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                                                                                                           local Saturday 13 May 2023

             During the second day of the Caribbean Climate & Energy Conference (CCEC):

            It is important for small island to work together more often to

            resolve the challenges brought by climate change

            (Oranjestad)—The  second  ends  is  in  charge  with  all  The  Netherlands  itself  is  a
            day  of  the  CCEC  confer-  issues  concerning  the  Aru-  country that resides below
            ence on Thursday morning  ban  nature  and  environ-      the  water  line,  and  it  also
            started with a speech from  ment.  He  elaborated  on  feels  the  effects  and  risks
            the Minister of Nature, Min-  the  importance  of  coop-  of  climate  change.  The
            ister  Ursell  Arends.  Aruba,  eration  and  collaboration  country is currently actively
            along with the Netherlands  between  countries,  in  or-  working  to  reduce  these
            organized  the  conference,  der to promote sustainable  damaging  factors  against
            where  in  different  repre-  developments. The minister  the  environment,  namely
            sentatives,  authorities  and  urged  everyone  present  by  reducing  the  carbon
            experts from the Dutch Ca-   to  develop  methods  and  footprint  that  the  country
            ribbean islands and around  strategies that take into ac-  produces  and  to  promote
            the  world  met—either  in  count  future  generations  and educate the commu-         Secretary  of  the  United  tween  the  small  islands.
            person  or  virtually—to  dis-  and  that  respond  to  the  nity  on  the  importance  of  Nations  Climate  Change  And together with financial
            cuss on the field of energy  necessity of nature.         sustainability  and  transition  Secretariat, elaborated  on  instances,  look  for ways  to
            and climate.                                              of  energy.  Finally,  Minister  the  topic  of  climate  and  get  the  necessary  funding
                                         Dutch  minister  of  Climate  Jetten  expressed  that  the  energy,  saying  that  this  to sustain the actions need-
            Minister   Ursell   Arends  and     environment,    Rob  Dutch  kingdom  is  commit-   conference is making way  ed.
            opened  the  conference  Jetten,       expressed    that  ted to work together for a  for countries to better work  Being small islands, there is
            with  a  warm  welcome  to  countries  are  currently  go-  solution.                  together  for  the  big  chal-  a sentiment in all who par-
            those  present.  The  theme  ing under water. Collective                               lenge we are currently fac-  ticipated,  that  there  is  not
            he elaborated on was the  action is cardinal to ensure  Mr.  Selwin  Charles  Hart,  ing.                           enough  union  between
            impact of climate change  the  future  of  everyone  on  Special Adviser to the Sec-                                the  islands  to  combat  this
            and the urgency to attend  this planet. Furthermore, he  retary-General  on  Climate  After  the  speeches,  3  ses-  problematic  subject.  Dur-
            to  the  consequences  of  elaborated on the different  Action  and  Just  Transition,  sions  of  work  groups  were  ing the conference, it was
            this  on  the  environment  of  risks  that  the  islands  face.  elaborated  through  a  vid-  assembles on the topics of  expressed that without this
            Aruba.  Minister  Arends  ex-  As  a  minister  in  charge  of  eo  call  on  the  challenges  Transition  of  Just  Energy,  union,  there  is  no  way  to
            pressed  that  he  acknowl-  matters such as this, he ac-  that  climate  change,  the  Creating  Resilient  Climatic  achieve  the  goals  neces-
            edges  that  the  challenges  knowledges  that  there  is  transition of energy and the  Ecosystems  and  Financing  sary  for  the  benefit  of  the
            are  multidimensional,  and  much to be done to “make  role that the UN plays in this  of Climate Action. In these  small islands. The first CCEC
            that is why there is a need  up” for what has not been  initiative.                    sessions,  the  participants  conference is the first step
            for  a  strategic  plan  to  re-  done earlier.                                        discussed  how  to  achieve  to achieve this. q
            solve this. As a minister, Ar-                            Mr.  Simon  Stiell,  Executive  more   cooperation   be-

            John Wesley High School to close its doors;

            students and teachers must be transferred

            (Oranjestad)—The  John  Wesley  High  minister has no influence in. This is decided
            School  in  San  Nicolas,  which  falls  under  by management of the foundations under
            the    Protestant   Christian   Education  which John Wesley High School forms part
            Foundation  Aruba  (SPCOA),  has  been  of. However, they have provided a safety
            subject  to  discussions  in  the  press  in  the  net  for  the  students  and  teacher;  they
            past  few  days.  Our  reporter  has  posed  made sure that they could be transferred
            different  questions  regarding  this  issue  to  to other nearby high schools.”
            the Minister of Education, Endy Croes, but  It was on April 19th that the students have
            has yet to receive answers.                sent  a  letter  directed  to  Minister  Croes
                                                       concerning  the  possible  closure  of  their
            During  his  last  press  conference  on  the  school. In the letter, they pleaded to the   because it is there for you no matter what. Teachers even
            matter,  Minister  Croes  assured  that  after  minister  to  reconsider  the  closure  before   stay after school, or use their free time to give extra lessons
            various  discussions  with  SPCOA,  they  taking a final decision.                     or to provide extra support for the students. We are upset
            presented  a  table  written  in  a  letter,  They  expressed  that  their  tiny  school  is  a   that no one addressed this matter with us, or even asked
            indicated  the  number  of  students  that  family. They have created a social media   us about our interest, our rights. We as SMAD heard the
            were attended the high school in the past  account  for  the  school  in  order  to  gain   concerns of every student,” the document read.q
            few  years:  “In  2018  or  2019,  the  school  more entries of students and consequently
            only  had  225  students,  which  was  still  reduce the current expensive tuition.
            permissible by law. Unfortunately, this year  “We are members of the student council
            has only seen a total of 64 students,” Croes  SMAD, Students Making a Difference. We
            stated.                                    established this council this year to make
            For this, he explained that you cannot run  sure that our voice is heard concerning our
            a school with this tiny number of students.  education. The reason we sent this letter is
            This would mean a loss in money, because  to share our point of view on why we think
            the  operation  cannot  be  sustained  for  the  school  should  remain  operational.
            much longer. There is a possibility to raise  Our  main  concern  is  to  lose  the  comfort
            the tuition from 700 Aruban florins to 1,000  we acquired while attending. The reason
            florins,  “but  this  is  a  decision  that  the  why we want to keep the school running is
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