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                                                                                                           local Thursday 9 February 2023

            11-year-old Fabio Alexander fights for his

            dream of playing soccer for Real Madrid

                                                                      dedication,  discipline  and
                                                                      love  for  soccer,  Alexander
                                                                      received  an  invitation  to
                                                                      travel to Madrid and realize
                                                                      the dream that a lot of kids,
                                                                      adults  and  soccer  fanat-
                                                                      ics have: playing soccer in
                                                                      Madrid  for  the  foundation
                                                                      of  one  of  the biggest  soc-
                                                                      cer club in the world, Real  talked  with  Alexander’s  covered,  it’s  still  very  ex-
                                                                      Madrid.                      mother,  Claudia  Meriño,  pensive  and  we  still  have
                                                                                                   who explained more about  to  pay  for  Alexander  and
                                                                      “I’m  very  happy  that  I  re-  the costs.               his plus one’s flight,” Meriño
                                                                      ceived  an  invitation.  It’s                             explained.
                                                                      going  to  be  a  once  in  a  “It’s a big sum, but we are
            (Oranjestad)—Fabio      Al-  in a lifetime opportunity to  lifetime  experience  that  I  working  hard  to  make  his  The  tournament  will  take
            exander  Montilla  is  an  play  in  Madrid,  Spain,  in  will  never  forget.  I’m  very  dream  come  true.  It’s  not  place  from  March  31st  to
            11-year-old boy with a love  the  Real  Madrid  Founda-   excited  to  play  in  Madrid  cheap,  we  have  to  play  April 8th. If anyone is inter-
            for  soccer.  He  currently  tion World Challenge Tour-   and  even  meet  some  of  for everything. They are of-   est  in  contributing  in  Alex-
            plays  for  the  local  club  nament 2023.                the  professional  players,  if  fering  a  package  that  in-  ander’s  dream,  Claudia  is
            RCA and Team Dreyer, with                                 I’m  lucky,”  Alexander  ex-  cludes   accommodation,  available  through  phone
            whom  he  recently  to  Co-  Last  year,  Alexander  was  pressed.                     food,  transport  and  a  few  call  at  7307325.  “Any  help
            lombia  with  to  play  in  the  a  part  of  the  Real  Madrid  To make this dream a real-  tours, plus uniform and en-  or  contribution,  no  matter
            Future Soccer Cup Tourna-    Foundation Clinic that took  ity, Alexander’s parents has  try  for  the  tournament  for  how  big  or  small,  will  be
            ment (FSC). In March, Fabio  place  in  Aruba.  Through  to  cover  the  travel  costs  the  plus  one.  However,  greatly appreciated,” Mer-
            Alexander  had  the  once  this, coupled with his talent,  to  Madrid.  Bon  Dia  Aruba  even  with  all  these  things  iño finalized.q

            Vacation Rental Professionals of Aruba thank the Police Force

            Security of vacation rental properties is extremely important for our tourism

            ORANJESTAD  –  Recently,  some                                          avoid giving a pattern that can be  Another very efficient option is in-
            acts of burglary committed in va-                                       deduced by the potential intruder.  stalling  a  ‘ring  doorbell’.  The  ring
            cation rental properties caught at-                                                                         doorbell is a smart doorbell that in-
            tention,  as  did  the  fact  that  those                               ‘Neighborhood watch’                cludes the installation of cameras
            responsible  were  caught.  During                                      For  many  years,  different  neigh-  that connect automatically with a
            the  months  in  which  the  burglar-                                   borhoods can be noted having a  phone and give live access when
            ies  were  taking  place,  the  Vaca-                                   neighborhood  watch.  VRPA  ap-     a person is in front of the house. All
            tion  Rental  Professionals  of  Aruba                                  plauds  the  fact  that  neighbors  these  installations  give  the  owner
            (VRPA) were aware of this and were                                      organize  as  a  neighborhood  and  of  vacation  rentals  a  chance  to
            working behind the curtain togeth-  practices to prevent burglaries.    have  good  communication  for  contact  the  police  a  lot  faster  to
            er  with  the  Police  Department  to                                   the  security  of  every  house  in  the  notify of any suspicious activity.
            follow the steps of the burglars and  Light  and  motion  detectors  instal-  area. Through a chat group, every
            help catch those responsible.       lation                              neighbor  has  communication  for  Insurance
                                                Most burglaries take place at night  any  unusual  development.  Intro-  An important aspect for vacation
            These  incidents  are  regrettable  or before dawn, since the darkness  duction of a neighborhood watch  rental  is  also  to  have  insurance
            since  they  affect  our  visitors,  the  provides  the  burglars  with  better  can help control burglaries. For va-  for  burglary.  This  certainly  helps  in
            owners  of  the  properties,  and  in  chances of hiding in the dark and  cation rentals, the group chat can  case those properties are victim of
            the end also our tourism in general,  avoid  being  seen.  Light  installa-  be  notified  when  there  is  a  guest  burglary,  and  also  gives  guests  a
            VRPA said in a press release.       tions and motion detectors turn on  and how long they will be staying.   sense of security.
            The association said that the secu-  lights  and  indicate  that  there  is  a
            rity of vacation rental properties is  person  on  the  property,  and  can  Security camera installation   VRPA  advices  all  companies  that
            extremely important for the expe-   help  make  identifying  the  burglar  Security  cameras  are  essential  for  manage vacation rentals to carry
            rience  of  the  visitor.  The  fact  that  easier.  Motion  detectors  can  also  vacation rental properties. Installa-  out  an  analysis  of  each  property
            those responsible for the burglaries  be installed indoors.             tion of exterior cameras on a prop-  and inform each owner on how to
            were caught must not rule out that                                      erty, whether managed by a secu-    improve security of their property.
            there  could  be  more  people  in-  Vacation rental automation         rity  company  or  by  the  owner  of  VRPA  thanks  the  Police  Force  of
            volved or that after some time they  Nowadays,  many  of  the  automa-  the property, gives the advantage  Aruba  for  their  great  efforts  and
            will continue with burglaries, so it is  tion installations, “smart”, give you  of  always  having  a  view  of  the  work  solving  these  burglaries,  as
            important to remain vigilant.       control  of  your  property  from  an  property. These days security cam-  well  as  thanking  the  alert  com-
            In the context of maintaining long-  app  in  your  phone,  tablet  or  lap-  eras give the owner the option of  munity.  For  the  protection  of  va-
            term  security  of  the  properties,  top.  Be  it  lights  or  any  electronic  receiving  a  notification  on  their  cation  rentals  and  our  tourism  it
            VRPA gives some tips and advice  device, these can be programmed  smartphone  for  every  movement  is  important  to  remain  vigilant  for
            for best practices for owners of va-  with a timer to be turned on or off.  or  sound.  There  are  also  cameras  any  unusual  activities,  and  if  any-
            cation  rentals  as  well  as  property  It is important that each program-  that  have  the  option  of  speaking  one  notices  something  strange,
            managers.  While  each  vacation  ming,  be  it  light  or  electronic  de-  or alerting the person to leave the  contact police immediately as well
            rental  has  its  own  security  needs,  vice, has a different time in which  property through your phone.   as  the  company  managing  the
            there  are  some  important  basic  it is turned on each day in order to                                    property.q
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