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                Wednesday 21 august 2024
            A German court upholds the conviction of a former secretary at a

            Nazi concentration camp, age 99

            By GEIR MOULSON                                                                                                     tors’  office  in  Ludwigsburg
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tasked   with   investigat-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  A  German                                                                                          ing  Nazi-era  war  crimes
            court  on  Tuesday  rejected                                                                                        says  three  more  cases  are
            an appeal by a 99-year-old                                                                                          pending  with  prosecutors
            woman  who  was  convict-                                                                                           or  courts  in  various  parts
            ed  of  being  an  accessory                                                                                        of  Germany.  With  any  sus-
            to  more  than  10,000  mur-                                                                                        pects  now  at  a  very  ad-
            ders for her role as a secre-                                                                                       vanced    age,   questions
            tary to the SS commander                                                                                            increasingly  arise  over  sus-
            of  the  Nazis’  Stutthof  con-                                                                                     pects’ fitness to stand trial.
            centration  camp  during                                                                                            Germany’s  main  Jewish
            World War II.                                                                                                       leader  welcomed  the  rul-
            The Federal Court of Justice                                                                                        ing.  “For  Holocaust  survi-
            upheld the conviction of Ir-                                                                                        vors,  it  is  enormously  im-
            mgard  Furchner,  who  was                                                                                          portant  for  a  late  form  of
            given a two-year suspend-                                                                                           justice  to  be  attempted,”
            ed sentence in December                                                                                             Josef  Schuster,  the  head
            2022 by a state court in Itze-                                                                                      of  the  Central  Council  of
            hoe in northern Germany.                                                                                            Jews, said in statement.
            She  was  accused  of  be-                                                                                          “The  legal  system  sent  an
            ing  part  of  the  apparatus                                                                                       important  message  today:
            that helped the camp near                                                                                           even  nearly  80  years  af-
            Danzig, now the Polish city   Irmgard  Furchner,  accused  of  being  part  of  the  apparatus  that  helped  the  Nazis’  Stutthof   ter  the  Holocaust,  no  line
            of  Gdansk,  function.  She   concentration camp function, appears in court for the verdict in her trial in Itzehoe, Germany,   can  be  drawn  under  Nazi
            was  convicted  of  being    Dec. 20, 2022.                                                                         crimes,” he added.
            an  accessory  to  murder  in                                                                      Associated Press  The Furchner case is one of
            10,505  cases  and  an  ac-  commander and other se-      the  commandant’s  office  to  the  Auschwitz  death  several in recent years that
            cessory to attempted mur-    nior camp officials, and on  of  the  Stutthof  concentra-  camp  and  by  being  sent  built on a precedent estab-
            der in five cases.           whether she had truly been  tion  camp  from  June  1,  on  death  marches  at  the  lished in 2011 with the con-
            At  a  federal  court  hear-  aware  of  what  was  going  1943, to April 1, 1945, delib-  end of the war.          viction of former Ohio auto-
            ing  in  Leipzig  last  month,  on  at  Stutthof.  The  Itzehoe  erately  supported  the  fact  Prosecutors said during the  worker  John  Demjanjuk  as
            Furchner’s   lawyers   cast  court said that judges were  that  10,505  prisoners  were  original  proceedings  that  an accessory to murder on
            doubt  on  whether  she  re-  convinced  that  Furchner  cruelly  killed  by  gassings,  Furchner’s trial may be the  allegations  that  he  served
            ally  was  an  accessory  to  “knew  and,  through  her  by hostile conditions in the  last  of  its  kind.  However,  a  as  a  guard  at  the  Sobibor
            crimes  committed  by  the  work  as  a  stenographer  in  camp,”  by  transportation  special  federal  prosecu-   death camp.q

            India’s top court creates task force on workplace safety after

            doctor was raped and killed

            By SHEIKH SAALIQ             Dhananjaya       Yeshwant  Aug.  9  when  the  killing  in  India. The court also asked  lence against women.
            Associated Press             Chandrachud said.            the eastern city of Kolkata,  the federal agency investi-  Thousands  of  people,  par-
            NEW  DELHI  (AP)  —  India’s  Doctors and medics across  the capital of West Bengal  gating  the  killing  to  submit  ticularly   women,   have
            top  court  on  Tuesday  set  India  have  been  hold-    state.  The  doctors  say  the  a report on Thursday on the  marched  in  the  streets  of
            up a national task force of  ing  protests,  candlelight  assault  highlights  the  vul-  status of its investigation. A  Kolkata  and  other  Indian
            doctors who will make rec-   marches and even tempo-      nerability  of  health  care  police  volunteer  has  been  cities  demanding  justice
            ommendations on safety of  rarily refused care for non-   workers  in  hospitals  and  arrested and charged with  for  the  doctor.  They  say
            health care workers at their  emergency  patients  since  medical  campuses  across  the crime, but the family of  women  in  India  continue
            workplaces, days after the                                                             the  victim  alleges  it  was  a  to  face  rising  violence  de-
            rape and killing of a trainee                                                          gang rape and more peo-      spite tough laws that were
            doctor  that  sparked  out-                                                            ple were involved.           implemented following the
            rage  and  nationwide  pro-                                                            The  suspension  of  work  by  gang-rape  and  murder  of
            tests.                                                                                 doctors has affected thou-   a 23-year-old student on a
            The Supreme Court said the                                                             sands of patients across In-  moving bus in Delhi in 2012.
            doctors’  panel  will  frame                                                           dia.  They  are  demanding  That  attack  had  inspired
            guidelines   for   ensuring                                                            more stringent laws to pro-  lawmakers to order harsher
            safety  and  protection  of                                                            tect them from violence, in-  penalties  for  such  crimes
            medical  professionals  and                                                            cluding making any attack  and set up fast-track courts
            health care workers across                                                             on  on-duty  medics  an  of-  dedicated  to  rape  cases.
            the country.                                                                           fense without the possibility  The government also intro-
            “Protecting  safety  of  doc-                                                          of bail.                     duced  the  death  penalty
            tors and women doctors is                                                              The rape and killing of the  for repeat offenders.
            a  matter  of  national  inter-                                                        31-year-old  trainee  doctor  Despite tougher legislation,
            est and principle of equali-                                                           at  Kolkata  city’s  R.G.  Kar  sexual  violence  against
            ty. The nation cannot await   Indians protesting against the rape and killing of a trainee doctor   Medical  College  and  Hos-  women  has  remained  a
            another rape for it to take   at a government hospital in Kolkata, hold placards in Mumbai,   pital has also focused rage  widespread   problem  in
            some  steps,”  Chief  Justice   India, Monday, Aug. 19, 2024.         Associated Press  on the chronic issue of vio-  India.q
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