Page 9 - aruba-today-20230214
P. 9
LOCAL Tuesday 14 February 2023
January 2023 started with 98.000 tourists
ORANJESTAD – The Minis- Aruba’s most important Aruba ranks as the second
ter of Tourism and Public market was the US market, country with the fastest
Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber with a recovery of 113% in tourism recovery. It shows
announces that 2023 start- January 2023 compared to Aruba’s resilience, tourism
ed successfully. January 2019, with 98.942 policy, and excellent coop-
tourists compared to 93.953 eration in the tourism sector
In January 2023, Aruba’s in January 2019. It entails with Aruba Tourism Author-
tourism figures surpassed an increase of 4989 tourists. ity (ATA), Aruba Ports Au-
January 2019, a record Aruba continues to be a thority (APA), Aruba Airport
year for tourism. In January popular destination. There- Authority (AAA), Aruba Ho-
2023, Aruba registered a re- fore it is essential to invest in tel and Tourism Association
covery of 105% compared the Aruban product to stay (AHATA) and Aruba Time
to 2019. competitive. Share Association (ATSA) to
make it possible.q
Prime Minister meets with statistical
agencies CBS of Aruba and ECLAC of
the United Nations
ary 10, Prime Minister Ev-
elyn Wever-Croes met with
the representatives of the
Central Bureau of Statistics
(CBS) and the Economic
Commission for Latin Amer-
ica and the Caribbean
(ECLAC), the United Na- the number of necessary of the developments and
tions agency that handles schools in the future. work activities to realize
Statistical Systems The government bases and finalize this project.
many of its policy decisions
The data and information on data. However, not all Besides the statistical sys-
are not from individual per- data is always available. tems development, the
sons but are categorized CBS together with the U.N. needed laws, for example,
groups, for example, the agency, but also in the to protect the surveys or
number of women per age framework of the landspak- censuses participants by
group, young men per age ket with the Netherlands, avoiding misuse, will be
group, and the number of received financing for this amended. Because when
births taking place. The last project. Both institutes in- you have digitalized sta-
data helps to determine formed the Prime Minister tistics, there may be a
danger of data breach,
namely unauthorized or il-
legal viewing not intended
for them. They will draft the
law this year and complete
it at the end of the year. It
will protect the centralized
data of individuals in his sys-
tem. q