Page 7 - ATD20MAR2023
P. 7
local Monday 20 March 2023
Fitch upgrades Aruba’s credit rating to BB+
(NLTimes)—Fitch Ratings island, namely tourism, for
has announced the great external shock.
news that the credit rating
(rate of financial credibility) Fitch Ratings gives the Aru-
of the Aruban government ban government recogni-
has improved to BB+. This is tion for the strong recovery
the result of the evaluation in Aruba’s economy and
by Fitch Ratings back in public finanses after the
February, where there have pandemic. Other positive
been many discussion with points accentuated by
various government actors Fitch Ratings is the political
and those from the private stability and the constitu-
sectors. tional relationship with The
Netherlands, which has
The ratings outlook, which been proven during the
reflects the prospect that pandemic through finan-
Fitch Ratings takes in the cial support and vaccine
improvement of the ratings donations.
in the near future, remains
stable. This reflects the debt The Aruban government,
and high interest rate. particularly the minister of
Finance and Culture, Mrs.
Aditionally, this also reflects Xiomara Maduro, wants to form or another in these the island faced, Aruba financial credibility of the
the vulnerability of a singu- give thanks to those that results. Despite some major was able to gain trust from government.q
lar economic pilar on the have cooperated in one financial challenges that those who evaluated the
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back Last but not least: check out our It is the people I encounter along
and we would like to portrait you! website, Instagram and Facebook the way that enrich my day. Some,
By inviting you to send us your page! Thank you for supporting I see every March, when we stay
favorite vacation picture while our free newspaper, we strive to for two weeks. Others, whom I
enjoying our Happy Island. make you a happy reader every assume are residents, I see every
day again. time we return in the summer or
Complete the sentence: Aruba to fall. We wave! We smile! We say
me is ……. Send your picture with For today we received a lovely ‘Bon Dia!’
that text (including your name message from Don Alhart The smiles, greetings, and the
and where you are from) to: encouragement as I wind my way and we He wrote to us saying; back through the various resorts
will publish your vacation memory. “Sure, I love the beach, the allow me to embrace the friendly
Isn’t that a special way to keep weather, and the sunsets. Aruba spirit of this happy island.
your best moments alive? Please to me, though, is also lamp When I tried to take a selfie, a
do note: By submitting photos, text post 1722, along the biking and couple stopped and offered to
or any other materials, you give walking path that was formally a help. As they snapped the photos
permission to The Aruba Today divided highway. they asked, ‘Is this lamp post
Newspaper, Caribbean Speed It is the “goal” of my 3 ½ mile special?’
Printers and any of its affiliated walk- each day I am on ‘One ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘It is a reminder of the
companies to use said materials, Happy Island.’ wonderful people who are Aruba
as well as names, likeness, etc. Lamp post #1722 is exactly 1.75 to Me!’” wonderful message sharing what
for promotional purposes without miles from the Marriott Surf Club- Aruba means to you with us and
compensation. my “turnaround”, if you will. Thank you for sending us this our readers!q