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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 23 January 2024

            Federal officials recommend that airlines inspect door plugs on

            some older Boeing jets as well

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            maker.  The  National  Trans-
            Federal  Aviation  Adminis-                                                                                         portation  Safety  Board  is
            tration  recommends  that                                                                                           investigating  the  Oregon
            airlines  inspect  the  door                                                                                        incident.
            plugs  on  certain  Boeing                                                                                          “We  fully  support  the  FAA
            737s that are older than the                                                                                        and  our  customers  in  this
            Max 9 jetliner that suffered                                                                                        action,”  a  Boeing  spokes-
            a blowout of a similar panel                                                                                        woman said in a statement
            during a flight this month.                                                                                         Monday.
            The  FAA  said  door  plugs                                                                                         Boeing delivered about 500
            on one older version of the                                                                                         737-900ERs  between  2007
            737,  called  the  737-900ER,                                                                                       and 2019 – mostly to three
            are  identical  in  design  to                                                                                      U.S. airlines -- and about 380
            those  on  the  Max  9,  and                                                                                        have door plugs instead of
            some  airlines  “have  noted                                                                                        exits.
            findings  with  bolts  during                                                                                       Alaska said Monday that it
            the  maintenance  inspec-                                                                                           began  inspecting  its  737-
            tions.”                                                                                                             900ERs  “several  days  ago”
            The  FAA  issued  a  safety                                                                                         and  has  turned  up  no  is-
            alert  late  Sunday.  As  soon                                                                                      sues. The Seattle-based air-
            as  possible,  airlines  should                                                                                     line,  which  has  canceled
            visually inspect four places                                                                                        hundreds of flights because
            where  a  bolt,  nut  and  pin                                                                                      of  the  Max  9  grounding,
            secure the door plug to the                                                                                         said it expects no disruption
            plane, the agency said.                                                                                             from  the  inspections  of  its
            The  door  plugs  are  panels   This image taken Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024, and released by the National Transportation Safety   737-900ERs.
            that seal holes left for extra   Board, shows a section of Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 that is missing panel on a Boeing 737-9 MAX   United  said  it  began  in-
            doors when the number of     in Portland, Ore.                                                                      specting the earlier Boeing
            seats is not enough to trig-                                                                       Associated Press  model  last  week  and  ex-
            ger a requirement for more  blowout  had  made  only  Oregon.                          instead  of  regular  doors  pects  to  finish  the  reviews
            emergency-evacuation  145 flights.                        The plane made an emer-      in  the  back  of  the  cabin.  this  week  with  no  disrup-
            exits. From inside the plane,  One of the two door plugs  gency landing with a hole  Alaska  and  United  Airlines  tions  for  passengers.  Delta
            they look like a regular win-  on  an  Alaska  Airlines  Boe-  in  its  side,  and  no  serious  are the only U.S. carriers to  Air  Lines,  with  130  planes
            dow.                         ing  737  Max  9  flew  off  the  injuries  were  reported.  On  use the plane.        affected  by  the  new  FAA
            The  FAA  said  that  737-   plane in midflight on Jan. 5.  a mostly full plane, no one  Besides grounding 171 Max  recommendation,  said  it
            900ERs  have  logged  3.9  Passengers  and  investiga-    was sitting in the two seats  9 jets, the FAA is investigat-  was  inspecting  all  130  of
            million  flights  without  any  tors  have  described  a  vio-  nearest  the  panel  that  ing  quality-control  mea-  its  737-900ERs  and  did  not
            known  issues  involving  the  lent  decompression  as  air  blew out.                 sures at Boeing and its sup-  expect  any  impact  on
            door  plugs.  By  contrast,  rushed out of the pressured  The  FAA  has  grounded  pliers  and  has  increased  operations.q
            the Max 9 that suffered the  cabin  at  16,000  feet  over  all  Max  9s  with  door  plugs  its  oversight  of  the  aircraft

             Supreme Court allows federal agents to cut razor wire Texas

             installed on US-Mexico border

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A                                                                 Abbott also has authorized  federal  immigration  law
            divided Supreme Court on                                                               installing floating barriers in  trumps  Texas’  own  efforts
            Monday  allowed  Border                                                                the Rio Grande near Eagle  to stem the flow of migrants
            Patrol  agents  to  cut  razor                                                         Pass  and  allowed  troopers  into the country.
            wire  that  Texas  installed                                                           to arrest and jail thousands  Texas officials have argued
            on the U.S.-Mexico border,                                                             of  migrants  on  trespassing  that federal agents cut the
            while  a  lawsuit  over  the                                                           charges. The administration  wire to help groups crossing
            wire continues.                                                                        also  is  challenging  those  illegally  through  the  river
            The justices, by a 5-4 vote,                                                           actions in federal court.   before  taking  them  in  for
            granted  an  emergency                                                                 A  federal  appeals  court  processing.
            appeal  from  the  Biden                                                               last  month  forced  federal  Chief  Justice  John  Roberts
            administration,  which  has                                                            agents  to  stop  cutting  the  and  Justices  Amy  Coney
            been  in  an  escalating                                                               concertina   wire.   Large  Barrett,   Ketanji   Brown
            standoff at the border with                                                            numbers  of  migrants  have  Jackson, Elena Kagan and
            Texas and had objected to                                                              crossed  at  Eagle  Pass  in  Sonia Sotomayor sided with
            an appellate ruling in favor                                                           recent months.              the administration. Justices
            of the state.                                                                          In   court   papers,   the  Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch,
            The     concertina     wire   The U.S. Supreme Court is photographed through snow on   administration   said   the  Brett   Kavanaugh     and
            along  roughly  30  miles    Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024, in Washington.                  wire impedes Border Patrol  Clarence  Thomas  voted
            (48   kilometers)   of   the                                          Associated Press   agents   from   reaching  with Texas.
            Rio   Grande    near   the  is  part  of  Texas  Gov.  Greg  the   administration   over  migrants  as  they  cross  the  No  one  provided  any
            border  city  of  Eagle  Pass  Abbott’s broader fight with  immigration enforcement.   river and that, in any case,  explantion for their vote.q
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