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                                                                                       March 9, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Protests and celebrations

            mark Women's Day,

            despite threats

            By ADAM GELLER               a rally in Kyrgyzstan.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  From  "In  many  different  ways  or
            the  streets  of  Manila  to  forms,  women  are  being
            the  plazas  of  Santiago,  exploited  and  taken  ad-
            Chile,  people  around  the  vantage of," Arlene Brosas,
            world marked International  the representative of a Fili-
            Women's  Day  on  Sunday  pino advocacy group said
            with  calls  to  end  exploita-  during  a  rally  that  drew
            tion and increase equality.  hundreds to the area near
            But  tensions  marred  some  the  presidential  palace.
            celebrations,  with  police  Protesters called for higher
            reportedly using tear gas to  pay  and  job  security,  and
            break  up  a  demonstration  demanded  that  President
            by thousands of women in  Rodrigo  Duterte  respect       A  protester  dances  during  a  march  on  International  Women's  Day  in  Madrid,  Spain,  Sunday,
            Turkey  and  security  forces  women’s rights.            March 8, 2020, Thousands of women are marching in Madrid and other Spanish cities as part of
                                                                      International Women's Day.
            arresting  demonstrators  at      Continued on next page                                                                        Associated Press
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