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Thursday 9 February 2023
‘Knock at the Cabin’ twists the home invasion horror
By JAKE COYLE all-consuming visions — like
AP Film Writer warped versions of those
Knock. Knock. that preoccupy the char-
It being mid-winter (typi- acters in “Close Encoun-
cally a doldrums in movie ters of the Third Kind” of
theaters), it’s a cozy relief the doom that awaits if the
to be able to throw open family in this random cabin
the door and find M. Night doesn’t, within hours, kill
Shyamalan standing there one of themselves.
with his near-annual help- This isn’t, like last year’s “Bar-
ing of high-concept thriller. barian,” another chasten-
His last one, “Old,” about ing example of the dangers
vacationers trapped on that lurk within the poorly
a private beach where chosen Airbnb, (though
aging is accelerated a I, for one, will henceforth
kind of high-speed “White not be clicking “Shyama-
Lotus” fittingly arrived in lanian allegory” in all future
the summer. But this qui- bookings). This is, like most
eter, gloomier time of year of Shyamalan’s schemes,
seems perfectly designed a sincere metaphorical
for Shyamalan to burst in proposition. What’s more
with his signature brand of important: Preserving one’s
big-screen bonkers and family or the larger world?
some new twists to the This image released by Universal Pictures shows Dave Bautista, from left, Abby Quinn, and Nikki There are, of course, rea-
age-old question of “Who’s Amuka-Bird in a scene from “Knock at the Cabin.” sons to be dubious of
there?” Associated Press strangers who turn up in
“Knock at the Cabin,” Shyamalan’s films often flirt malan, too, is gathering to be a tad more sinister. your vacation rental asking
which opens in theaters with higher powers and ex- specimens into a hermeti- He and three others, who for blood to spare human-
Friday, is at once like every istential conundrums, noth- cally sealed vessel for in- soon also emerge from ity. Are they delusional?
previous Shyamalan film ing reigns in his movie uni- quiry. One calmly walks the forest, are there, as Has this gay couple been
and a thrilling departure. verse more than The Con- right out of the woods. Leonard patiently lays out, targeted? Do their de-
Gimmicky set-up? Check. cept. And in the gripping A hulking, bespectacled to give Gwen’s parents a mands not sound a little
Queasy spiritualism? You “Knock at the Cabin,” he man (Dave Bautista) strides choice that will dictate like the nuttery of some of
bet. But as a self-contained, carefully teases it, exploits up to Gwen, politely intro- the fate of the world. After today’s real-world attack-
handsomely staged thriller it and dutifully follows it to duces himself as Leonard forcing their way into the ers? Eric and Andrew sense
— after the knocking, the its ultimate conclusion with and makes kindly chit chat cabin, Leonard flanked the same kind of brutality
film takes place almost en- the command of a sea- while occasionally glanc- by Sabrina (Nikki Amuka- that they’ve experienced
tirely within a remote cabin soned professional. ing back over his shoul- Bird), Redmond (Rupert all their lives as gay men.
Shyamalan’s latest finds the Just outside a cabin in a der. Then he says the rea- Grint) and Adriane (Abby Flashbacks to their past,
filmmaker working in an ap- wooded forest, 7-year-old son he’s there makes him Quinn) informs Gwen’s two including moments of bliss
pealingly straightforward Gwen (Kristen Cui) is col- heartbroken. He describes dads, Eric (Jonathan Groff) and pain, suggest this lurid
and stripped-down fashion. lecting grasshoppers in a it as “maybe the most im- and Andrew (Ben Aldridge) episode is part of a larger
We have our cabin, our glass jar. “I’m just going portant job in the history of that they must make a narrative of a loving fam-
small cast of characters to learn about you for a the world.” sacrifice to stave off glob- ily forged against a harsh
and, above all, our pre- while,” she tells one as she Before you exclaim “Podia- al apocalypse. Each has world. “Always together” is
posterous premise. Though slides it into the jar. Shya- try!” Leonard’s job turns out come to the cabin after the couple’s mantra.q
At last: Streisand memoir ‘My Name is Barbra’ coming Nov. 7
By HILLEL ITALIE an actress, eventually turn- cades, with the singer tell- later, although it didn’t
AP National Writer ing to singing to earn a liv- ing Jimmy Fallon in 2021 have a title at the time. A
NEW YORK (AP) — Barbra ing; the recording of some that Jacqueline Kennedy reference to it on her web
Streisand’s very long and of her acclaimed albums; Onassis asked her to write site, posted in 2015, was
very long-awaited memoir, the years of effort involved one in the early 1980s, later pulled.
a project she has talked in making ‘Yentl’; her direc- when the former first lady Financial terms for the
about for years, is com- tion of ‘The Prince of Tides’; was an editor at Double- memoir were not dis-
ing out this fall. Viking, a her friendships with figures day. During an Associated closed. Streisand was rep-
Penguin Random House ranging from Marlon Bran- Press interview in 2009, Stre- resented by Robert Bar-
imprint, will release “My do to Madeleine Albright; isand mentioned that she nett, the Washington at-
Name is Barbra” on Nov. 7. her political advocacy; had been writing chapters torney whose other clients
Her memoir, fitting for a and the fulfillment she’s about her life, in longhand. have ranged from Barack
superstar of the grandest found in her marriage to “I go back and forth,” Strei- Obama to Elton John.
ambitions, is listed at 1,040 James Brolin.” sand said at the time. “Do Streisand, 80 has long been
pages. “The book is, like “My Name Is Barbra” also is I really want to write about wary of discussing her pri-
Barbra herself, frank, funny, the title of a 1965 Streisand my life? Do I really want to vate life, including her re-
opinionated, and charm- album and television spe- relive my life? I’m not sure.” lationships with actor Elliott This cover image released
ing,” according to the pub- cial. The memoir was first an- Gould and producer Jon by Viking shows “My Name is
lisher. “She recounts her Publishers have sought a nounced in 2015, and Peters. She has been mar- Barbra” by Barbra Streisand.
early struggles to become Streisand memoir for de- scheduled for two years ried to Brolin since 1998.q Associated Press