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                                                                                                           local Monday 12 SepteMber 2022

            Minister of Education met with UNHCR, HIAS and IOM

            Regarding Education in Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  –  Last  Thurs-
            day,  minister  of  Education
            and  Sport,  Mr.  Endy  Croes
            held an interesting meeting
            with UNHCR, HIAS and IOM.
            The meeting was requested
            by the NGOs in order to dis-
            cuss  topics  related  to  im-
            migrant children residing in
            Aruba,  who  are  an  active
            part  of  our  Education  sys-
            tem.                         Aruba  and  Curaçao,  Mr.  undocumented  or  do  not  case regarding education,  abiding  by  agreements
                                         Brandon  Arends,  Project  have  legal  documents,  so  so  that  concrete  agree-     regarding  children’s  rights
            The objective of the meet-   Coordinator  for  HIAS,  and  that they can also receive  ments can be reached re-     conventions,  namely  by
            ing,  according  to  a  press  Mrs.  Adailyn  Gonzalez,  Le-  an  opportunity  for  educa-  garding the most effective  making  education  acces-
            release,  was  also  for  the  gal Advisor for IOM.       tion, in order to help them  way  to  deal  with  this  mat-  sible  for  them.  This  doesn’t
            NGOs  to  inform  the  Gov-                               develop  in  life  and  pros-  ter in a structural way in the  always  happen  in  every
            ernment  of  Aruba  as  well  The three NGOs are doing  per, be it in Aruba or some-   near future.                 country,  including  in  our
            as the minister of Education  synchronized work and are  where else.                                                region,  according  to  the
            and Sport regarding the as-  focused on helping undoc-                                 Minister Endy Croes indicat-  press release.
            sistance and help that they  umented migrants in order  The minister expressed that  ed that he will work togeth-
            offer,  both  to  immigrant  that  they  too  can  prosper  a  lot  of  interesting  points  er with minister of Labor, Mr.  To  finalize,  Mr.  Endy  Croes
            families  with  children  and  in  life,  as  well  as  providing  were brought forward, not  Glenbert  Croes  on  a  joint  expressed  that  it  was  a
            to local families in need of  assistance in various ways.   only regarding the support  policy to deal with integra-  good  meeting,  very  inter-
            support.                                                  that  the  NGOs  are  giving  tion  of  immigrant  children  esting, and he will maintain
                                         Minister  Endy  Croes  indi-  to  help  the  children  find  into education.           good communication with
            Present  at  this  meeting  cated  that  the  meeting  a  school,  be  recognized                                   the  NGOs  with  the  inten-
            was Mrs. Hezaker Goze Oz-    was  focused  on  the  as-   and accepted at a school.  The  NGOs  showed  appre-      tion  of  working  together.
            demir,  Protection  Officer/  pect  of  Education  for  the  The  NGOs  have  programs  ciation  to  the  government  “Education is the key to the
            Head  of  Office  of  UNHCR  group of children who are  for  the  government,  in  this  of Aruba because they are  future.”q

            Minister of Nature in meetings to outline spearfishing policy

            ORANJESTAD  –  Recently,  minister                                                                          guard.  Involving  all  stakeholders
            of  Nature,  Mr.  Ursell  Arends  held                                                                      who deal directly with the practice
            meetings  with  representatives  of                                                                         and effects of spearfishing assures
            spear  fishermen  groups  regarding                                                                         joint  efforts  to  reach  a  definitive
            their collaboration to reach a new                                                                          policy which must regulate by law,
            policy regarding spearfishing.                                                                              and  thus  ensure  that  spearfishing
                                                                                                                        can  take  place  in  a  controlled,
            During  a  few  weeks  already,  the                                                                        regulated and sustainable manner
            ministry of Nature is attending vari-                                                                       on Aruba.
            ous meetings during which knowl-                                                                            The  minister  of  Nature  said  he  will
            edge  is  exchanged,  and  propos-                                                                          continue with the meetings in the
            als are brought forward as well, in                                                                         following  weeks,  where  he  will
            order  to  arrive  to  a  policy  where                                                                     continue  outlining,  among  other
            the  practice  of  spearfishing  and                                                                        things, the permit process and the
            nature conservation can be in har-                                                                          rules for the practice, so that soon
            monious balance, according to a                                                                             the policy can be announced.
            press release.
            For this latest meeting, various de-                                                                        Minister  Arends  thanks  all  stake-
            partments were invited to be pres-                                                                          holders  and  particularly  a  group
            ent,  including  DLVV  (Agriculture,                                                                        of  spear  fishermen  who  attend-
            Livestock,  Fisheries  and  Market                                                                          ed  these  meetings,  sharing  their
            Halls  Department;  Santa  Rosa)  ,                                                                         knowledge and experience which
            DNM  (Department  of  Nature  and                                                                           contributes  to  healthy  and  con-
            Environment),  FPNA  (Aruba  Na-                                                                            structive  discussions,  with  a  focus
            tional Park Foundation) and Coast-                                                                          on common goals.q
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