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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 19 July 2017
            Last duet: Kenny, Dolly announce

            final performance together

            By KRISTIN M. HALL           in 1983.                     has  had  several  success-
             Associated Press            Other  performers  for  the  ful duet partners, including
            NASHVILLE,    Tenn.    (AP)  farewell show are Little Big  Dottie  West,  Kim  Carnes,
            —  Two  of  country  mu-     Town,  Flaming  Lips,  Idina  Sheena  Easton  and  Linda
            sic’s  biggest  stars,  Kenny  Menzel,  Elle  King,  Jamey  Davis,  but  Parton’s  star
            Rogers  and  Dolly  Parton,  Johnson and Alison Krauss,  power made their collabo-
            whose  onstage  chemistry  with more names to be an-      rations a tour de force.
            spawned  hit  duets  like  “Is-  nounced.  Rogers  made  “We  can  go  three  years
            lands  in  the  Stream”  and  the  announcement  Tues-    without  talking  to  each
            “Real  Love,”  will  be  mak-  day at a press conference  other  and  when  we  get
            ing their final performance  in  Nashville.  Tickets  for  the  together,  it’s  like  we  were   In  this  combination  photo,  Kenny  Rogers,  left,  performs  on
            together  this  year.  Rogers,  show will go on sale July 21.  together  yesterday,”  Rog-  March  7,  2013,  in  Lancaster,  Pa.  and  Dolly  Parton  performs  in
            who is retiring from touring,  Rogers,  78,  said  it’s  been  ers said. “We both feel that   Philadelphia on June 15, 2016.
            says  his  final  performance  more than a decade since  comfort.”  “Performing  with                                          Associated Press
            with  Parton  will  be  part  of  he  performed  with  Parton  Kenny for the last time ever
            an  all-star  farewell  show  for a CMT special.          on October 25th is going to   The actor, singer and pho-    “Islands  in  the  Stream,”
            to  be  held  at  Nashville’s  “I think we owe it to her to  be  emotional  for  both  of   tographer with hits like “The  but beyond that, he wasn’t
            Bridgestone Arena on Oct.  let  her  go  on  with  her  ca-  us, but it’s also going to be   Gambler,” ‘’Lady” and “Lu-  sure  yet.  “Whether  we  do
            25. The two have been per-   reer,  but  we  owe  it  to  me  very special,” Parton said in   cille,”  announced  in  2015  something  else,  I  don’t
            forming  together  for  more  to do it one more time, and  a statement. “Even though   he  would  do  a  final  fare-  know,”  Rogers  said.  “That
            than 30 years since “Islands  we’re  going  to  do  that,”  Kenny  may  be  retiring,  as   well  tour  before  retiring  to  would  require  a  rehearsal
            in  the  Stream,”  written  by  Rogers said after the press  he  fades  from  the  stage,   spend  more  time  with  his  and I don’t know that Dolly
            the  Bee  Gees,  became  a  conference.                   our love for each other will   family. Rogers said he and   or  I,  either  one,  are  up  for
            pop crossover platinum hit  In his 60-year career, Rogers  never fade away.”           Parton would definitely sing  that.”q

            Mayer on changing his live shows: ‘I want to be competitive’

            By MESFIN FEKADU             of that.’”                                                                             really powerful, but I’m also
             AP Music Writer             The  39-year-old  recently                                                             two  years  removed  from
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  John  wrapped a tour with Dead                                                                  the  emotion  of  it,  so  it’s  a
            Mayer never relied on mul-   &  Company,  his  super-                                                               very interesting thing to go
            ticolored  lighting,  confetti  group with Grateful Dead’s                                                          out on tour with songs that
            and  pyrotechnics  to  help  Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann                                                           have  been  gestating  for
            him  during  his  live  shows,  and  Bob  Weir.  His  summer                                                        three years.
            like some of his peers.      tour  wraps  Sept.  3  in  No-                                                         AP: What have you learned
            But  the  singer-songwriter-  blesville, Indiana.                                                                   from performing in Dead &
            guitarist  wanted  to  step  But Mayer isn’t only playing                                                           Company?
            up  his  game,  and  he  said  big arenas: He announced                                                             Mayer: It seemed to me al-
            watching  Drake  perform  Tuesday that he will join the                                                             most like taking a break to
            live  encouraged  him  to  Dive Bar Tour with Bud Light                                                             go  back  to  school,  right?
            beef  up  his  stage  produc-  for  a  show  in  Los  Angeles                                                       It  was  like,  ‘Take  a  break
            tion  and  take  more  risks  on July 26.                                                                           from  this  solo  thing  and
            during his concerts.         In  a  recent  interview  with   John Mayer poses for a portrait on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 in   go  back  to  the  university.’
            Mayer  will  launch  the  sec-  The Associated Press, May-  New York, NY.                                           And I’m getting my degree
            ond  leg  of  his  Search  for  er talked about stepping it                                        Associated Press  from Grateful Dead Univer-
            Everything  World  Tour  on  up  with  his  live  shows,  at-                                                       sity. That’s all I ever wanted
            Tuesday  in  Albuquerque,  tending Grateful Dead Uni-     but that’s a lot more trucks  been four years since your  was  musical  experience
            New  Mexico.  The  new  live  versity  and  enjoying  new  and  buses.  I’d  go  broke  last release. Why so long?  that equated to becoming
            shows  have  been  a  de-    albums  by  DJ  Khaled  and  from that tour but it would  Mayer: Well, when I turned  a  better  musician.  ...  It’s  a
            parture  for  the  Grammy  Calvin Harris.                 be  incredible.  It  would  al-  30 (in 2008), I looked at my  little boring to be a solo act
            winner,  who  now  performs  _____                        most be Broadway-like.       30s  that  were  coming  up  for like 50 years. For me per-
            with a colorful and futuristic  AP: The production level for  I  want  to  be  modern  day  and I said, ‘I want to make  sonally, I’m way too fidgety.
            L.E.D. wall and floor.       your new live shows has re-  and I want to play by mod-   as much as I can in my 30s,’  AP: Who else would you like
            “I wanted to have a really  ally  changed.  What’s  that  ern-day  rules  and  excite  so I started to. ... ‘The Search  to collaborate with?
            big show. I want to be com-  process been like?           people,  but  I  also  want  to  for Everything’ would have  Mayer: My next collabora-
            petitive. I want to be in the  Mayer:  We  have  an  L.E.D.  do  it  the  way  I  would  do  come  out,  and  I  haven’t  tion,  I  think,  is  going  to  be
            world  where  people  are  wall  and  a  L.E.D.  floor.  In  it. Everything that I’ve ever  done  the  math  on  this,  it  more on the producer side
            creating bigger and better  a way it’s really minimal ...  picked up that was a tech-  would  have  come  out  in  than  on  the  artist  side.  I’m
            shows,” Mayer said. “I think  but from there you can go  nology in some way or an-     2015,  but  then  this  beauti-  very  interested  in  and  in-
            there’s  a  healthy  compe-  anywhere you want to go.  other,  I’ve  always  found,  ful  opportunity  of  Dead  &  trigued by the idea of work-
            tition  involved  in  it.  I  went  It  can  be  abstract.  It  can  I  think,  my  own  voice  with  Company  showed  up  at  ing with certain producers.
            and saw Drake’s show and  be  superminimalist.  It  can  it. And so I’m doing the big,  my doorstep. And I’ve nev-  ... I also like the idea of the
            ...  real  artists  say,  ‘Wow!’  also be super-real. ... I even  bad  L.E.D.  show,  but  in  a  er pressed pause on a solo  ensemble  record;  I  see
            And then they go, ‘(Exple-   want to go further with it. ...  way that tells a story about  career  before,  but  I  knew  where that’s going. The (DJ)
            tive).’  Right?  Because  you  I have an idea maybe next  me.                          that  this  was  worth  press-  Khaled  record,  the  Calvin
            see  something  that  wows  year to do like a 2.0 version  AP:   Your   album   “The  ing  pause  for.  And  that’s  Harris  record  —  that’s  like
            you  and  as  an  artist  your-  of  it  where  it  really  goes  Search for Everything” was  been  really  interesting  be-  a  life  hack  that’s  taking
            self  you  go,  ‘I  want  a  little  down deep into my dream,  released  in  April  and  it’s  cause the (new) songs are  place  before  our  eyes.q
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