Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba DEC 14 2020
P. 27
u.s. news Dialuna 14 December 2020
Former development aide accuses Cuomo of sexual harassment
A former aide to New York March 2015 to October 2018,
Gov. Andrew Cuomo who serving first as executive vice
is now running for Man- president of Empire State
hattan borough president Development, and then as a
accused him of sexual special adviser to Cuomo for
harassment in a series of economic development.
tweets Sunday, saying he
made inappropriate com- She did not provide details of
ments about her appear- the alleged harassment and
ance. didn't immediately respond
to messages from The As-
Lindsey Boylan tweeted sociated Press. Boylan later
that the Democratic gover- tweeted, "To be clear: I have
nor "sexually harassed me no interest in talking to jour-
for years. Many saw it, and nalists. I am about validating
watched." the experience of countless
women and making sure
"I could never anticipate what abuse stops."
to expect: would I be grilled
on my work (which was very Boylan's sexual harassment
good) or harassed about my allegation against Cuomo
looks. Or would it be both in comes after The Associated
the same conversation? This Press and others reported
was the way for years," she that the 63-year-old governor
continued. is under consideration for the
job of attorney general in the as the worst job she ever had. unwrapping it years later in that the incumbent wasn't
Asked for comment, Cuo- administration of President- therapy!" progressive enough. She an-
mo's press secretary Caitlin elect Joe Biden. "I tried to quit three times nounced last month that
Girouard said, "There is sim- before it stuck. I've worked Boylan ran against U.S. Rep. she is running in the 2021
ply no truth to these claims." Earlier this month, Boylan hard my whole life. Hustled Jerrold Nadler in the 2020 Democratic primary to suc-
had also tweeted about her - fake it till you make it style," Democratic primary, garner- ceed Manhattan Borough
Boylan, 36, worked for the work experience in the Cuo- she wrote. "That environ- ing 22% of the vote in a cam- President Gale Brewer, who
Cuomo administration from mo administration, listing it ment is beyond toxic. I'm still paign in which she argued is term-limited.
Vaccines are on the way to states
The first shipments of a COV- tions face soaring costs and demands ing to the Italian Health Ministry on
ID-19 vaccine for widespread use for help, yet are largely without their Sunday, Italy's known death toll stood QUOTABLE: "It's very exciting. I
in the United States are headed own support systems, including vol- at 64,520. Britain's toll, according to will be thrilled, that moment when
from Michigan to distribution unteers and in-person fundraising Johns Hopkins data, stood at 64,267 we administer our first dose," said
centers across the country. The events. as of Sunday evening. Dr. Graham Snyder, the medical di-
first round of the Pfizer vaccine rector of infection prevention and
will be given this week to health Italy on Sunday registered 484 con- THE NUMBERS: The seven-day hospital epidemiology at UPMC in
care workers and at nursing firmed COVID-19 deaths, one of rolling average of deaths per day in Pittsburgh. "That will clearly be a wa-
homes. its lowest daily death tolls in about a the U.S. rose to 2,379, up from 1,477 tershed moment for us."
month. But those latest deaths were at the end of November, accord-
Despite record amounts of charitable enough to eclipse Britain's toll as hav- ing to the COVID Tracking Project. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: In San
donations this year, nonprofits across ing Europe's highest toll in the pan- The seven-day rolling average of new Joaquin County, part of California's
the U.S. are being suffocated by the demic, according to tracking done by confirmed cases also has jumped, to vast Central Valley that produces most
effects of the pandemic as organiza- Johns Hopkins University. Accord- 210,454 from 166,123 on Nov. 27. of the country's fruits and vegetables,
the coronavirus is spreading like a
weed and the hospitals are running
out of beds for the sickest patients.
San Joaquin is part of a 12-county
region that on Saturday had 100% of
its intensive care unit beds filled, the
highest rate anywhere in California.
COVID-19 vaccines have begun
shipping in the U.S. after getting
emergency authorization, supplies
will be limited for some time. Of-
ficials say around 3 million shots
would be shipped initially, with allo-
cations based on a state's population
of people 18 and older. The govern-
ment was holding back enough to en-
sure people can get a necessary second
dose. For now, only Pfizer's vaccine is
being shipped, but other vaccines are
making their way through the review
process. In December, officials ex-
pect to be able to give 20 million first
shots. Wide availability is expected by
the middle of next year.