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A26    U.S. NEWS
                        Friday 3 april 2020
            A record 10 million sought US jobless aid in past 2 weeks

            By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER                                                                                              Requests  for  jobless  aid
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 soared  in  all  50  states  last
            WASHINGTON (AP) — More                                                                                              week.  In  California,  nearly
            than  6.6  million  Americans                                                                                       900,000   people    sought
            applied for unemployment                                                                                            benefits,  almost  four  times
            benefits  last  week  —  dou-                                                                                       the  previous  week's  figure,
            bling a record high set just                                                                                        and equivalent to 5% of the
            one week earlier — a sign                                                                                           state's workforce.
            that  layoffs  are  accelerat-                                                                                      In  Michigan,  jobless  claims
            ing in the midst of the coro-                                                                                       more  than  doubled  last
            navirus outbreak.                                                                                                   week to 311,000. In Florida,
            Combined with last week's                                                                                           filings  tripled  to  227,000.  In
            report that 3.3 million peo-                                                                                        South  Dakota,  they  qua-
            ple  sought  unemployment                                                                                           drupled to 6,645.
            aid two weeks ago, the U.S.                                                                                         How  long  the  waves  of
            economy has now suffered                                                                                            layoffs  last  —  an  unknown
            nearly  10  million  layoffs  in                                                                                    —  will  be  a  key  factor  in
            just  the  past  few  weeks  —                                                                                      determining  the  depth  of
            far exceeding the figure for                                                                                        the  recession.  Some  com-
            any  corresponding  period                                                                                          panies are maintaining ties
            on record.                                                                                                          to laid-off workers, in hopes
            The  stunning  report  Thurs-                                                                                       of  rehiring  them  once  the
            day from the Labor Depart-   In this March 13, 2020 file photo, unionized hospitality workers wait in line in a basement garage to   coronavirus outbreak pass-
            ment showed that job cuts    apply for unemployment benefits at the Hospitality Training Academy in Los Angeles. More than   es. Relatively swift rehirings
            are  mounting  against  the   6.6 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, far exceeding a record high   would  help  the  economy
            backdrop  of  economies      set just last week, a sign that layoffs are accelerating in the midst of the coronavirus.   rebound quickly. But if busi-
            in  the  United  States  and                                      (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File) Associated Press  ness  shutdowns  persist  into
            abroad  that  have  almost  been  delayed  from  the  the  Great  Recession.  The  have  been  imposed  by  the  late  summer  or  fall,
            certainly sunk into a severe  previous week, when state  unemployment  rate  could  most  U.S.  states.  This  trend  many  smaller  businesses
            recession   as   businesses  offices  that  handle  unem-  spike to as high as 15% this  has  intensified  pressure  on  will likely go bankrupt. That
            have shut down across the  ployment  benefits  were  month, above the previous  businesses,  most  of  which  would  make  it  harder  for
            world.                       overwhelmed  by  a  surge  record of 10.8% set during a  face rent, loans and other  workers  to  find  jobs  and
            “This  kind  of  upending  of  of  online  and  telephone  deep recession in 1982.     bills that must be paid.     would  prolong  the  down-
            the labor market in such a  claims.  Yet  many  of  those  Employers are slashing their  The reversal in the job mar-  turn.
            short  time  is  unheard  of,”  offices are still struggling to  payrolls to try to stay afloat  ket has been dizzying. Four  The  $2.2  trillion  rescue
            said  Heidi  Shierholz,  an  process all the claims they  because their revenue has  weeks  ago,  weekly  unem-     package  that  was  signed
            economist at the Econom-     have  received,  suggesting  collapsed,  especially  at  ployment  claims  amount-     into law last week includes
            ic Policy Institute, a progres-  more claims will be pushed  restaurants,  hotels,  gyms,  ed  to  only  211,000,  near  $350 billion in small business
            sive think tank.             into the following week.     movie  theaters  and  other  a  50-year  low.  Since  then,  loans that can be forgiven
            Further  signs  of  a  surging  The  magnitude  of  the  lay-  venues  that  depend  on  they have jumped 30-fold.  if  the  companies  use  the
            wave  of  layoffs  are  likely  offs  has  led  many  econo-  face-to-face   interaction.  “Four  years  of  jobs  gains  money  to  retain  or  rehire
            in the coming weeks. Seth  mists  to  envision  as  many  Auto sales have sunk, and  have  evaporated  in  the  workers. This provision could
            Carpenter,  an  economist  as 20 million lost jobs by the  factories have closed.      span  of  two  weeks,”  said  help  limit  future  layoffs  or
            at  Swiss  bank  UBS,  esti-  end  of  April.  That  would  Roughly  90%  of  the  U.S.  Daniel Zhao, an economist  lead  some  companies  to
            mates that about one-third  be  more  than  double  the  population  is  now  under  at  the  jobs  website  Glass-  recall  employees  back  to
            of  last  week's  claims  had  8.7  million  jobs  lost  during  stay-at-home orders, which  door.                  work.q

                                                                      Fauci says he feels safe despite threats,

                                                                      is focusing on job

                                                                      admirers  that  prompted  puts "all of that stuff aside."  security.  It  said  that  Alex
                                                                      the Trump administration to  The  Department  of  Health  Azar,  HHS  secretary,  grew
                                                                      assign him a security detail.  and  Human  Services  re-  concerned  about  Fauci's
                                                                      Fauci,  a  key  member  of  quested  the  U.S.  Marshals  safety  as  his  profile  has
                                                                      the White House coronavi-    Service  authorize  special  risen.  Fauci  is  said  to  have
                                                                      rus task force who appears  agents  from  the  HHS  in-   received threats online and
                                                                      almost  daily  on  televised  spector  general’s  office  been  approached  by  ad-
                                                                      briefings  and  news  shows,  as  part  of  Fauci's  security  mirers.
                                                                      says there are things about  detail, according to a per-  Asked  Thursday  if  he  felt
                                                                      his job that are "sometimes  son  familiar  with  the  ar-  safe, the 79-year-old Fauci
            Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and   disturbing."    rangements,  who  spoke  told NBC, "You know, I do.
            Infectious Diseases, speaks about the coronavirus in the James   But Fauci, a plain-speaking  on  condition  of  anonymity  ...  I've  chosen  this  life  and
            Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House, Wednesday, April   expert  on  the  coronavirus  because  there  has  been  I  mean  I  know  what  it  is.
            1, 2020, in Washington, as Vice President Mike Pence listens.
                                              (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)  who hasn't shied away from  no  official  announcement.  There  are  things  about  it
                                                                      publicly  correcting  Presi-  The  Justice  Department  that are sometimes disturb-
            By  MICHAEL  BALSAMO  As-    cial, said Thursday he feels  dent  Donald  Trump's  er-  approved  the  request  to  ing  but  you  just  focus  on
            sociated Press               safe despite reports he's re-  roneous  statements  about  deputize  nine  agents,  the  the job you have to do and
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Dr.  ceived  online  threats  and  the  virus,  told  NBC's  “To-  person said.                just put all of that stuff aside
            Anthony  Fauci,  the  top  has  had  uncomfortable  day” that he just focuses on  The  Washington  Post  first  and try as best as possible
            U.S.  infectious  disease  offi-  personal  encounters  with  the job he has chosen and  reported Fauci's enhanced  not to pay attention to it."q
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