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Wednesday 19 July 2017
KitchenWise: Cheese Sandwich Souffle is easy weeknight meal
By SARA MOULTON ham, prosciutto or smoked
Associated Press turkey
One time many years ago, 3 large eggs
I was riffling through my 1/4 teaspoon table salt
grandmother Ruth’s box of 2 cups whole milk
handwritten recipe cards In a lightly buttered 8-inch-
when I pulled up short at square baking dish, ar-
the sight of the title of this range 4 slices of the bread
recipe for Cheese Sand- flat on the bottom, trim-
wich Souffle. Souffle? Fan- ming the slices if necessary
cy! But reading the details, to fit snuggly in one layer.
I quickly understood that Cover each slice with one-
this item was nothing more fourth of the cheese and
or less than the wedding of one-fourth of the meat and
a ham-and-cheese sand- top each one with another
wich and some French slice of bread to form a
toast. sandwich.
But that didn’t make it a In a bowl beat the eggs
souffle. It required no sep- lightly with the salt, add the
arating of eggs, nor any milk and beat until com-
beating of egg whites. bined well. Pour the mixture
Once I actually made the over the sandwiches, cover
recipe, however, the title and chill 1 hour.
didn’t seem like such a Preheat the oven to 350 F.
stretch. This June 30, 2017 photo shows a cheese sandwich souffle in New York. This dish is from a recipe Bake the sandwiches on
Fresh out of the oven, these by Sara Moulton. Associated Press the middle shelf of the oven
sandwiches have puffed uncovered until they are
up in a very souffle-ish way. whether or not the kids lend or your meat of choice. You are plenty hearty. browned around the edg-
Similarly, they boast the a hand, this sandwich will can lose the Gruyere in fa- CHEESE SANDWICH SOUF- es and just set in the cen-
moistness and airiness of a be even more attractive vor of provolone, cheddar, FLE ter, about 40 to 45 minutes.
souffle. once the schoolyear — mozzarella, or your favorite Start to finish: 2 hours (15 Transfer a baked sandwich
But what I especially loved and the hectic dinnertime cheese. Vegetarians in the minutes active) to each of 4 plates and
about the recipe was how grind — kicks in. Just know family? Say goodbye to the Servings: 4 serve right away.
ridiculously easy it is to pre- that you’ll have to plan meat and hello to a hearty Butter for buttering the bak- ___
pare, making it the ideal ahead a bit; the sandwich- vegetable like grilled egg- ing pan Nutritional information: 454
candidate for a weeknight es need to soak in the egg/ plant or sauteed Portobello 8 slices homemade-style calories; 205 calories from
meal. (Huh? A sandwich milk mixture for a full hour mushrooms. Want to make white or whole-wheat fat; 23 g fat (11 g saturat-
for supper? Yes. Eggs for before you pop them into a slimmer version? Use low- bread, crusts removed ed; 0 g trans fats); 223 mg
supper? Indeed.) Prepar- the oven. fat cheese and non-fat 1/4 pound thinly sliced cholesterol; 1,113 mg so-
ing this dish is so simple, This recipe can be custom- milk. However you roll, all cheese (Gruyere, cheddar, dium; 36 g carbohydrates;
you ought to consider in- ized in all sorts of ways. You you’ll need to flesh out the provolone, mozzarella, et 2 g fiber; 9 g sugar; 26 g
viting your kids to help. But can swap out the ham for meal is a side salad or veg- cetera) protein.q
smoked turkey, prosciutto etable. These sandwiches 2 ounces thinly sliced boiled
Researchers looking to develop
longer strawberry season
consecutive weeks. They ment of Agriculture. vestigating the role the
also found that the 3-foot The university’s part is fo- plastic covered low tun-
(0.91-meter) tall tunnels cused on improving berry nels play in improving ber-
significantly increased the quality and the role ever- ry quality.
percentage of market- bearing, or day-neutral, They are evaluating five
able fruit, from an average varieties may play in ex- different plastics for the
of about 70 percent to 83 tending the length of tunnels.
percent. strawberry season in the The strawberry crop is im-
Now in its second year, the Northeast. portant to New Hampshire
research project by the Graduate student Kaitlyn farmers. Agricultural re-
New Hampshire Agricul- Orde said the university is searcher Becky Sideman
In this March 23, 2015 file photo, strawberries are prepared for tural Experiment Station is growing one of these va- estimates the retail value
use in strawberry shortcake in Concord, NH.
Associated Press part of a larger, multi-state rieties on three different of the crop is about $1.85
effort to optimize protect-
mulches, “to determine if million.
DURHAM, N.H. (AP) — stretch the harvest form ed growing environments there are any differences Researchers in Mary-
Strawberry season in the July to Thanksgiving. for berry crops in North- in total production, pro- land, Minnesota, North
Northeast usually lasts only Researchers with the Uni- eastern states and the up- duction patterns, runner Carolina, and New York
four to six weeks, but New versity of New Hampshire per Midwest. production, and fruit char- have conducted prelimi-
Hampshire researchers harvested strawberries The project is funded by acteristics.” nary research on similar
have figured out how to grown in low tunnels for 19 the United States Depart- She said they also are in- systems.q