Page 13 - HOH
P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 12 SepteMber 2022

            Governor Boekhoudt pays                                     Successful Cultural Parade in

            a working visit to Bonaire                                  connection with the day of Brazil

            Oranjestad  -  On  Sunday  afternoon,  September  4,  the
            Governor of Aruba, H.E. Alfonso Boekhoudt, traveled to
            Bonaire for a working visit.

            On Monday, September 5, the Governor was received by        OrAnjEStAd - On Sunday, September 4,  of Brazil and its neighborhood, and end-
            Mr. Albert Crestian, Park Ranger of STINAPA, for a tour of   the annual Cultural Parade took place in  ed at the Centro de Bario Brazil. A total
            the Washington Slagbaai National Park.                      Brazil in connection with the celebration  of 8 groups, with more than 1,000 peo-
                                                                        of Brazil day.                           ple, participated in this parade. All the
            There  the  Governor  was  informed  about  the  ambitious                                           spectators,  from  adults  to  children,  en-
            ecological restoration program STINAPA is implementing      This  year  the  Chico  Harms  Foundation  joyed the ambiance and danced to the
            in Slagbaai in cooperation with the Public Entity Bonaire.   organized  the  10th  edition  of  the  Cul-  rhythm of cultural music. What stood out
            The goal is to remove all invasive grazers from the pro-    tural Parade. They did not hold the pa-  a lot in this Cultural Parade was the cre-
            tected area.                                                rade in 2020 due to the pandemic, but  ativity, the colors, and, without a doubt,

                                                                        this year it was organized by the Chico  the spectacular ambiance.
            That  same  evening  Governor  Boekhoudt  attended  the     Harms  Foundation  and  the  Pro-Culture
            reception at the official residence of the Governor of Bo-  Foundation, who knew how to organize  The Government congratulates Mr. Chi-
            naire, Mr. Edison Rijna.                                    a parade full of ambiance and music.     co  Harms  of  the  Chico  Harms  Founda-
                                                                                                                 tion, Pro-Culture Foundation, volunteers,
            As part of Dia di Boneiro, the Governor attended the sol-   The parade left at 3 pm from the Centro  and all who contributed to making the
            emn gathering in the Island Council the next morning, fol-  de Bario Brazil, went through the streets  Cultural Parade so successful.q
            lowed by the protocol ceremony at the Wilhelminaplein.q
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