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CLASSIFIED Monday 9 March 2020
`Sustainable HEALTH
gardening’ DOCTOR ON DUTY
includes Casa del Mar 2BR/2B Halley Time Travel Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
many Week 1/1408 (15k); For Rent Divi Links Golf Tel. 527 4000
Week 2/1113 (16k);
1 Br wk 8/9 $9,5 K each
Renaissance suites
San Nicolas
Week 5/1315 (18k);
eco-friendly Week 5&6/1521 (20k/Wk.); 1 Br sleep 4 $1K each Eagle 9 ground floor Dr. Ramautar
27 /19 weeks remain
date :3/6/20 to 3/20/20
Week 7&8/1408 (18k/Wk.);
Tel.524 8833
practices Week 8/1113; 8/1409 (17k/Wk.); Marriott ocean club 1 Br wk 11 $9 K Women in Difficulties
1 Br sleep 4 $ 3 K
Birdie 3 with 26weeks remain
Week 9/1218 (15k); PHARMACY ON DUTY
Week 10/1207 (15k); date : 3/20/20 to 3/27/20
By DEAN FOSDICK Weeks 11-15 also available! Divi Links Golf Oranjestad:
``Sustainable” is one of Marriott Ocean Club 1 Br wk 12/13 $9,5 K each Dakota Tel. 588 7364
San Nicolas:
gardening’s trendiest buzz- U.S. (860)992-3890 Platinum Season Birdie 10 ground floor Botica Aloë Tel. 584 4606
words, yet it carries a range ________________________________212287 1Br ocean View $ 10 K 33/34 weeks remain Women in Difficulties
of definitions. Just what 1 Br ocean Front $20 K divi Village OTHER
does it mean in practical 2 Br ocean View $17K 2 Br wk 13 $14 K Dental Clinic 587 9850
terms, and how important 2 Br ocean Front $ 26 K Building c 28weeks remain Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
is it to the average gar- Urgent Care 586 0448
dener? Marriott Surf Club Renaissance suites Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
Very important, according Platinum Season 1 Br wk 9 $7,5K +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
to a recent plant trends 2 Br ocean View $16K on the 4 th floor EMERGENCY
study by horticulturalists 2 Br ocean side $17K harbor view
with the University of Florida 2 Br ocean Front $26K Playa Linda beach resort Police 100
527 3140
Institute of Food and Agri- 3 Br ocean view $28K Studio wk 10 and 11 $25 K both Noord 527 3200
cultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). 1st floor pool/ocean view Sta. Cruz 527 2900
It found strong interest in Aruba Divi Phoenix San Nicolas 584 5000
native plants, ``re-wilding” 1 Br wk 8 $14K Dutch Village Police Tipline 11141
gardens, growing edibles, Building 6 on the 4 th floor 1Br wk 9 old contract Ambulancia 911
and going easy on wildlife, 28 weeks remain 16 weeks remain $7,5K Fire Dept. 115
582 2219
Red Cross
among other concerns. 1Br wk 11 $14K 1 Br wk 8 $ 8 K
``More and more people Building 7 on the 3rd floor 12 weeks remain TAXI SERVICES
are supporting sustainabil- 33 weeks remain Dutch Village Taxi Tas 587 5900
ity, where the social, envi- Aruba Divi Phoenix 1 Br wk 7 and 8 $8K each Prof. Taxi 588 0035
ronmental and economic 2 Br Ph wk 11/12 $35 K each 15 weeks remain each Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
factors balance,” said Building 9 on the 7th floor 2 Br wk 7 $16K Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
Mark Tancig, a horticul- 30 weeks remain 23 weeks remain A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
ture agent with University Women in Difficulties
of Florida Food and Ag- Divi Links Golf Casa del Mar TRAVEL INFO
ricultural Sciences Exten- Studio wk 5,7,8 $8K each 1 Br wk 12 $7,5 K Aruba Airport 524 2424
sion. ``That means planting Birdie 1 on ground floor La cabana beach and casino American Airlines 582 2700
things that don’t require 22/27/29 weeks remain 1 Br wk 11/12 $8,5 K each Avianca 588 0059
as much water or fertilizer. 4th floor pool/ocean view Jet Blue 588 2244
Using plants that resist dis- Divi Links Golf Sunday check in Surinam 582 7896
ease and insects. Choos- Studio wk 5,6,7,8,9
ing native plants in mixtures Same room birdie 9 Eagle Resorts Women in Difficulties
that attract wildlife. 3rd floor 33 weeks remain 1 Br wk 7,8,9 $7,5 K each CRUISES
``That not only saves you Each $10 K each Le Vent condo
money, but they look 3 Br , 2 Bath $650 K
good, too,” Tancig said. ________________________________212579
``They’re restorative to the
environment.” Call: 630 1307
Sustainable isn’t necessar- March 9
ily the same as organic, celebrity Silhouette
March 10
noted Erica Chernoh, an Freedom of the Seas
Oregon State University Ex- EAGLE ARUBA RESORT Marella discovery 2
Women in Difficulties
tension horticulturist. FOR SALE BY OWNER AID FOUNDATIONS
```Organic’ has become week 1,2,3,4+5,6 Divi Village Golf
1 Br 1st floor $6500
legally recognized,” Cher- Bldg. E 1 Br 2 Bath, 2 patios FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
noh said. ``Sustainability Paradise Beach deck, hot tub. grill. Floating
week 50 Studio $4000 each
is more of an open book, week (wk 51-wk15) 19 weeks Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
combining ecological, so- 2 Br wk 51-52 $15000 each remaining $8000 Narcotics Anonymous
home 1518 537 6406
ciological and economic Tel. 583 8989
factors.” Ross Penhallegon, cel. 1518 965 7878 _________________________________212563 Women in Difficulties
after February 15, 2020
a horticulturist emeritus Playa Linda Tel. 583 5400
with Oregon State Univer- Sell by owner Centre for Diabetes
sity Extension, said sustain- ________________________________212406 1bedroom (#641) wk13 Tel. 524 8888
ability requires that we all Sleeps 4 available this year- Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
``look at our garden and discounted $12.000,=
ask what we can do to for info: or Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
reduce carbon imprint, re- 508-843-1953 on island till 3/11 General Info
duce irrigation and use less _________________________________212554
products.”q Phone Directory Tel. 118