Page 8 - ATD20MAR2023
P. 8

a8    local
                     Monday 20 March 2023

            Coder Dojo for children of all ages at the National Library

            ORANJESTAD - The  Full                                                                 Library with an agreement.
            Stack Vision foundation has
            ‘Coder Dojo’ lessons at the                                                            Mrs. Astrid Britten,  Direc-
            National  Library for over a                                                           tor of the National Library,
            year in Oranjestad and San                                                             signed this agreement and
            Nicolas.                                                                               is  happy  that Coder Dojo
                                                                                                   remains at the library for
            To offer this Dojo, Full Stack                                                         the next four years.
            Vision  Foundation started                                                             A Coder Dojo sign was re-
            a collaboration with the                                                               cently installed  in  the Li-
            National Library in 2021.                                                              brary  in Oranjestad and
            It launched its first Coder                                                            San Nicolas and was cre-
            Dojo session at the Nation-                                                            ated by Adolfo and Joshua
            al Library in Oranjestad and                                                           Valbuena.q
            soon after at the Library in  They can explore  and ex-   join can find more informa-
            San  Nicolas.  Both are suc-  periment and play.  The  tion on https://arucoder-
            cessful.                     children will  work together
                                         on different projects.
            What is Coder Dojo?
                                         Full Stack  Vision Founda-   Mr. Bruce Harms  and  Mrs.
            Each session of the Coder  tion works with volunteers  Thanya Croes of Full Stack
            Dojo provides children the  as mentors to ensure each  Vision Foundation gave
            opportunity to learn about  child gets proper guidance  their     observation   and
            coding, website  develop-    and attention.               shared  their ideas  for the
            ment, apps, programs and                                  future.
            computer     games,    and   Parents interested in this  They formalized their  part-
            computer engineering.        program for the children to  nership with the National

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal

            visitors at Divi Aruba All Inclusive Resort

            The Aruba Tourism Author-    more than 20 years con-      Honoree was:
            ity recently recognized the  secutively. The  Honoring    Goodwill Ambassadors 20>
            Goodwill Ambassador  of  certification program  has       years:
            Aruba. Presenting the Am-    three levels, which are di-
            bassador  with the Distin-   vided according to the       Vangelina Sampson resi-
            guished certification  as a  quantity of consecutive      dent   of   Massachusetts,
            token of appreciation. The  years visiting the island.    United  States (has been
            Distinguished certification                               coming to Aruba for 30
            is granted to ambassadors  Honoring Levels:               years).
            to recognize, the loyalty,  •    Distinguished Ambas-
            friendship, and visits to the    sadors: 10> years        Ms. Olga Ruiz representing
            island of Aruba. Goodwill  •     Goodwill Ambassadors:    the  Aruba Tourism Author-
            Honoree has  been choos-         20> years                ity, and members of Divi
            ing Aruba as her preferred  •    Emerald Ambassadors:     Aruba All Inclusive  Resort
            vacation  destination for        35> years                bestowed the certification
                                                                      of the  Goodwill Ambas-
                                                                      sador. The honorees were
                                                                      presented with the Good-     favored vacation destina-    Top reason for returning
                                                                      will Ambassador Certificate  tion for so many years. We  to Aruba, provided by the
                                                                      and memorable gifts.         are so honored to have  honorees were:
                                                                                                   had such a wonderful  visi-  Mrs. Sampson reasons:
                                                                      On  behalf  of the Aruba  tor over all these years! Aru- 1.  Family
                                                                      Government, we  would  ba is without a doubt your  2.  Friends
                                                                      like to express our gratitude  home away from home!       3.  Family friends
                                                                      and appreciation to Mrs.                                  4.  Safe
                                                                      Vangelina Sampson. Thank                                  5.  The friendliest island  in
                                                                      you for making Aruba your                                    the worldq
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