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WORLD NEWS Thursday 9 February 2023
MH17 inquiry: ‘Strong indications’ Putin OK’d missile
Associated Press
THE HAGUE, Netherlands
(AP) — An internation-
al team of investigators
said Wednesday it found
“strong indications” that
Russian President Vladimir
Putin approved the sup-
ply of heavy anti-aircraft
weapons to Ukrainian sep-
aratists who shot down Ma-
laysia Airlines flight MH17 in
2014 with a Russian missile.
However, members of the
Joint Investigation Team
said they had insufficient
evidence to prosecute Pu-
tin or any other suspects
and they suspended their
8½-year inquiry into the
shooting down that killed
all 298 people on board Digna van Boetzelaer, the Netherlands, Andy Kraag, the Netherlands, David McLean, Australia,
the Boeing 777 flying from Asha Hoe Soo Lian, Malaysia, Eric van der Sypt, Belgium, and Oleksandr Bannyk, Ukraine, take
their seats for the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) news conference in The Hague, Netherlands,
Amsterdam to Kuala Lum- Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023, on the results of the ongoing investigation into other parties involved in
pur. the downing of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014.
Russia has always denied Associated Press
any involvement in the MH17 to Ukrainian separat- have been exhausted.” No, because we think we
downing of the flight over ists. She also said that, as head came further than we had
eastern Ukraine on July 17, “Although we speak of of state, Putin would have ever thought in 2014. Would
2014, and refused to coop- strong indications, the immunity from prosecu- we have liked to come fur-
erate with the international high bar of complete and tion in the Netherlands. The ther? Of course, yes,” said
investigation. conclusive evidence is not team played a recording Andy Kraag of the Dutch
Dutch prosecutors said reached,” Dutch prosecu- of an intercepted phone police.
that “there are strong in- tor Digna van Boetzelaer call in which they said Pu- The team informed rela-
dications that the Russian said, adding that with- tin could be heard discuss- tives of those killed in the
president decided on sup- out Russian cooperation, ing the conflict in eastern downing of MH17 of their
plying” a Buk missile system “the investigation has now Ukraine. findings before making
the weapon that downed
reached its limit. All leads “Are we disappointed? them public.q
Minister: 1 in 5 crimes in Spain now committed online
MADRID (AP) — Spain’s press conference in Ma- “This ... has a remarkable fense minister approved
government on Wednes- drid. and negative impact on the creation of a new mili-
day pledged stronger ac- Almost 90% of cybercrimes national interests, institu- tary cyberoperations train-
tion against cybercrime, reported last year involved tions, companies and citi- ing school to further rein-
saying it has come to ac- online fraud schemes, zens,” he added. force national security on-
count for about a fifth of all Grande-Marlaska said. On Tuesday, Spain’s de- line.
offenses registered in the Spain is among the coun-
country. tries that suffer the largest
Interior Minister Fernando numbers of remote online
Grande-Marlaska said po- attacks in the world, ac-
lice would be given ad- cording to data from an-
ditional staff, funding and tivirus protection specialist
resources to address online ESET. Small businesses are
crime. He said reported particularly affected.
cases of cybercrime were José Cano, Research Di-
up 72% last year compared rector at market intelli-
to 2019, and 352% com- gence firm IDC Spain, said
pared to 2015. a lack of talent and skills
“The ... decline in conven- had left Spanish businesses
tional crime and the in- exposed to the increas-
crease in cybercrime has ing sophistication of online
brought us to a turning criminals, who are innovat-
point: today, one in every Interior Minister of Spain Fernando Grande-Marlaska, center, ing to bypass multi-factor
five crimes in Spain is com- arrives to the church in Algeciras, Spain, on Jan. 26, 2023. authentication and other
mitted online,” he told a Associated Press safeguards.q