P. 8

a8    local
                       Monday 3 april 2023

            Photo collection Brothers of Tilburg is now also online via Coleccion Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  -  Since  the                                                              place  with  the  Royal  Ar-  of  Stadsmuseum  Tilburg:
            end  of  March  2023,  part                                                            chives, and with the Royal  “I  think  it’s  great  that  this
            of  the  Brothers’  collection,                                                        Library. Soon e hope to an-  cultural  heritage  is  reach-
            namely all photographs re-                                                             nounce  other  similar  col-  ing a wider audience from
            lated to Aruba, is also part                                                           laborations with Dutch col-  our database through Col-
            of  the  Aruba  Collection:                                                            lection holdings.”           eccion  Aruba.  In  fact,  by
                                                               “This collaboration with the  opening  up  our  data  to
            ers.                                                                                   Stadsmuseum Tilburg for the  them, the awareness of this
                                                                                                   collection of the Brothers of  collection is increased with
            The  Brothers  of  Tilburg                                                             Tilburg has been very high  the push of a button.”
            worked  for  many  years  in                                                           on  the  ‘wish  list’  for  many
            the  Caribbean,  taking  nu-                                                           years. I am very happy that  Rien Vissers, archivist Broth-
            merous photographs in Cu-                                                              we  have  succeeded  with  ers  CMM:  “The  Central  Ar-
            racao,  Bonaire,  Suriname,                                                            Stadsmuseum  Tilburg  and  chives  of  the  Brothers  of
            Aruba,  Trinidad,  French,                                                             Erfgoed Brabant! We espe-    Tilburg  (CMM)  finds  it  very
            and British Guiana, among                                                              cially  want  to  thank  Petra  special that the photo col-
            others.  Part  of  the  Carib-                                                         Robben,  Rien  Vissers,  Cris  lection of the brothers who
            bean  Heritage  collection  lections,  and  research  at  from  the  broader  heritage   Kremers,  and  the  Brothers  lived and worked in Aruba
            of  the  Brothers  of  Tilburg  Biblioteca  Nacional  Aruba  community,  such  as  from   of  Tilburg  for  their  permis-  for many years is now made
            has  been  digitally  acces-  (BNA).                      the  museum  field  and  the   sion and pleasant cooper-  available  through  Colec-
            sible since 2018 through the                              built  heritage/monuments    ation,” Scholing said.       cion Aruba. It is honorable
            Tilburg  City  Museum  web-  “BNA has had a digital col-  protection field.                                         to  remain  part  of  Aruban
            site:  https://stadsmuseum-  lection  online  since  2019,                             Petra Robben, city curator  history in this way.”q
        with  nearly  50,000  items  “The  collaboration  with
                                         now available.               Stadsmuseum Tilburg in the
            “Within   the   ‘Coleccion                                area  of  the  Fraters  collec-            Aruba to me
            Aruba’ project, we are cur-  This   digital   collection  tion fits well into this broad-
            rently  working  to  make  all  formed  the  basis  for  ‘Col-  er  vision,  to  also  make
            the  heritage  puzzle  pieces  eccion  Aruba  in  2022,  a  available  in  a  digital  way
            related to Aruba available  new,  Aruba-wide  initiative  the collections that are not
            in one place. The collection  with,  in  addition  to  BNA,  physically  located  on  the
            of  the  Brothers  of  Tilburg  is  Archivo  Nacional  Aruba  island  in  the  ‘original’,  lo-
            one of the (photographic)  (ANA), and UNOCA, the lo-      cal context, namely within
            treasure  troves  of  Aruban/  cal cultural fund as found-  the  Collection  Aruba,  just
            Caribbean  heritage,”  said  ing  partners.  Meanwhile,  as collaborations and con-
            Peter  Scholing,  responsible  this initiative has expanded  tent  exchanges  are  tak-
            for  digitization,  digital  col-  to  include  local  partners  ing place and have taken

                                                                                                     ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  Last  but  not  least:  check
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                                                                                                     Complete  the  sentence:  For  today  we  received
                                                                                                     Aruba to me is ……. Send  a  lovely  message  from
                                                                                                     your picture with that text  Mônica Moreira Duque.
                                                                                                     (including your name and
                                                                                                     where  you  are  from)  to:  She  wrote  to  us  saying;
                                                                                             Aruba  to  me  is…  look  at
                                                                                                     and  we  will  publish  your  the picture!”
                                                                                                     vacation  memory.  Isn’t
                                                                                                     that  a  special  way  to  Along  with  the  message
                                                                                                     keep  your  best  moments  she  sends  a  wonderful
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                                                                                                     submitting photos, text or  tic  poem  that  spells  out
                                                                                                     any  other  materials,  you  Aruba.  In  this  poem  she
                                                                                                     give  permission  to  The  expresses  that  Aruba  is
                                                                                                     Aruba  Today  Newspa-      welcoming,  rare,  unique,
                                                                                                     per,  Caribbean  Speed  beautiful and amazing.
                                                                                                     Printers and any of its af-
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                                                                                                     said  materials,  as  well  as  us  this  wonderful  mes-
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                                                                                                     without compensation.      our readers!q
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