Page 23 - MIN TTC 8 OCT 2015
P. 23
BUSINESSThursday 8 October 2015
Pandora says it will buy Ticketfly for $450M Urban Outfitters:
On-call schedules
MARLEY JAY people give a “thumbs up” people are spending more an annual profit. in New York over
AP Business Writer to their music on Pandora. money on live music, but Last year it launched a
NEW YORK (AP) — Stream- “We believe this acquisi- about 40 percent of all con- marketing platform for art- MICHAEL VIRTANEN
ing music company Pan- tion closes the loop for cert tickets still go unsold. ists, followed this year by Associated Press
dora said Wednesday it is Pandora by creating a They say that is because an audio messaging ser- ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Urban
buying ticket seller Ticketfly one-stop-shop for artist fans often don’t know that vice artists can use to de- Outfitters will end on-call
for $450 million in a deal the discovery, marketing, and artists they like are in town, liver messages to fans. This scheduling at stores in New
two see changing the way concert ticket sales,” said something they hope to spring it worked with the York state, becoming the
fans find new music and Stifel Nicolaus analyst John remedy. Rolling Stones to promote latest retailer to respond to
learn about concerts, and Egbert. “Pandora can now Ticketfly’s main business, their North American “Zip Attorney General Eric Sch-
artists plan their tours. share in the upside of live and the source of Pando- Code” tour. It also worked neiderman’s inquiry into
Pandora says about 80 mil- music industry growth that ra’s interest, is with smaller with the electronic mu- the practice of requiring
lion people use its free ser- is undoubtedly being driv- venues and indepen- sic duo Odesza, boosting workers to report for shifts
vice every month to listen en in large part by rapid dent artists because that’s the profile of a group not on short notice.
to music and comedy on growth in streaming music where most concert tickets nearly as well known as the The Philadelphia-based re-
their computers and mo- consumption.” are sold, Egbert said. He Stones. tailer plans to phase in the
bile devices. Ticketfly pro- The deal, which is expect- said the purchase will make The companies say San change next month, Sch-
vides ticketing and mar- ed to be complete by the Pandora “the premier plat- Francisco-based Ticket- neiderman said. The com-
keting software for venues end of this year, comes at form for independent artist fly sold 16 million tickets pany agreed to provide
and event promoters, mak- a time when fewer people marketing.” to 90,000 events last year, New York employees with
ing it easier for fans to find are buying and download- Pandora went public in with the value of those tick- work schedules at least
and buy tickets. ing music and more are 2011 and reported $921 ets surpassing $500 million. one week in advance, he
The combination will allow streaming it. Meanwhile, million in revenue in 2014. They added that 14 million said. Urban Outfitters did
them harness data gener- touring is becoming a big- Most of that comes from people visit Ticketfly’s sites not immediately respond
ated by their users to tell ger and bigger source of selling ads, although Pan- each month. Egbert said to requests for comment.
fans when bands they like income for artists. dora also sells subscrip- Ticketfly had about $55 mil- “Workers deserve basic
are in town and sell them Pandora and Ticketfly say tions for $5 a month. The lion in revenue in 2014 and protections, including a re-
tickets, while steering art- concert ticket sales in North Oakland, California-based should have $75 million to liable work schedule that
ists to areas where a lot of America are growing and company has yet to report $80 million this year. q allows them to budget liv-
ing expenses, arrange for
Wall Street moves sideways, ends with solid gains childcare needs, and plan
their days,” Schneiderman
Trader Richard Newman, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Stocks post- the S&P 500 index was Yum said.
ed solid gains in a quiet session Wednesday, helped by advances in health-care and industrial Brands, the parent compa- In April, his office wrote to
companies. ny of KFC, Taco Bell and Piz- 13 major retailers question-
za Hut. Yum sank $15.71, or ing the on-call practice.
(AP Photo/Richard Drew) 19 percent, to $67.71 after The letter also cited possi-
the restaurant operator’s ble violations of New York’s
KEN SWEET Thursday’s release of min- percent, to 4,791.15. profits and sales missed an- requirement to pay hourly
AP Business Writer utes from the Federal Re- The biggest gainers were alysts’ expectations. Sales staff for at least four hours
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks serve’s latest policy meet- stocks that were hit hard- in China, a major market when they report for work.
posted solid gains in a ing and the start of corpo- est the day before: health- for KFC, rose only 2 percent, Other retailers with agree-
quiet session Wednesday, rate earnings season. The care, particularly biotech- far less than expected. ments are L. Brands’ Bath &
helped by advances in Dow Jones industrial aver- nology companies, and Events over the next two Body Works and Victoria’s
health-care and industrial age rose 122.10 points, or energy stocks. Drugmaker weeks are likely to deter- Secret for their U.S. stores,
companies. 0.7 percent, to 16,912.29. Amgen rose nearly 5 per- mine the market’s next as well as Abercrombie &
Without any major eco- The Standard & Poor’s 500 cent, Celgene rose 4 per- move. Fitch and Gap Inc.
nomic reports to work with, index added 15.91 points, cent and Regeneron Phar- Earnings season will unof- San Francisco-based Gap
trading was lighter than usu- or 0.8 percent, to 1,995.83 maceuticals rose nearly 6 ficially start Thursday when said its decision also ap-
al. Many investors remain and the Nasdaq compos- percent. Alcoa, the giant maker of plies to its other brands,
on the sidelines ahead of ite rose 42.79 points, or 0.9 By far the biggest loser in aluminum and other met- including Banana Repub-
als, will report its results. Ex- lic, Old Navy and Athleta,
pectations for this round of and the change will apply
earnings are low. Analysts “across our global organi-
expect third-quarter results zation.”
to be down 5.1 percent New Albany, Ohio-based
from last year, according Abercrombie said it will dis-
to FactSet, which would be continue call-in shift sched-
the first back-to-back quar- uling in New York by year’s
terly drop in earnings since end, with a long-term goal
2009. of ending it nationally, the
“Expectations are so low change also applying its
this quarter that it’s not go- other brands Hollister and
ing to be hard for compa- Abercrombie Kids.
nies to beat,” said Jack Ab- Schneiderman’s office
lin, chief investment officer also sent letters to J. Crew
at BMO Private Bank, over- Group Inc., Burlington
seeing $66 billion in assets. Coat Factory, TJX Com-
Another concern lingering panies, Target Corp., Sears
on investors’ minds is wheth- Holding Corp., Williams-So-
er the global economy is noma Inc., Crocs, Ann Inc.
entering a downturn.q and J.C. Penney Co. Inc.q