  management  and  and happiness to be alive,  Award”,  which  is  to  honor
            to  a  guest  who  was  in  his  and  took  the  guest  to  the  all  employees  from  Aruba  as well as an immense grat-  the   Marriott   associates
            room with no pulse. Imme-    hospital.                    Marriott for their heroic act  itude to have received an-  around  the  world  who
            diately  the  two  associates                             that is surely an inspiration.”  other chance to be alive.   saved a life.q

                                                             Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room:

                                                             Where should you go?

                                                             (With Appointment), and Gynecology Servic-     Please view our comparison information chart:
                                                             es (With Appointment).                         Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room.
                                                             Visit us to assess your symptoms, and we'll pro-
                                                             vide  you  with  a  proper  diagnosis  and  treat-  Contact  us  for  more  information  at  +297
                                                             ment since we will also provide you with a pre-  5860448.  WhatsApp  +297  5975549,  info@ur-
                                                             scription if deemed necessary.       ,  or  visit  our  website  at  www.
                                                             Our mission is to have you back on your vaca- or visit us at Noord 63, Noord
                                                             tion; that is why we offer quick, reliable, and  Medical Center.
              Imagine  yourself  arriving  on  the  beautiful  is-  efficient medical service.              Rate our service on Google!q
              land  of  Aruba.  You've  scheduled  your  days
              with exciting activities or to relax by the beach
              or pool. Of course, the least you would expect
              is to get sick or become in need of medical
              assistance. Because honestly, who does that
              while on vacation?

              But  when  that  happens,  you  need  to  know
              who and where to visit. So, the first step is to
              assess your medical need and its urgency.
              At  Urgent  Care  Aruba,  we  offer  medical  as-
              sistance  for  non-life-threatening  illnesses  and
              injuries. We accept walk-ins from Monday to
              Friday from 8 am to 8 pm, Saturday from 8 am
              to 4 pm, Sunday/Holiday from 10 am to 2 pm.
              Therefore, receive a better cost value than the
              Emergency Room as the alternative option.
              Other services offered at the Urgent Care Aru-
              ba is X-Ray (Without Appointment), Ultrasound
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