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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Tuesday 14 February 2023
            Cherokee Nation announces plans for $18M treatment center

            By SEAN MURPHY                                                                                                      tion  officials  are  excited
            Associated Press Writer                                                                                             about  is  incorporating  as-
            OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — As                                                                                             pects of the tribe’s culture
            a  child  welfare  specialist                                                                                       into the recovery program.
            for the Cherokee Nation of                                                                                          In  addition  to  having  peer
            Oklahoma more than a de-                                                                                            recovery  specialists  who
            cade ago, Juli Skinner saw                                                                                          are  Cherokees,  the  recov-
            firsthand the impact of the                                                                                         ery curriculum includes tra-
            opioid  crisis  on  Cherokee                                                                                        ditional activities like bead
            families.                                                                                                           making, talking circles and
            Parents  who  began  using                                                                                          stickball.
            the  powerful  painkillers  af-                                                                                     “A person in recovery needs
            ter  a  surgery  or  injury  be-                                                                                    to know they’re not alone,”
            came  hooked  and  were                                                                                             Hoskin said. “If you’re Cher-
            losing custody of their chil-                                                                                       okee, there’s a real cultur-
            dren,  babies  were  being                                                                                          al  reason  why  you’re  not
            born  addicted  and  young                                                                                          alone. We share traditions,
            people  who  ended  up  in                                                                                          even  if  those  traditions
            foster care were aging out                                                                                          in  some  families  haven’t
            of the system and becom-                                                                                            been practiced in genera-
            ing  addicted  themselves,                                                                                          tions.” For Jennifer Lasiter, a
            resulting  in  a  generational                                                                                      38-year-old  Cherokee  Na-
            impact.                                                                                                             tion  citizen  who  struggled
            “We  didn’t  know  what  hit   Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr., speaks during a House Rules Committee hearing at the   for years with opioid addic-
            us.  We  were  just  flounder-  Capitol in Washington, Nov. 16, 2022.                                               tion after she began taking
            ing,” recalled Skinner, now                                                                        Associated Press  hydrocodone  for  a  back
            the  director  of  behavioral  nounced  on  Monday,  will  and  grad  school  to  be-  everything.  There’s  a  real  injury, having a connection
            health  for  the  Cherokee  be  completely  operated  come therapists and medi-        sense  of  justice  just  mak-  with  other  Cherokee  citi-
            Nation, which is headquar-   by  the  tribe  and  provide  cal  professionals  needed  ing that statement.” Native  zens  at  her  workplace  has
            tered in Tahlequah in north-  no-cost treatment for Cher-  to staff the facilities.    American tribes across the  been an important part of
            east Oklahoma.               okee  Nation  citizens  strug-  “These  will  truly  be  drug  country  settled  with  drug-  her  recovery.  “Just  from
            Now,  the  nation’s  larg-   gling with substance abuse.  treatment  centers  devel-   maker  Johnson  &  Johnson  working here at the Chero-
            est  Native  American  tribe,  The  $18  million  treatment  oped  by  Cherokees,  for  and  the  nation’s  largest  kee  Nation,  I  believe  that
            with more than 440,000 en-   center is part of $73 million  Cherokees,”  said  Chero-  drug  distribution  compa-   Cherokees  band  together
            rolled citizens, plans to use  the  tribe  plans  to  spend  kee  Nation  Principal  Chief  nies for $590 million that will  and  lift  each  other  up,”
            a  portion  of  its  $98  million  building  facilities  across  Chuck  Hoskin.  “It’s  not  a  be divvied up among hun-  said Lasiter, a single mother
            in  opioid  settlement  funds  its  reservation  to  address  federal   government-im-  dreds  of  tribal  nations,  but  of three children who works
            to  construct  a  50-bed,  behavioral  health  needs,  posed facility.                 the  Cherokee  Nation  ne-   for the tribe’s food distribu-
            17,000-square-foot   treat-  including  drug  treatment  “The  symbolism  is  also  im-  gotiated  its  own  separate  tion  center  and  has  been
            ment  facility  in  Tahlequah,  and  prevention.  Another  portant,  which  is  we  are  settlement with drug manu-  sober  for  five  years.  “As  a
            Oklahoma, where the tribe  $5 million will go into a tribal  paying  for  this  over  the  facturers and distributors.  tribe, we all feel connected
            is headquartered. The facil-  endowment to help pay for  next five years and making  One  of  the  things  Hoskin  in some way.”q
            ity, which tribal officials an-  Cherokees to go to college  the opioid industry pay for  and  other  Cherokee  Na-

                                                                      U-Haul hits, injures 8 pedestrians in NYC;

                                                                      2 critical

                                                                      after   the   truck   drove  tan.                         with the start of the death
                                                                      through.  At  least  eight  Sewell  said  a  suspect  was  penalty phase in the trial of
                                                                      people  were  hurt,  includ-  in custody and that police  Sayfullo  Saipov,  an  Islamic
                                                                      ing  two  people  who  were  were  investigating  seven  extremist  who  killed  eight
                                                                      in  critical  condition,  Police  scenes.  She  released  few  people in 2017 by mowing
                                                                      Commissioner     Keechant  other details.                 them  down  with  a  rented
                                                                      Sewell said.                 A  pastry  shop  owner,  Pat  truck.
                                                                      Sewell  described  the  driv-  Giura,  said  he  didn’t  see  It was not clear whether the
                                                                      er’s  actions  as  a  “violent  the  truck  but  saw  the  af-  two events were related.q
                                                                      rampage  through  Brook-     termath:  a  woman  on  the
                                                                      lyn” but said there was no  ground with her scooter or
                                                                      evidence  of  “terrorism  in-  e-bike  destroyed  and  an-
             Police vehicles surround a truck that was stopped and the driver   volvement.”        other  person  hurt  blocks
             arrested, Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, in New York.            The truck sped through the  away.
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      Bay  Ridge  neighborhood  Aerial video from news he-
            By MICHAEL R. SISAK          able  to  pin  the  careening  of  Brooklyn,  hitting  people  licopters  showed  the  truck
            Associated Press             vehicle  against  a  building  on a sidewalk at one point,  on  a  sidewalk,  its  path
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  man  following  a  mileslong  pur-  before  police  stopped  it  blocked  by  a  police  cruis-
            driving a U-Haul truck struck  suit through Brooklyn.     more  than  3  miles  (5  kilo-  er.  Authorities  were  exam-
            and injured several people  Eyewitnesses said they saw  meters) away near the en-      ining the truck to make sure
            in  New  York  City  on  Mon-  pedestrians and e-bike rid-  trance to a tunnel leading  it didn’t contain explosives.
            day  before  police  were  ers sprawled on the ground  from  Brooklyn  to  Manhat-     The   incident   coincided
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