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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 3 January 2023

            The president of the IOC will visit Aruba

            Recently in  newsletter, the  even as Chief of Mission for
            Aruban  Olympic  Commit-     several editions of regional
            tee  announced  that  the  and  continental  Games.
            president  of  the  Interna-  The  position  of  Treasurer
            tional  Olympic  Commit-     was previously held by Mr.
            tee will be visiting Aruba in  Giovanni  Bermudez,  who
            March.                       had  to  resign  earlier  this
                                         year due to health reasons.
            The  President  of  the  Inter-
            national  Olympic  Commit-   In the newsletter, president
            tee,  Mr.  Thomas  Bach,  will  of  COA,  Wanda  Broek-
            visit  Aruba  on  March  10th  sema  reminisced  on  the
            and  11th,  2023,  as  part  of  achievements of the COA  four  events,  our  athletes   an  audit  process,  as  part  back and will consider your
            a  visit  to  the  different  IOC  in 2022.               were able to win a medal     of  an  integral  monitoring  suggestions as we plan fu-
            Members  in  the  Carib-     “COA has had a successful  in each one of the events      process  of  all  NOCs  that  ture workshops.
            bean  region.  This  visit  was  year  with  several  exciting  in which they participated.  Olympic  Solidarity  applies
            announced  by  Mrs.  Ni-     sporting  events,  including                              annually.  In  August,  we  “Looking  ahead  to  2023,
            cole Hoevertsz to the COA  the  South  American  Youth  “However,  we  also  recog-    organized  three  evenings  we  remain  optimistic  and
            members  during  the  COA  Games  (Rosario),  the  Ca-    nize  the  need  to  continu-  of  workshops  on  impor-  believe  that  there  are
            General Assembly this past  ribbean  Games  (Guade-       ally  improve  and  identify   tant topics such as the role  great  opportunities  ahead
            December.                    loupe), the South American  areas  for  growth.  In  2023,   of  “Stichting  Sportsubsidie  for  COA  and  the  federa-
                                         Games (Asuncion), and the  we have four major games       Aruba”  (Aruba  Sport  Sub-  tions.  As  always,  we  will
            In  preparation  for  this  visit,  Caribbean Sea and Beach  on  the  horizon,  including   sidy  Foundation),  financial  maintain  the  Olympic  Val-
            the   beautification   proj-  Games (Santa Marta).        the South American Beach     administration,  leadership,  ues as our guiding principle
            ect  of  the  COA  offices                                Games  in  Santa  Marta,     branding,  and  marketing.  as we continue to support
            has  been  made  a  priority  “We  are  proud  to  report  the Central American and    We received positive feed-   sports in Aruba.q
            for  2023.  The  President  of  that at the South American  Caribbean  Games  in  San
            PanAm  Sports,  Mr.  Neven  Games  in  Asuncion,  our  Salvador, the World Beach
            Ilic,  will  be  accompanying  athletes  won  3  gold  and  Games in Bali, and the Pa-
            President  Bach  during  the  3  silver  medals,  placing  nAmerican  games  in  San-
            entire tour of the Caribbe-  Aruba  as  the  10th  highest  tiago.
            an region.                   medal earner out of the 14
                                         participating  countries.  In  “Additionally,   we   have
            Mrs.  Juelle  Thodé  elected  November,  we  also  com-   ongoing  projects  such  as
            as COA’s new treasurer       peted in the Central Ameri-  the  visit  of  IOC  President
            At  the  COA  General  As-   can and Caribbean Beach  Thomas Bach in March and
            sembly, held on December  Games and earned a gold  the  redesign  and  reopen-
            17th,  the  Member  Federa-  medal  in  iQFoiling.  At  the  ing of our offices, a project
            tions  unanimously  elected  first  edition  of  the  Carib-  which  we  call  “All  Hands
            Mrs.  Juelle  Thodé  as  the  bean  Games,  where  COA  on Deck”. It is important to
            new Treasurer of COA. Mrs.  participated  with  a  small  note  that  funding  remains
            Thodé  has  a  long  history  delegation,  consisting  of  a challenge. While we are
            of  involvement  in  sports,  only  two  female  athletes  proud  to  have  signed  an
            having served as President  (in  swimming  and  in  open  agreement with the Aruba
            of  the  Aruba  Cycling  Fed-  water  swimming),  the  re-  Tourism Authority (ATA), we
            eration,  as  well  as  Board  sults   were   outstanding.  are  actively  exploring  fur-
            member  of  the  COA,  and  Participating  in  a  total  of  ther to find ways to secure
                                                                      the necessary resources.

                                                                      “We must continue to cul-
                                                                      tivate  a  culture  of  inspira-
                                                                      tion and motivation as we
                                                                      work together to advance
                                                                      sports  in  Aruba.This  year,
                                                                      the new leadership at COA
                                                                      has  faced  a  number  of
                                                                      challenges.  This  includes
                                                                      the  resignation  of  our  col-
                                                                      league  Mr.  Giovanni  Ber-
                                                                      mudez  for  health  reasons,
                                                                      and  the  undertaking  of
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