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A30 world news
Diabierna 8 Juli 2022
What's next for UK? Boris Johnson quits, but not gone yet
be completed within days. as the new Tory leader. ministers agree to serve?"
But many Conservatives say
The final two candidates will Johnson can't stay in office — Former Conservative Prime
be put to a vote of the full he has simply lost too many Minister John Major said let-
party membership across the ministers through resigna- ting Johnson stay in office for
country — about 180,000 tions to be able to govern. up to three months "is un-
people — by postal ballot. They are demanding he step wise, and may be unsustain-
That process is expected to down as prime minister and able."
take several weeks, with the let an interim leader take the
exact timetable up to the reins. If he does that, Depu- WHEN IS BRITAIN'S
1922 Committee that runs ty Prime Minister Dominic NEXT NATIONAL ELEC-
party elections. Raab is a likely caretaker can- TION?
didate. Under Britain's political
The winner of the vote will rules, the next election must
become both Conservative WHAT'S THE LIKELI- be called by December 2024,
leader and prime minister, HOOD OF JOHNSON with election day five weeks
without the need for a na- LEAVING BEFORE A later.
(AP) — Boris Johnson duct allegations against a law- tional election. NEW PARTY LEADER IS
has resigned as Conser- maker before he promoted PICKED? But it could come sooner.
vative Party leader after the man to a senior position WHO COULD BECOME Johnson shows no signs of Prime ministers with a ma-
months of ethics scandals in his government led to THE NEXT PRIME MIN- going early. jority in parliament can call
and a party revolt. But he Johnson's resignation. ISTER? snap elections at will, and
remains Britain's prime Already the list of likely con- He appointed several new Johnson's successor may
minister — for now — SO IS JOHNSON STILL tenders is long and growing, Cabinet ministers on Thurs- want to seek a personal man-
while a successor is cho- PRIME MINISTER? from recently resigned Trea- day to replace those he has date by going to voters not
sen. Yes, for now. sury chief Rishi Sunak, his lost, and said they would long after being selected.
His resignation, which came successor in that job Nadhim "serve as I will until a new
With British politics in tur- after dozens of ministers quit Zahawi, Foreign Secretary leader is in place." However, with the back-
moil, here's a look at what his government in protest, Liz Truss, Attorney General drop of war in Ukraine and a
will happen next: sparks a party contest to re- Suella Braverman and De- If party officials press John- worsening cost-of-living cri-
place him as leader. All Con- fense Secretary Ben Wallace. son to quit sooner and he re- sis, they may choose to wait.
WHY IS BORIS JOHN- servative lawmakers are eligi- fuses, the chaos engulfing the
SON RESIGNING? ble to run, and party officials WHILE A NEW LEADER government could worsen in Whoever takes over from
Johnson's resignation on could open the nominations IS BEING CHOSEN, WILL the short term. Already the Johnson will try to rebuild
Thursday comes after he within hours. BORIS JOHNSON RE- government has had to can- the Conservative Party's
weathered numerous scan- MAIN PRIME MINISTER? cel business in Parliament popularity. Johnson led the
dals during a tumultuous After candidates have come Johnson has resigned as party because it has no ministers party to a big parliamentary
three years in power in which forward, Conservative law- leader, but he is still prime available to attend. majority in December 2019,
he brazenly bent and some- makers vote in a series of minister until his successor is but months of scandal have
times broke the rules of Brit- elimination rounds. The can- elected. Gavin Barwell, who served as tarnished both him and the
ish politics. didate with the lowest num- chief of staff to Prime Min- party. Polls suggest that if an
ber of votes drops out, and His predecessor, Theresa ister Theresa May, said "there election were held now the
He survived a no-confidence voting continues until there May, remained in office for was a "question whether the Conservatives would lose
vote last month. But recent are two contenders left. De- more than a month between PM will be able to lead a and the opposition Labour
revelations that Johnson pending on the number of announcing her resignation caretaker government in the Party would form the new
knew about sexual miscon- candidates, the process could and the selection of Johnson meantime -- will enough government.
Finland to boost security at Russia border with amended law
(AP) — Finland's Parlia- Sanna Marin wider powers there. riksson said in a statement. voted overwhelmingly in fa-
ment on Thursday passed to restrict border traffic in vor of welcoming the Nordic
amended legislation on exceptional situations, partic- The risk of such hybrid "I'm glad that a new exception countries as new members of
border security that al- ularly on the 1,340-kilometer threats from Moscow is seen which covers hybrid threats, the alliance.
lows for the closure of (830-mile) border with Rus- as being particularly high in particular, was added to the
crossing points with Rus- sia, the longest of any Euro- now that Finland has be- preparedness act so quickly "Sweden and Finland are an
sia amid fears that Mos- pean Union member. come an observer member with the broad support of the added value to the alliance
cow could choose to send of NATO, but not yet a full Parliament," she said. for their strategic and mili-
large numbers of migrants The changes would also al- member enjoying the alli- tary values," Albania's for-
to the frontier. low Finland, a nation of 5.5 ance's security guarantees, Following the ratification eign minister, Olta Xhacka,
million, to build barriers and pending legislative approvals of Sweden and Finland's said in a speech to lawmak-
The move by lawmakers fences along the border with in all 30 member states. NATO membership by Can- ers. "Their membership is
came just two days after Russia if needed. Finnish Russia has repeatedly said ada, Denmark, Norway, Ice- a historic development that
NATO's 30 members signed President Sauli Niinisto is over the past few years that it land and Estonia, the Alba- should be supported without
formal accession protocols due to sign the amendments is against Helsinki and Stock- nian Parliament on Thursday any hesitation."
for Finland and Sweden to into law on Friday. holm joining NATO. But
join the alliance — an out- both Finland and Sweden
come that has angered Rus- The legislative reform was decided to seek membership
sia. The two Nordic nations' prompted by the govern- in the alliance after Russia in-
membership bids were ap- ment's concern that Rus- vaded Ukraine on Feb. 24.
proved at a NATO summit sia would try to influence
at the end of June in Madrid Finland by organizing large "The security situation in
and several alliance members numbers of asylum-seekers Finland and Europe has
have already moved to ratify to the border — something changed fundamentally in
their accession. that happened at northern recent months, and espe-
The amendments approved Finnish crossing points in cially the risk of a different
by Finnish lawmakers will 2015 and 2016 as Russian au- kind of hybrid influence has
give the center-left govern- thorities reportedly ushered increased," Finnish Justice
ment led by Prime Minister thousands of asylum-seekers Minister Anna-Maja Hen-