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P. 10
local Saturday 13 May 2023
Artist Erika Moran;
“My message is to carry the greatness that we all have inside,
and that greatness implies art”
Oranjestad - Erika Moran, really am.” Moran expressed that in
an artist of plastic art that her opinion, everyone has
has gone through many In this search, everyone art and everyone is an art-
phases in her life, sat down looks for what they can ist. The only way each per-
in an interview and told the give to others and what the son can channel that is
story of life taught her what things we receive can give through art and that state
she had inside of her and us, “but that is not what tru- of creativity includes dif-
what this can bring to oth- ly fills you,” Erika expressed. ferent emotions like hap-
ers. Moran discovered that she piness, sadness, euphoria,
was looking on the outside that in turn the artist can
During the interview, Moran for something that was al- relate to as well as every
went back in time and talk- ready within her. “What I other person that has these
ed about how she came found was that I am an art- emotions in them. “That
to Aruba from Barranquilla, ist and through that I start- was my journey to accept
Colombia 14 years ago fol- ed to explore the nature of myself after many tries to
lowing love, and that led to Aruba. I connected with its be someone else, another
her exploring the culture of colors and through my art- version of myself. Now I am
Aruba. She would read the work I wanted to transmit an artist and I teach others
national anthem, learn the this to others.” that we all have this ca-
language and meet locals, pacity in us.”
all which in her thoughts Through colors and the
were for a reason. “I con- psychology of each one The essence of coming to
nected with the tranquility of them, she started to use his world is to learn, and
of the island, with harmo- her brushes to illustrate the just as Moran emphasizes,
ny, the beach for me is my fauna, flora and beaches teaching others how to
therapy and through an to transmit an emotional learn is part of it. “We need
immense search, I discov- state for people to be to teach that although the
ered that I had a lot of time able to connect through road is hard, we have to
without painting and I fell her artwork with their emo- connect with each other
into a great sadness,” said tional state. “Psychology so we can be a lighthouse
Moran. through color can trans- for each other. Imagine if
mit calm, stress or a state we all could realize this?
Depression is a word that of internal searching that We can achieve a differ-
she felt and lived person- represents the road of your ent world. We have to help
ally. She feels the need sub consciousness and the each other and that way
to speak about this topic road can be represented we can create a marvel-
because she knows that through the colors purple, ous chain that will take
“there are a lot of people blue, red, until you reach time, but is worth it all.”
out there at this moment, the color yellow that rep-
in all parts of the world, resents illumination. That is She also informed that she
that fall into a great sad- the message, to carry the promotes events for our
ness. I discovered that this greatness that everyone visitors to also learn art, tell
is a way that my soul would has inside. And that great- their history of Aruba, talk
speak to me and tell me to ness implies art.” about the touristic places
bring out everything that I and paints them as well.
With this, people can con-
nect with culture, art and
gets a different experience
of entertainment.q