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Tuesday 3 January 2023 locAl

            Veggie Boost

            When  it  comes  to  veggies  the  most  basic  elements
            the  island  certainly  offers  needed  for  healthy  diges-
            a  home-grown  selection.  tion:  water  and  fiber.  Sea-
            They  taste  delicious  and  son: year- round.
            have  their  specific  talents  Jambo
            to boost your immune sys-    Family of Okra, also known
            tem.  Start  the  day  with  a  as ‘lady’s fingers’: a green
            ‘batida’  (smoothie)  en-    flowering  plant.  Okra  be-
            riched with a local veggie  longs  to  the  same  plant
            touch or select your restau-  family as hibiscus and cot-
            rant that offers local vege-  ton.  A  classic  favorite  dish
            table dishes to get the real  in Aruba is Sopi di Jambo.
            pure taste of it.            It has long been favored as
                                         a food for the health-con-
            Konkomberchiquito            scious.  It  contains  potas-
            This is a sort of local squash,  sium,  vitamin  B,  vitamin  C,
            but  looks  like  a  cucumber  folic acid, and calcium. It’s
            with  prickly  skin.  The  taste  low  in  calories  and  has  a
            however is bitterer than the  high  dietary  fiber  content.
            cucumber and the vegeta-     Recently, a new benefit of
            ble is smaller in size but big-  including  okra  in  your  diet
            ger in width. Inside is a soft,  is  being  considered.  Okra
            fleshy  pulp  and  seeds,  just  has  been  suggested  to
            like  the  cucumber.  Konk-  help manage blood sugar
            omberchiquito  is  grown  in  in cases of type 1, type 2,
            the island and used in sal-  and  gestational  diabetes.
            ads  and  ‘stoba’  (stew)  or  Season: year- round.
            on  its  own  in  vinegar.  The
            veggie contains multiple B  Bonchi' Cunucu
            vitamins,  including  vitamin  A long, small bean, boiled
            B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin  for  a  side  dish  or  snack.
            B7  (biotin).  B  vitamins  are  Long beans have a chewy,
            known  to  help  ease  feel-  crunchy  texture–more  so
            ings  of  anxiety  and  buffer  than  snap  beans–and  a
            some of the damaging ef-     flavor reminiscent of the dry
            fects  of  stress.  Additionally  navy  bean  or  asparagus.
            this veggie is rich in two of  Besides  stir-fry,  soups  and

                                                                      salads,  the  long  bean  is  a                           miss it. This dish is made of
                                                                      good  choice  for  stewing,  Pompuna                      pumpkin  soup,  and  pars-
                                                                      braising  (to  remain  chewy  In  the  endless  summer  of  ley.  Pumpkins  are  rich  in
                                                                      and  firm),  sautéing,  shal-  Caribbean  living  we  only  flavonoid   polyphenolic
                                                                      low  frying,  and  deep  fry-  have to concern ourselves  antioxidants  such  as  xan-
                                                                      ing. With cooking, the long  with  a  wet  season  and  a  thin,  lutein  and  carotenes
                                                                      bean’s bean flavor intensi-  dry  season.  Still  we  do  in-  and  also  contain  vitamins.
                                                                      fies. Long beans are low in  dulge  heavily  in  the  plea-  Pumpkin seeds are a good
                                                                      calories,  about  45  calories  sures of pumpkin and enjoy  source  of  omega-3  fatty
                                                                      per cup, and rich in vitamin  Caribbean  pumpkin  reci-   acids,  vitamins,  minerals
                                                                      A and also contain vitamin  pes year round. A popular  and      proteins.   Pumpkins
                                                                      C  and  potassium.  Season:  dish  in  Aruban  restaurants  are used to make desserts,
                                                                      year-round.                  is Sopa Di Pompuna, don’t  breads and soups.q

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