Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200403
P. 31

locAl           Friday 3 april 2020

            Bulletin: Aruba Timeshare Association

            Dear  Vacation  Ownership  March  20,  2020,  from  9pm
            Members of Aruba,            to  6am.  Most  businesses
            With the developing global  have  shut,  except  food
            CoVid-19  crisis,  many  of  stores and pharmacies, al-
            you  are  experiencing  sig-  lowed  to  remain  open  till
            nificant   disappointments  8pm.
            over  lost,  much-anticipat-  The  island  is  experiencing
            ed  vacations.  We  follow  great  hardship,  and  our
            the  global  news,  and  we  goal is to keep our employ-
            know your lives have great-  ees on the payroll and our
            ly  been  affected  and  dis-  resorts in top shape, for as
            rupted, lately.              long as it is humanely and
            Here  too.  In  the  past  few  financially  possible.  First
            weeks  Aruba  emptied  of  and  foremost,  we  are  go-
            tourists,  many  resorts  have  ing to get through this crisis
            shut   down     operations,  as  partners.  Our  industry  is
            and  a  general  curfew  has  resilient.  You  were  among
            been announced effective  the  last  ones  to  leave  and  we  know  you  will  be  among the first ones to re-     ban, our resorts are empty
                                                                                                   turn.  Our  island  has  been  and  our  concessionaires
                                                                                                   through challenges before,  were forced to close. Over
                                                                                                   and with the help of the     the  next  months,  you  can
                                                                                                   Timeshare / Vacation Own-    count on ATSA to be
                                                                                                   ership, Aruba got its econo-  proactive,  in  finding  relief,
                                                                                                   my back on track, and will  and  helping  the  Vacation
                                                                                                   recover as soon as the viral  Ownership   resorts   keep
                                                                                                   storm subsides.              their heads above water, in
                                                                                                   ATSA  is  confident  that  the  view of the virus outbreak,
                                                                                                   vacation  ownership  resorts  which  dealt  a  harsh  blow
                                                                                                   will emerge from this situa-  to  Aruba’s  economy  and
                                                                                                   tion stronger, but we need  everyone’s  economic  re-
                                                                                                   to stay united, fearless and  sources.
                                                                                                   positive  at  all  times.    Our  We  are  determined  to  do
                                                                                                   association  is  aware  that  what  it  takes  to  bring  you
                                                                                                   the  resort  members,  staff-  back  to  your  Dushi  Island,
                                                                                                   ers,  strategic  partners  and  and turn back the clock to
                                                                                                   the economy of Aruba de-     happier days.
                                                                                                   pends on our industry, and  We  wish  you  and  your
                                                                                                   we will not let One Happy  families  health  and  safety
                                                                                                   Island down.                 and hope to welcome you
                                                                                                   We ask you to be patient,  back  at  your  home  away
                                                                                                   as  we  do  not  know  the  from home, soon. Stay Safe
                                                                                                   impact  nor  duration  of  and be well.
                                                                                                   the pandemic, but we will
                                                                                                   keep you posted.             Keep us in your prayers
                                                                                                   As a direct economic con-    Focus  on  the  light  at  the
                                                                                                   sequence  of  the  travel  end of the tunnel.q

               Out of Quarantine, but not immune to Covid-19

               By the department of Public Health Aruba
               ORANJESTAD, Aruba – 1 april 2020:
               ORANJESTAD — The department of Public Health of Aruba is thouroughly checking on
               those under quarantine. After 14 days in quarantine and tested negative for the virus
               you are out of the quarantine but this doesn't mean that you are immune to the virus.
               You will still have to follow the instructions and take proper precautions given. These
               • Shelter in place from 6 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
               • Curfew from  9 p.m. - 6 a.m.
               • Agglomeration of more than 3 people at public places are not allowed
               • Maintain social distancing
               • Maintain physical contact distancing of 2 meter
               • When coughing cover your mouth
               • Wash hands frequently with soap and use handsanitizer of 60% alcohol.
               • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth
               • Stay home as much as possible only go out for essential needs
               • If yu feel sick and think you might have symptons of the virus contact 280-0101.

               When testing negative for the Covid-19 first time doesn't mean you will not get the
               virus, you are vulnerable anyway. Prevention is the best key!q
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