P. 2
A2 u.s. news
Monday 3 april 2023
Trump to deliver remarks Tuesday night after his arraignment
By JILL COLVIN and tan, where he is expected jury last week, two people
COLLEEN LONG to voluntarily turn himself in. familiar with the matter
Associated Press He is expected to be joined have told The Associated
NEW YORK (AP) — Former in Florida by supporters as Press. They spoke on condi-
President Donald Trump he tries to project an image tion of anonymity to discuss
will deliver remarks Tues- of strength and defiance information that is not yet
day night in Florida after and turn the charges into public because the indict-
his scheduled arraignment a political asset to boost ment remains under seal.
in New York on charges re- his 2024 presidential cam- Trump has denied any
lated to hush money pay- paign. Trump is facing mul- wrongdoing and has blast-
ments, his campaign an- tiple charges of falsifying ed the investigation as part
nounced Sunday. business records, including of a yearslong "witch hunt"
Trump will hold the event at least one felony offense, aimed at damaging his
at his Mar-a-Lago club af- in the indictment handed candidacy.
ter returning from Manhat- up by a Manhattan grand Trump aides and lawyers
Former President Donald Trump speaks at the Conservative
Political Action Conference, CPAC 2023, March 4, 2023, at
National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Md.
Associated Press
had been going back and "We're way too early to
forth over the wisdom of his start deciding what mo-
appearing before reporters tions we're going to file or
after the arraignment as not file, and we do need to
they grasped the news of see the indictment and get
an indictment that caught to work," he told ABC's "This
many of them by surprise. Week." "I mean, look, this is
Trump has been catapult- the beginning."
ed back into the headlines The former president is ex-
by the criminal charges pected to fly to New York
and he relishes media at- midday Monday and stay
tention, and while some at his Trump Tower in Man-
of his lawyers would have hattan overnight ahead of
preferred he stay silent, his his planned arraignment
campaign believes the de- Tuesday, according to two
velopment has energized people familiar with his
his supporters. plans who spoke on condi-
Already, Trump's campaign tion of anonymity to discuss
says it has raised millions Trump's travel plans.
since the indictment. He is expected to report
Trump was indicted Thurs- to the courthouse Tuesday
day by a grand jury in the morning, where he will fin-
case involving hush mon- gerprinted and have a
ey paid during the 2016 mug shot taken, like any-
presidential campaign to one else facing charges.
a porn actor who alleges Investigators will com-
Trump had an extramarital plete arrest paperwork
sexual encounter with her and check to see if he has
years earlier. any outstanding criminal
In television interviews Sun- charges or warrants.
day, Trump lawyer Joe Ta- Once the booking is com-
copina said he would pore plete, Trump will appear
over the indictment once before a judge for an af-
he receives it, then devise ternoon arraignment. That
the next legal steps. He will take place in the same
dismissed questions about Manhattan courtroom
whether he would ask for where his company was
a venue change or file a tried and convicted of tax
motion to dismiss the case fraud in December and
as premature, though it's where disgraced movie
common for defense attor- mogul Harvey Weinstein's
neys to do both. rape trial took place.q