P. 6

                       Monday 3 april 2023
            Mozambique works to contain cholera                                                      Pakistani charity

            outbreak after cyclone                                                                   boss slams govt for

                                                                                                     Ramadan stampedes
            By TOM GOULD                 1,000.                       workers  are  struggling  to
            Associated Press             At least 31 died of cholera  treat  the  infected  with
            QUELIMANE,  Mozambique  in Zambezia and over 3,200  many  clinics  and  hospitals
            (AP) — Weeks after massive  were hospitalized between  badly  damaged.  “The  cy-
            Cyclone Freddy hit Mozam-    March 15 and 29, accord-     clone  destroyed  the  infra-
            bique  for  a  second  time,  ing to data from the Minis-  structure  here,”  said  José
            the  still-flooded  country  is  try of Health.           da  Costa  Silva,  the  clini-
            facing  a  spiraling  cholera  Cases  are  highest  in  the  cal  director  of  the  Icidua
            outbreak that threatens to  neighborhood  of  Icidua  health  center.  “We  are
            add to the devastation.      on the city outskirts, where  working  in  parts  of  the
            There  were  over  19,000  most residents live in bam-    hospital  that  were  not  de-
            confirmed  cases  of  chol-  boo  or  adobe  mud  huts  stroyed.  Some  colleagues
            era  across  eight  of  Mo-  and  fetch  water  in  buck-  are  working  outside  in  the
            zambique’s  provinces  as  ets  from  communal  wells.  open  because  there’s  not
            of March 27, according to  Flooding  brought  by  the  enough  space  available
            U.N.  Office  for  the  Coor-  cyclone has exposed many  for everyone.”
            dination  of  Humanitarian  of these wells to water con-  Eighty health centers in to-
            Affairs, a figure which had  taminated  with  sewage  tal were affected by Fred-
            almost doubled in a week.    overflow  and  other  sourc-  dy’s  two  landfalls  in  Mo-
            Freddy  was  likely  the  lon-  es  of  bacteria.  Cholera  zambique,  according  to
            gest-lived  cyclone  ever,  spreads  through  feces,  of-  INGD,  the  country’s  disas-
            lasting over five weeks and  ten when it gets into drink-  ter management agency.        A mother prepares a meal for her family in a displacement
                                                                                                     camp on the bank of a flooded rice paddy near the village
                                                                                                     of  Nicoadala,  Zambezia  province,  Mozambique,  Friday,
                                                                                                     March 24, 2023.
                                                                                                                                          Associated Press
                                                                                                     ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  The  head  of  Pakistan’s  largest
                                                                                                     charity slammed the government on Sunday after at
                                                                                                     least  23  people  died  during  stampedes  to  get  free
                                                                                                     food during the holy month of Ramadan.
                                                                                                     Cash-strapped Pakistan launched an initiative to dis-
                                                                                                     tribute free flour among low-income families to ease
                                                                                                     the impact of record-breaking inflation and soaring
                                                                                                     poverty during the holy month.
                                                                                                     Business owners often hand out cash and food in Ra-
                                                                                                     madan, especially to the poor.
                                                                                                     But mismanagement and overcrowding have caused
                                                                                                     stampedes, with at least 23 people dying across the
                                                                                                     Faisal  Edhi,  head  of  the  charity  Edhi  Foundation,
                                                                                                     called the deaths “unhumanitarian” because of the
                                                                                                     methods adopted by the government which he lik-
            A mother prepares a meal for her family in a displacement camp on the bank of a flooded rice   ened to “publicity stunts”.
            paddy near the village of Nicoadala, Zambezia province, Mozambique, Friday, March 24, 2023.
                                                                                  Associated Press   “This is not the government way to distribute flour on
                                                                                                     roads,” he told The Associated Press.

            hitting Mozambique twice.  ing water.                     Although    cyclones    do     He said the government instead needs to put essen-
            The tropical storm killed 165  But  until  water  pipelines  occur  in  southern  Africa   tial  items  including  flour,  pulses  and  rice  in  specific
            people in Mozambique, 17  ruptured  in  the  floods  are  from  December  to  May,       stores at subsidized rates and also ensure their avail-
            in  Madagascar  and  676  repaired,  these  wells  are  human-caused         climate     ability. “This is the respectable way to donate to the
            in  Malawi.  More  than  530  the only source of water for  change  has  made  tropi-    poor,” he said.
            people  are  still  missing  in  those  in  Icidua  and  com-  cal  cyclones  wetter,  more   The deadliest stampede yet occurred on Friday, when
            Malawi two weeks later so  munities  like  it.  For  now,  intense and more frequent.    at least 12 women and children died in a crush in the
            that  country’s  death  toll  temporary  solutions  offer  The now-dissipated natural    major city of Karachi. That charity event was not part
            could well exceed 1,200.     the only hope of stemming  La  Nina  event  also  wors-     of the government initiative, but crowds have swelled
            Freddy  made  its  second  the outbreak.                  ened  cyclone  activity  in    at distribution centers in recent days.
            landfall  in  Mozambique’s  Volunteers  go  from  house  the  region.  While  Cyclone    On  Saturday,  in  the  northwestern  city  of  Peshawar,
            Zambezia province, where  to house distributing bottles  Freddy  itself  hasn’t  yet     clashes broke out between people waiting for flour
            scores  of  villages  remain  of Certeza, a local chlorine-  been attributed to climate   and police after a food distribution centre reached
            flooded and water supplies  based  water  purifier.  Each  change,  researchers  say  it   its maximum capacity of 300.
            are still contaminated.      bottle  should  last  a  family  has all the right hallmarks of   Police officer Babar Khan, who was part of the de-
            At a hospital in Quelimane,  for a week, but supplies are  a warming-fueled weather      ployment  at  the  Hayatabad  Sports  Complex,  said
            Zambezia’s       provincial  running  low  as  local  pro-  event.                       people were standing outside even before the flour
            capital,  National  Institute  duction  struggles  to  keep  Formed  in  early  February   distribution began.
            of  Health  director  general  pace  with  demand.  There  off  Australia,  the  cyclone   People  blocked  the  road  and  pelted  police  with
            Eduardo  Sam  Gudo  Jr  re-  are  also  not  enough  peo-  with  exceptional  longevity   stones.
            ported there were 600 new  ple to distribute the Certe-   made  an  unprecedented        “Therefore, the police had to resort to tear gas to dis-
            confirmed  cases  a  day  in  za, even if greater supplies  crossing of more than 8000   perse the crowd and avoid a stampede,” he said.
            Quelimane  district  alone,  could  be  procured,  Gudo  kilometers   (5,000   miles)    No casualties were reported and the flour distribution
            but said that the real num-  said.                        from  east  to  west  across   continued inside the complex, he added.q
            ber  may  be  as  high  as  In  the  meantime,  health  the Indian Ocean.q
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