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A28     U.S. NEWS
                  Diaranson 17 Maart 2021

                          Newsom will appoint Black woman if Feinstein retires early

                                                                      he said during a interview on  her  spokesman,  said  in  an  under  consideration  for  the
                                                                      MSNBC’s  “The  ReidOut”  email Monday.                    Harris seat and would likely
                                                                      when asked if he would name  Were  she  to  retire  before  be  on  Newsom’s  list  were
                                                                      a Black woman to the seat if  her term is up, the governor  he to get a second Senate ap-
                                                                      given the chance.            would  appoint  a  replace-  pointment.  The  two  orga-
                                                                                                   ment.   Newsom     recently  nized a Monday news confer-
                                                                      Feinstein,  87,  is  the  oldest  held  that  power  after  then-  ence defending him against a
                                                                      sitting U.S. senator. She won  California Sen. Kamala Har-  pending recall effort.
                                                                      her sixth election in 2018 and  ris was elected vice president.  Feinstein,  meanwhile,  has
                                                                      said  she  plans  to  serve  out  He faced competing pressure  recently  drawn  the  ire  of
                                                                      her  full  term.  But  she’s  re-  to name a Latino and a Black  progressives for some of her
                                                                      cently faced questions about  woman and eventually chose  actions, including her role in
                                                                      her  memory  and  pushback  Alex  Padilla,  making  him  Supreme Court Justice Amy
                                                                      from Democrats who see her  California’s first Latino U.S.  Coney Barrett’s confirmation
                                                                      as too friendly with Republi-  senator.                   hearing just before last year’s
                                                                      cans.  She  said  in  December  Harris’  departure  left  Black  election.  She  was  seen  hug-
            (AP)  —  California  Gov.  she retires before her term  she wasn’t planning on retir-  women  without  any  repre-  ging  Republican  Sen.  Lind-
            Gavin Newsom said Mon-       is up in 2024.               ing  early  and  defended  her  sentation in the 100-member  sey Graham and praising his
            day  he’d  appoint  a  Black                              job performance.             chamber. U.S. Reps. Barbara  committee leadership during
            woman  to  replace  U.S.  “We have multiple names in  “The senator has no plans to  Lee  of  Oakland  and  Karen  the  hearings  as  he  was  in  a
            Sen.  Dianne  Feinstein  if  mind and the answer is yes,”  step  down,”  Tom  Mentzer,  Bass  of  Los  Angeles  were  tight reelection battle.

                            Family of boy killed at Disney World urges organ donation

            (AP)  —  A  Nebraska  cou-   saw those families struggling  prepared to lose a child ever.   said  University  of  Nebraska  people. “I’m so grateful that
            ple  whose  2-year-old  son  with  very  limited  resources  The loss is unbearable,” Matt   Medical  Center  Chancellor  I have this to help me in my
            died tragically at Walt Dis-  to  care  for  their  children,”  Graves said. “Organ donation   Dr. Jeffrey Gold, who serves  grief  process,”  Gillock  said.
            ney World nearly five years  Matt  and  Melissa  Graves  may seem like a hard choice   on the foundation’s board.   “It’s  such  an  honor  to  have
            ago  wants  more  families  said  in  a  statement.  Lane  to make. … But people who   Even though the foundation  been part of that decision and
            to consider donating their  Thomas  Graves  was  play-    donate  their  child’s  organs   is  small,  Gold  said  he  be-  to  know  that  these  families
            children’s  organs  if  their  ing  on  a  beach  outside  Dis-  are heroes.” The Graves fam-  lieves it can get more people  were  pleading  for  a  savior
            child is ever facing death.  ney’s Grand Floridian Resort  ily’s  foundation  is  moving   to  consider  organ  donation  and my daughter was the sav-
                                         and  Spa  in  June  2016  when  beyond  the  small-scale  do-  with its plan to tell the stories  ior. What better honor.”
            Matt and Melissa Graves cre-  an alligator grabbed him and  nations  it  has  been  making   of parents who donated their  Since the foundation was cre-
            ated the Lane Thomas Foun-   dragged him into the lake. He  so  far  to  families  with  chil-  child’s organs and the fami-  ated, it has helped pay travel
            dation  after  their  son  was  was gathering sand for a sand  dren  undergoing  transplants   lies  that  received  them,  and  and living expenses for nearly
            killed by an alligator in 2016.  castle  when  the  alligator  at-  in Omaha to raise awareness   that can make a difference.  100 families being treated in
            The Omaha couple said they  tacked. Matt Graves jumped  nationally  about  the  need   “Anything  that  can  be  done  Omaha.  That  included  do-
            decided to focus on pediatric  into the water but was unable  for pediatric organ donation.   to reduce time on these wait-  nating  $112,275  to  30  fami-
            organ donation because they  to rescue his son. Lane’s body  They cite statistics saying that   ing  lists  for  both  for  adults  lies in 2019, according to the
            wanted  to  help  other  fami-  was found 16 hours later.  roughly  100,  of  the  nearly   and children will be lifesav-  foundation’s tax forms.
            lies  fighting  for  their  chil-  At  Disney  World,  a  sculp-  2,000  children  on  the  na-  ing and produce a stress re-  Families  of  children  getting
            dren’s lives and they wanted  ture of a lighthouse similar to  tional transplant waiting list,   lief  that  is  immeasurable,”  transplants  typically  have  to
            to help kids because their son  the one the foundation uses  die  each  year  while  waiting.   Gold  said.  The  foundation,  spend  weeks  or  months  in
            loved  other  children.  “Be-  as  its  logo  was  later  erected  Finding transplant organs for   which has nearly $5 million  Omaha  after  an  operation,
            cause  we  know  the  pain  of  near where Lane was killed.  children  is  challenging  be-  in  assets  and  two  part-time  and  the  long  recovery  time
            losing a child, we wanted to  Matt  and  Melissa  Graves  cause  the  pool  of  donors  is   employees,  created  a  public  often  forces  one  parent  to
            focus  on  an  issue  where  we  say they want parents to talk  so small. “The real and ever-  service  announcement  fo-  take  leave  from  their  job  or
            believe  we  can  help  prevent  about  organ  donation  long  present  issue  the  founda-  cused  on  Lauressa  Gillock  quit to be with the child. Gil-
            other parents from knowing  before they ever face the un-  tion is trying to address is ...   of  North  Platte,  Nebraska,  lock  said  those  grants  really
            our pain. We chose pediatric  thinkable  prospect  of  their  the  donor  organ  availability   meeting  the  now  7-year-old  help families.
            organ  donation  because  we  child  dying.  “No  parent  is  which  is  markedly  limited,”   boy  from  McComb,  Mis-  “The  Lane  Thomas  Foun-
                                                                                                   sissippi,  who  received  her  dation  is  amazing  to  help
                                                                                                   daughter’s heart. Gillock said  these families that are going
                                                                                                   organ  donation  helped  ease  through  organ  donation  to
                                                                                                   the pain of losing her 3-year-  not  worry  about  financials.
                                                                                                   old daughter to brain cancer  It  should  never  be  an  issue
                                                                                                   in 2015 because she knew her  when  your  child  is  on  their
                                                                                                   daughter’s organs helped five  deathbed. Never,” she said.
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