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LOCAL Monday 22 May 2023
The prime minister gives recognition to Aruban Models who recently
competed in international competition
(Oranjestad)—Tuesday af- designs by both local and different competition and tremely proud of everyone
ternoon, through an invi- international designers. It modeling gigs abroad, here. A huge congratula-
tiation of Prime Minister Ev- was at this modeling com- which in recent years, have tions goes to each of you
elyn Wever-Croes, the five petition that Aruba showed brought back many win- who have represented our
models who have recently how this small island con- ning titles. This year, The tiny island with pride, and I
modeled and represented sists of talented models with Chaz Modeling & Talent hope to see more from you
Aruba abroad, visited the great potential to break in School is celebrating its all in the future. A big thank
prime minister for an ex- the international industry. 25th anniversary, and will you to Mrs. Chastity as well
citing meeting. The prime Among the participants be celebrating this with a for her hard work, dedi-
minister took this opportu- were Ciara Winterdaal, magical show in the month cation and guidance of
nity to chat with each of the who won the title of Baby of November of this year. these children in the world
models on their experienc- Top Model; Caithlyne Kock, of modeling, singing and
es in the modeling world who won the title of Pree- The models who recently dance. I’m very proud of
and their representation teen Top Model; Javinnah participated in the Orland you and your entire team
abroad. Besselink, who placed sec- Fashion Kids did a won- who has made all this pos-
ond in the Teen Top Model derful job, almost taking sible. Thank you,” the prime
Also present was Tanique category and Stacey de home every winning title in minister said to her visitors.
Chan, who in 2022, repre- Veer, who won the title of the competition. “I’m ex-
sented Aruba in the Domin- Super Top Model.
ican Republic, winning the modeling. Seeing as mod-
title of Miss Tropical. From The prime minister has ex- eling was also her passion,
here, Tanique went on to pressed her profound pride she decided from a rela-
represent Aruba again in in each of the participating tively young age to start
New York Fashion Week, for representing their island giving modeling lessons to
Los Angeles Fashion Week, country, putting Aruba in young children and teens.
and will be participating the spotlight once again. After seeing the interest
in the upcoming London The prime minister also coming from the parents of
Fashion Week this Septem- thanked the director of these children, Chastity de-
ber. Tanique Chan is the first The Chaz Model and Tal- cided to branch out a little,
disabled model from Aruba ent School, Mrs. Chastity introducing dance lesson,
that have walked the run- Kock-Hodge, for her dedi- followed by offering prepa-
ways of New York and Los cation, patience and love ratory lessons for Carnaval
Angeles Fashion Week. for guiding these children Queen. During many years,
in achieving their dreams Chastity work with a pas-
The models who have re- to become international sion, and has dedicated
cently participating in the models. herself to the community
Orland Fashion Kids com- by presenting spectacu-
petition were also present. Chastity or Chas, as ev- lar shows. Considering her
These participants strut- eryone calls her, is not a love for children and the
ted the runway wearing stranger in the world of general need to support
and guide disabled chil-
dren, she opened her doors
to also include disabled
children in her dance and
modeling lessons.
Nowadays, The Chaz Mod-
eling & Talent School is a
renowned talent school on
the island, that not only of-
fers local showcases, but
also sends its students to