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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Thursday 9 February 2023

            Parents at school where boy, 6, shot teacher prepare to sue

            By BEN FINLEY                                                                                                       own  legal  notice,  which
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lays out a series of damning
            NORFOLK,  Va.  (AP)  —  The                                                                                         allegations.
            families of two students at a                                                                                       The  document  says  that
            Virginia  elementary  school                                                                                        several  hours  before  the
            where  a  6-year-old  shot                                                                                          shooting,  at  least  three
            and  wounded  his  teacher                                                                                          teachers  and  staff  mem-
            have filed notices of poten-                                                                                        bers warned school admin-
            tial legal action against the                                                                                       istrators that they believed
            school system over trauma                                                                                           the boy had brought a gun
            they say the shooting inflict-                                                                                      to school. The boy’s back-
            ed on their children.                                                                                               pack was searched, but no
            The  parents  of  a  first-grad-                                                                                    gun was found, and admin-
            er  said  their  daughter  was                                                                                      istrators did not remove the
            in the classroom when the                                                                                           boy  from  class,  lock  down
            shooting   occurred    and                                                                                          the school or call police.
            “suffered  emotional  harm                                                                                          Two days before the shoot-
            as  a  result.”  The  parents                                                                                       ing,  the  boy  allegedly
            also alleged that school of-                                                                                        “slammed”  Zwerner’s  cell-
            ficials failed to protect their                                                                                     phone  and  broke  it,  ac-
            daughter  throughout  the                                                                                           cording  to  her  claim  no-
            school  year  from  bullying,                                                                                       tice.  He  was  given  a  one-
            harassment and assault.      Students return to Richneck Elementary in Newport News, Va., on Monday, Jan. 30, 2023.  day  suspension,  but  when
            A  letter  from  the  other                                                                        Associated Press   he  returned  to  Zwerner’s
            child’s  family  cites  “injuries                                                                                   class the following day, he
            sustained  during  a  school  them. They were first report-  to  Richneck  Elementary  dence,  including  emails  pulled  a  9  mm  handgun
            shooting  on  January  6,  ed by the Daily Press.         and  intentionally  shot  his  regarding any student who  out of his pocket and shot
            2023.”  Their  attorney  did  The  notices  were  the  lat-  teacher, Abby Zwerner, as  allegedly  bullied,  harassed  her while she sat at a read-
            not  elaborate  further,  al-  est  fallout  from  a  shooting  she  was  teaching  her  first-  or assaulted their daughter.  ing table, the notice states.
            though  authorities  have  that  has  sent  shockwaves  grade  class.  Zwerner,  25,  The  parents  of  the  other  The letter from Zwerner’s at-
            said that no children were  through  the  shipbuilding  was  hospitalized  for  nearly  student  were  not  named  torney  also  states  that  the
            physically  harmed  during  city  near  the  Chesapeake  two  weeks  but  is  now  re-  in their attorney’s letter, al-  child  constantly  cursed  at
            the incident.                Bay  and  drawn  mounting  covering at home.              though  the  notice  makes  staff and teachers, chased
            Both  notices  were  dated  criticism of school adminis-  One  of  the  legal  notices  a  similar  request  for  the  students  around  and  tried
            Jan.  30.  Newport  News  trators.                        was  filed  by  “Mr.  and  Mrs.  school  system  to  preserve  to  whip  them  with  his  belt
            Public  Schools  provided  Police  have  said  the  first-  Anthony  Nieves  Jr.,”  and  evidence.                  and once choked another
            the  letters  to  The  Associat-  grade  student  brought  his  asks  the  school  system  to  Zwerner’s  attorney,  Diane  teacher “until she couldn’t
            ed  Press  after  it  requested  mother’s  9  mm  handgun  preserve   potential   evi-  Toscano,  recently  filed  her  breathe.”q

            California proposal would reinstate prisoners’ voting rights

             By STEFANIE DAZIO           tional amendment.            ons never lose their right to  cerated,  the  conference  with  nonprofit  Initiate  Jus-
             Associated Press            It would be a major expan-   vote,  even  while  they  are  says.  The  right  is  automati-  tice  who  was  released  in
             LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Cali-  sion  of  suffrage  for  incar-  in prison, according to the  cally  reinstated  upon  re-  September after 13 years in
             fornia voters could decide  cerated  people  if  passed.  National  Conference  of  lease.                         state prison, said he want-
             whether to reinstate voting  California would join Maine  State Legislatures.         Some  states’  laws  require  ed to have his voice heard
             rights to people in prison on  and  Vermont,  as  well  as  The  California  bill,  intro-  probation  and  parole  to  while he was incarcerated.
             felony convictions under a  the District of Columbia, as  duced Monday by Assem-      be  completed  for  the  res-  “Despite  what  many  peo-
             newly  proposed  constitu-  the  only  states  where  fel-  bly  Member  Isaac  Bryan,  toration  of  voting  rights.  In  ple assume, people in pris-
                                                                      proposes  an  amendment  other states, people incar-      on  care  about  the  same
                                                                      to the state constitution.   cerated  on  certain  crimes  political issues that we out-
                                                                      “Democracy  thrives  when  lose  their  rights  indefinitely  side do,” he said Wednes-
                                                                      everybody  has  a  chance  after release.                 day during a news confer-
                                                                      to have their voice heard,”  The  California  Constitution  ence  supporting  the  legis-
                                                                      Bryan wrote on Twitter.      currently  disqualifies  peo-  lation.
                                                                      Two-thirds  of  each  cham-  ple  who  are  incarcerated  Bryan, a Los Angeles Dem-
                                                                      ber of the state legislature  in  state  or  federal  prison  ocrat and the chair of the
                                                                      must  vote  yes  for  the  bill  from  voting  and  restores  Assembly’s  Committee  on
                                                                      just for it to appear on the  the right upon their release.  Elections,  faces  a  tough
                                                                      ballot as a proposition. Vot-  The law previously required  sell  for  the  two-thirds  vote.
                                                                      ers must then approve it by  felons  to  complete  their  While the Legislature is con-
                                                                      a  simple  majority  for  it  to  parole  period  before  get-  trolled  by  Democrats,  the
                                                                      become  a  constitutional  ting back their right to vote;  party has conservative rep-
                                                                      amendment.                   Californians  approved  the  resentatives  from  rural  ar-
                                                                      California   is   currently  change  to  get  rid  of  that  eas and major progressive
             Barbed  wire  and  a  guard  tower  is  seen  at  San  Quentin  State   among 21 states where fel-  requirement in a 2020 con-  policies aren’t guaranteed
             Prison on April 12, 2022, in San Quentin, Calif.         ons  only  lose  their  right  to  stitutional amendment.
                                                     Associated Press                                                           to pass.q
                                                                      vote  while  they  are  incar-  David  Cruz,  an  organizer
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