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                 Tuesday 14 February 2023
            11 states consider ‘right to repair’ for farming equipment

            Continued from Front                                                                                                that  upset  me,”  said  the
                                                                                                                                Republican Wood.
            Wood’s  plight,  echoed  by                                                                                         Wood’s  tractor,  which  flies
            farmers  across  the  coun-                                                                                         an  American  flag  read-
            try, has  pushed  lawmakers                                                                                         ing  “Farmers  First,”  isn’t  his
            in  Colorado  and  10  other                                                                                        only  machine  to  break
            states to introduce bills that                                                                                      down.  His  grain  harvesting
            would force manufacturers                                                                                           combine  was  dropping
            to  provide  the  tools,  soft-                                                                                     into  idle,  but  the  servicer
            ware,  parts  and  manuals                                                                                          took five days  to arrive on
            needed  for  farmers  to  do                                                                                        Wood’s  farm  —  a  setback
            their own repairs — thereby                                                                                         that  could  mean  a  hail
            avoiding  steep  labor  costs                                                                                       storm  decimates  a  wheat
            and  delays  that  imperil                                                                                          field or the soil temperature
            profits.                                                                                                            moves  beyond  the  Gold-
            “The  manufacturers  and                                                                                            ilocks zone for planting.
            the  dealers  have  a  mo-                                                                                          “Our  crop  is  ready  to  har-
            nopoly on that repair mar-                                                                                          vest and we can’t wait five
            ket because it’s lucrative,”                                                                                        days,  but  there  was  noth-
            said Rep. Brianna Titone, a                                                                                         ing else to do,” said Wood.
            Democrat  and  one  of  the                                                                                         “When it’s broke down you
            bill’s  sponsors.  “(Farmers)                                                                                       just  sit  there  and  wait  and
            just  want  to  get  their  ma-                                                                                     that’s not acceptable. You
            chine going again.”          In this photo provided by Danny Wood, a combine harvests grain on his farm in northeastern   can  be  losing  $85,000  a
            In Colorado, the legislation   Colorado in July 2022.                                                               day.”
            is  largely  being  pushed  by                                                                     Associated Press   Rep.  Richard  Holtorf,  the
            Democrats  while  their  Re-  and  bypass  the  emissions  tools and information to fix  half a million dollars — Col-  Republican   who   repre-
            publican  colleagues  find  controller  —  risking  opera-  problems.                  orado is joined by 10 states  sents Wood’s district and is
            themselves stuck in a tough  tors’  safety  and  the  envi-  Ten years later, the Federal  including  Florida,  Mary-  a  farmer  himself,  said  he’s
            spot:  torn  between  right-  ronment.                    Trade Commission pledged  land,  Missouri,  New  Jersey,  being  pulled  between  his
            leaning  farming  constitu-  Similar  arguments  around  to beef up its right to repair  Texas and Vermont.         constituents  and  the  deal-
            ents  asking  to  be  able  to  intellectual  property  have  enforcement  at  the  direc-  Many  of  the  bills  are  find-  erships  in  his  district  cover-
            repair  their  own  machines  been  leveled  against  the  tion of President Joe Biden.  ing bipartisan support, said  ing  the  largely  rural  north-
            and  the  manufacturing  broader  campaign  called  And  just  last  year,  Titone  Nathan Proctor, who leads  east corner of the state. He
            businesses that oppose the  ‘right  to  repair,’  which  has  sponsored and passed Col-  Public  Interest  Research  voted against the measure
            idea.                        picked up steam across the  orado’s  first  right  to  repair  Group’s national right to re-  because he believes it will
            The  manufacturers  argue  country — crusading for the  law,  empowering  people  pair campaign. But in Colo-       financially  impact  local
            that  changing  the  cur-    right  to  fix  everything  from  who  use  wheelchairs  with  rado’s  House  committee  dealerships  in  rural  areas
            rent practice with this type  iPhones to hospital ventila-  the  tools  and  information  on  agriculture,  Democrats  and could jeopardize trade
            of  legislation  would  force  tors during the pandemic.  to fix them.                 pushed the bill forward in a  secrets.
            companies      to   expose  In  2011,  Congress  passed  For the right to repair farm  9-4  vote  along  party  lines,  “I  do  sympathize  with  my
            trade  secrets.  They  also  a  law  ensuring  that  car  equipment  —  from  thin  with Republicans in opposi-     farmers,”  said  Holtorf,  but
            say it would make it easier  owners  and  independent  tractors     used    between  tion  even  though  the  bill’s  he added, “I don’t think it’s
            for  farmers  to  tinker  with  mechanics  —  not  just  au-  grape  vines  to  behemoth  second  sponsor  is  Republi-  the  role  of  government  to
            the  software  and  illegally  thorized dealerships — had  combines  for  harvesting  can Rep. Ron Weinberg.        be forcing the sale of their
            crank  up  the  horsepower  access  to  the  necessary  grain  that  can  cost  over  “That’s really surprising, and  intellectual property.”q

                                                                      Maine blueberries vs. fly: U.S. senator

                                                                      files bill to help

                                                                      the  country  with  a  signifi-  has  submitted  a  bill  to  es-  ed economic loss per year
                                                                      cant  harvest  of  wild  blue-  tablish  a  fund  of  $6.5  mil-  nationwide,  Collins  said.
                                                                      berries,  which  are  smaller  lion  per  year  for  five  years  The fly has also caused in-
                                                                      cousins  to  the  more  ubiq-  to  advance  research  and  creased  use  of  insecticide
                                                                      uitous  cultivated  berries.  reduce the fly’s population.  in fruit crops, she said. The
                                                                      The  wild  blueberry,  which  “Maine’s  wild  blueberries  Collins  proposal  comes  as
                                                                      grows in the sprawling bar-  are an integral part of our  Maine’s wild bluebery crop
                                                                      rens  of  Maine’s  rural  east,  state’s  heritage  and  play  has  recently  experienced
                                                                      is  the  state’s  official  berry  a  major  role  in  our  state’s  improvement  after  a  few
                                                                      and  one  of  its  most  signifi-  economy,”  Collins  said.  years of downturn. Farmers
                                                                      cant exports.                “The  pervasiveness  of  the  harvested  more  than  100
            Wild blueberries are ready for harvesting July 27, 2012, in Warren,   The berries are threatened  spotted  wing  drosophila  million  pounds  (45  million
            Maine.                                                    by  the  spotted  wing  dro-  has  threatened  the  liveli-  kilograms)  of  the  berries  in
                                                     Associated Press   sophila, a fruit fly from East  hoods of fruit farmers across  2021  after  falling  short  of
            By PATRICK WHITTLE           get  some  help  fighting  off  Asia  first  detected  in  the  the country.”          that  number  for  four  years
            Associated Press             a  pest  under  legislation  United States in 2008. The fly  The fly lays eggs in fruit crops  in a row. The crop was also
            PORTLAND,  Maine  (AP)  —  proposed by the state’s Re-    was first located in Maine in  such  as  blueberries  and  worth  more  per  pound  in
            The wild blueberry, Maine’s  publican U.S. senator.       2011.  U.S.  Sen.  Susan  Col-  raspberries. It causes more  2021  than  it  had  been  in
            most  important  fruit,  could  Maine  is  the  only  state  in  lins  said  Monday  that  she  than $700 million in estimat-  years, state records show.q
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