Page 13 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 21 august 2024

            Chef Urvin Croes Invited to Participate in “BogotaEats”

                                                                                    gastronomic masterpieces that rival
                                                                                    those of the world’s culinary capi-
                                                                                    tals.  Their  dedication  has  drawn
                                                                                    attention  from  prestigious  culinary
                                                                                    events  across  the  globe,  includ-
                                                                                    ing an invitation to showcase their
                                                                                    skills at ‘BogotaEats,’ one of South
                                                                                    America’s most prominent culinary
                                                                                    Additionally, Chef Urvin has been in-
                                                                                    vited to the Dominican Republic to
                                                                                    collaborate with Chef Jason How-
                                                                                    ard,  a  former  MasterChef  winner,
                                                                                    in promoting high-level Caribbean  Ono exemplifies his ability to blend
                                                                                    cuisine.  This  international  acclaim  innovation with accessibility, offer-
                                                                                    underscores the impact Chef Urvin  ing extraordinary dining experienc-
                                                                                    is making both locally and abroad.  es to a wider audience.
                                                                                    The Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA)  For  those  seeking  the  pinnacle  of
                                                                                    has played a crucial role in support-  Aruba’s  culinary  offerings,  Infini  is
            Aruba’s culinary scene is evolving,  that changes every three months.  ing these opportunities, recognizing  the place where local talent meets
            thanks to the visionary talent of Chef  This commitment to creativity and  the  value  of  showcasing  Aruba’s  international standards. Don’t miss
            Urvin Croes, the mastermind behind  excellence has garnered significant  culinary excellence on an interna-  the  opportunity  to  experience  In-
            Infini Aruba, the island’s most inno-  international recognition.       tional stage.                       fini’s 11th menu, available until No-
            vative fine dining experience. In less                                  Beyond Infini, Chef Urvin is also the  vember 15, 2024. Make your reser-
            than four years, Chef Urvin and his  Infini  Aruba  is  more  than  just  a  creative force behind Po-Ke Ono,  vation now and indulge in a world-
            team have redefined fine dining in  restaurant;  it  is  a  creative  canvas  consistently ranked among the top  class dining experience at Aruba’s
            Aruba, offering an 8-course menu  where Chef Urvin and his team craft  10 restaurants on the island. Po-Ke  most exclusive venue.q

            The Bali Restaurant: a touristic hot spot and lost gem on the island

            (Oranjestad)—Once located  by the Caribbean Tourist As-   taken over by Karel “Carl”
            in  what  is  now  the  Renais-  sociation.               Schmand.  Over  the  years,
            sance Marina, the Bali Res-                               the   restaurant   needed
            taurant  was  once  both  a  The  restaurant  was  prob-  constant  renovation  and
            touristic and local hot spot,  ably  most  iconic  for  its  repair, mainly due to its vul-
            and  nowadays  it’s  consid-  Javanese-inspired  exterior  nerability  to  leaks  and  the
            ered  a  forgotten  gem  on  with its pointy, slanted roofs.  unstable pillars underneath
            the island.                  However, the first version of  the  foundation.  However,
                                         Bali did not look like that at  the biggest change made
            Known as “the floating res-  all  but  was  still  considered  to the restaurant happened
            taurant”, Bali first opened in  as one of the most popular  in the year 1970—still under
            1955 by Willem “Bill” Strijland,  restaurants on the island at  the ownership of Schmand,
            who had experience in Ja-    the time. The restaurant saw  when it got its iconic pointy
            vanese cuisine. At the time,  three different owners during  roofs. The restaurant was also
            the restaurant was pretty ex-  its existence, during which it  expanded to host a total of
            clusive—with space to host  underwent various renova-     85 guests. This was “The New  was again handed over to  Be apart of the conversation:
            only 25 guests. Yet, 4 years  tions and rebranding.       Bali”, who had its official (re)  other owners, and since then  if you or any family member
            later, it was named the best                              opening in 1972.             suffered from unstable pillars  of yours have a memory of
            restaurant in the Caribbean  In 1964, the restaurant was                               underneath the foundation,  the Bali restaurant, whether
                                                                      After  1972,  when  Ronny  resulting in various leaks and  it be a picture or just a story,
                                                                      Schmand took over, the res-  overflowing  of  water  into  share  it  with  us!  We  would
                                                                      taurant saw yet another ex-  the restaurant. And as most  love to see this legendary hot
                                                                      pansion; this time complete  great things come to an end,  spot through the lens of our
                                                                      with a long bar and dance  so did the survival and main-  visitors! q
                                                                      floor, where guests enjoyed  tenance of the Bali Restau-
                                                                      live  music  from  legendary  rant. However, folks today still
                                                                      Aruban musician and com-     reminisce its legacy, and it’s   Source and pictures credit to:
                                                                      poser, Toti Arends.          now considered a lost monu-   “De Kolibrie op de Rots (en
                                                                                                                                 meer over de geschiedenis
                                                                                                   ment.                        van Aruba)” by Evert Bongers.
                                                                      After  1989,  the  restaurant
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