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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 30 november 2022
            Supreme Court wrestles with Biden’s deportation policy

            By MARK SHERMAN                                                                                                     federal  immigration  policy
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in its tracks.”
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            In  a  separate  ongoing  le-
            Supreme  Court  on  Tues-                                                                                           gal  dispute,  three  judges
            day  wrestled  with  a  parti-                                                                                      chosen  by  then-President
            san-tinged  dispute  over  a                                                                                        Donald  Trump  are  among
            Biden administration policy                                                                                         the  four  Republican-ap-
            that  would  prioritize  de-                                                                                        pointed  judges  who  have
            portation of people in the                                                                                          so  far  prevented  the  ad-
            country  illegally  who  pose                                                                                       ministration’s  student  loan
            the  greatest  public  safety                                                                                       cancellation program from
            risk.  It  was  not  clear  after                                                                                   taking effect.
            arguments  that  stretched                                                                                          The states said they would
            past two hours and turned                                                                                           face  added  costs  of  hav-
            highly contentious at times                                                                                         ing  to  detain  people  the
            whether the justices would                                                                                          federal  government  might
            allow the policy to take ef-                                                                                        allow to remain free inside
            fect,  or  side  with  Republi-                                                                                     the  United  States,  despite
            can-led states that have so                                                                                         their criminal records.
            far succeeded in blocking                                                                                           The  federal  appeals  court
            it. At the center of the case   An immigrant considered a threat to public safety and national security waits to be processed by   in  Cincinnati  earlier  over-
            is a September 2021 direc-   U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents at the ICE Metropolitan Detention Center in Los   turned  a  district  judge’s
            tive  from  the  Department   Angeles, after an early morning raid, June 6, 2022.                  Associated Press  order  that  put  the  policy
            of Homeland Security that                                                                                           on  hold  in  a  lawsuit  filed
            paused  deportations  un-    er or not it can be possibly   in  a  courthouse  where  it  sympathetic  hearing  and   by  Arizona,  Ohio  and
            less  individuals  had  com-  implemented  or  whether    was  guaranteed  to  get  a  that one judge stopped “a    Montana.q
            mitted  acts  of  terrorism,   there  are  difficulties  there,
            espionage  or  “egregious    and I don’t think we should
            threats  to  public  safety.”   change  that  responsibility
            The guidance, issued after   just because Congress and
            Joe  Biden  became  presi-   the executive can’t agree
            dent,  updated  a  Trump-    on  something  ...  I  don’t
            era  policy  that  removed   think we should let them off
            people  in  the  country  ille-  the hook,” he said.
            gally regardless of criminal   Yet Roberts, in questioning
            history or community ties.   Stone,  also  called  Prelog-
            On  Tuesday,  the  admin-    ar’s argument compelling.
            istration’s   top   Supreme   “It’s  impossible  for  the  ex-
            Court  lawyer  told  the  jus-  ecutive  to  do  what  you
            tices that federal law does   want it to do, right?” Rob-
            “not  create  an  unyielding   erts asked.
            mandate  to  apprehend       Roberts  wasn’t  totally  sat-
            and  remove”  every  one     isfied when Stone said the
            of  the  more  than  11  mil-  number  of  people  poten-
            lion immigrants living in the   tially  affected  total  60,000
            country illegally.           to 80,000.
            Solicitor  General  Elizabeth   Justice  Brett  Kavanaugh
            Prelogar  said  it  would  be   said that whatever the ac-
            “incredibly destabilizing on   tual number, “the resourc-
            the  ground”  for  the  high   es still aren’t there.”
            court to require that. Con-  The court’s three liberal jus-
            gress  has  not  given  DHS   tices,  on  the  other  hand,
            enough money to vastly in-   were  sympathetic  to  the
            crease the number of peo-    Biden  administration’s  ar-
            ple  it  holds  and  deports,   guments. Justice Sonia So-
            the  Biden  administration   tomayor and Elena Kagan,
            has said.                    made clear they believed
            But Texas Solicitor General   that  Texas  and  Louisiana,
            Judd  Stone  told  the  court   which joined Texas in suing
            that the administration vio-  over the directive, weren’t
            lated federal law requiring   even entitled to bring their
            the  detention  of  people   case.
            who are in the U.S. illegally   The case is the latest exam-
            and who have been con-       ple of a Republican litiga-
            victed of serious crimes.    tion strategy that has suc-
            Chief Justice John Roberts   ceeded  in  slowing  Biden
            was among the conserva-      administration   initiatives
            tive  justices  who  pushed   by  going  to  GOP-friendly
            back strongly on the Biden   courts.
            administration’s     argu-   Kagan  picked  up  on  that
            ments.  “It’s our job to say   during  arguments,  saying
            what the law is, not wheth-  that Texas could file its suit
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