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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 8 Juli 2022

                       France unveils measures to boost household purchasing power

            (AP)  —  The  French  gov-   comes  as  annual  inflation
            ernment  unveiled  Thurs-    reached a record 8.6% for the
            day  a  20  billion-euro  19 countries using the euro,
            ($20.3-billion)    package  swollen by a huge increase in
            of  measures  meant  to  food and energy costs fueled
            help  struggling  house-     partly by the war in Ukraine.
            holds  cope  with  the  con-
            sequences  of  the  war  in  In France, annual inflation is
            Ukraine,  including  rising  estimated to 6,5%, among the
            energy and food prices.      lowest in the eurozone.
                                         "The  cause  of  the  inflation
            The proposed legislation was  is  not  to  be  looked  for  in  a
            presented at a Cabinet meet-  French  structural  economic
            ing  Thursday,  a  day  after  problem,  but  in  the  Ukrai-
            French Prime Minister Elisa-  nian  conflict,"  government
            beth Borne detailed the gov-  spokesperson  Olivier  Veran
            ernment's economic strategy  said. "No way will we let the
            in parliament.               French  worry about  not  be-
            The  measures  will  be  de-  ing able to pay for their shop-
            bated at parliament later this  ping like they used to do."
            month and are seen as a cru-  The  measures  include  in-
            cial test for the government's  creasing pensions, which will
            ability to govern.           give people on the basic state
                                         pension an additional 62 eu-
            President  Emmanuel  Ma-     ros  ($63)  per  month,  Veran
            cron's  centrist  alliance  won  said.                    Civil  servants  will  see  their  be replaced by a check from  electricity  prices  and  a  gas
            the most seats at the National                            salaries rise 3.5%.          100  to  200  euros  ($101  to  price freeze until the end of
            Assembly  in  elections  last  A series of welfare payments  "Today, what is penalizing the  203) for low and middle in-  the year.
            month,  but  lost  its  straight  will also increase by 4%. Fi-  most the daily life of our fel-  come  workers  who  need  to
            majority  —  while  a  leftist  nance  Minister  Bruno  Le  low  citizens?  Housing,  fuel  use  their  car,  which  repre-  Private  companies  which
            coalition  and  the  far-right  Maire  said  family  benefits  and  food.  On  these  three  sents about 12 million house-  make profits are also encour-
            made  big  gains,  becoming  will  be  included,  which  "is  items,  we're  bringing  three  holds.                aged  to  offer  their  employ-
            strong opposition forces. The  fair,  because  families  with  massive, efficient responses,"  In addition, 9 million poorer  ees  an  annual  bonus  of  up
            government offered to make  children  are  the  most  im-  Le Maire said.              families  will  receive  a  check  to 6,000 euros ($6,092) that's
            compromises  on  a  case-by-  pacted  by  food  price  rises.  Rent increases will be capped  of 100 euros and an addition-  tax-free  for  employees  and
            case  basis  with  other  politi-  When you have three or four  this year at a maximum 3,5%.  al 50 euros per child to buy  tax-deductible for employers
            cal forces to avoid legislative  mouths to feed, it's necessar-                        food, Le Maire said.         —  in  line  with  a  campaign
            deadlock.                    ily expensive."              Regarding fuel, a current re-  The  government  also  plans  promise  from  Macron,  who
            The  government's  move                                   bate of 18 cents per liter will  to maintain a current cap on  was reelected in April.

                                  China lashes out at US, British intelligence services

            (AP) — The United States  about  the  Chinese  govern-    "The relevant U.S. politician  the Chinese government that  and  institutions,  both  pub-
            is  "the  biggest  threat  to  ment, warning business lead-  has  been  playing  up  the  so-  poses  the  biggest  long-term  lic and private, as it seeks to
            world peace, stability and  ers that Beijing is determined  called China threat to smear  threat  to  our  economic  and  dominate global markets and
            development," China said  to  steal  their  technology  for  and attack China," Zhao told  national security, and by 'our,'  emerging technologies.
            Thursday,  continuing  its  competitive gain.             reporters  at  a  daily  briefing  I mean both of our nations,
            sharp rhetoric in response                                when asked about FBI Direc-  along  with  our  allies  in  Eu-  The  Chinese  government
            to U.S. accusations of Chi-  The  heightened  tone  comes  tor Christopher Wray's com-  rope  and  elsewhere,"  Wray  and  its  "covert  pressure
            nese spying and threats to  ahead of a meeting Saturday  ments reaffirming longstand-  told attendees.              across  the  globe"  amounts
            the international order.     between  U.S.  Secretary  of  ing  concerns  in  denouncing  McCallum  said  the  Chinese  to  "the  most  game-changing
                                         State  Antony  Blinken  and  economic  espionage  and  government  and  its  "covert  challenge  we  face,"  McCal-
            Foreign  Ministry  spokesper-  Chinese  Foreign  Minister  hacking operations by China  pressure  across  the  globe"  lum  said  in  his  Wednesday
            son Zhao Lijian's comments  Wang Yi at the Group of 20  as  well  as  the  Chinese  gov-  amounts to "the most game-  remarks.
            came a day after the head of  leading  rich  and  developing  ernment's efforts to stifle dis-  changing challenge we face."  In  his  response,  Zhao  said
            the FBI and the leader of Brit-  nations' ministers summit in  sent abroad.                                         British intelligence was "sim-
            ain's  domestic  intelligence  Bali, Indonesia.                                        Under  Xi  Jinping,  president  ply  projecting  their  own
            agency  raised  fresh  alarms                             "Facts have fully proven that  and head of the ruling Com-  dishonorable  behavior  onto
                                                                      the U.S. is the biggest threat  munist  Party,  China  has  as-  China."
                                                                      to world peace, stability and  sumed  an  increasingly  ag-
                                                                      development,"  Zhao  said.  gressive  foreign  policy,  join-  "The head of the British in-
                                                                      "We  urge  this  U.S.  official  ing with Russia in seeking to  telligence service should cast
                                                                      to have the right perspective,  undermine  the  influence  of  away (his) evil in mind, come
                                                                      see China's developments in  the U.S. and its allies.     out of the dark room and see
                                                                      an  objective  and  reasonable                            the sunshine, and not always
                                                                      manner  and  stop  spreading  Beijing  has  refused  to  con-  hold  on  to  the  zero-sum
                                                                      lies  and  stop  making  irre-  demn  Russia's  invasion  of  thinking  or  set  up  so-called
                                                                      sponsible remarks."          Ukraine — which is expected  imaginary enemies," he said.
                                                                                                   to dominate the G-20 foreign
                                                                      Wray's  speech  was  particu-  ministers  meeting  —  while  Zhao on Wednesday slammed
                                                                      larly notable because it took  condemning  Western  sanc-  Blinken's  comments  at  last
                                                                      place at MI5's London head-  tions  against  Moscow  and  week's  NATO  summit  in
                                                                      quarters  and  alongside  the  accusing  Washington  and  Spain,  in  which  the  Secre-
                                                                      agency's director general, Ken  NATO  of  provoking  the  tary  of  State  accused  China
                                                                      McCallum,  in  an  intended  conflict.                    of "seeking to undermine the
                                                                      show of Western solidarity.  At  the  same  time,  the  party  rules-based  international  or-
                                                                                                   exercises  sweeping  powers  der."
                                                                      "We consistently see that it's  over  all  Chinese  companies
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