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Tuesday 8 March 2022 locAl

            Workshop study choice popular with final exam students

            The     workshop     'Study                                                            difficult it must be to make  are  well  informed  and
            choice  information'  at  Co-                                                          a  choice.  My  most  impor-  prepared  for  their  further
            legio Arubano has been a                                                               tant advice is not to stand  education  and  further  life
            success  this  past  week  at.                                                         still, because time certainly  abroad. We are very grate-
            Nearly  300  HAVO  5  and                                                              does not stand still.”       ful  to  WeConnect  for  their
            VWO  6  students  attended                                                                                          time, energy and the infor-
            the workshop during school                                                             Empowerment                  mation they have provided
            time.                                                                                  Amedee  Wever  studied  to our students.”
                                                                                                   Earth  Sciences  at  the  Uni-
            Former students of Colegio                                                             versity  of  Amsterdam.  “I  Follow-up
            stood  in  front  of  the  class                                                       hope  that  we  have  been  It  makes  you  want  more,
            and  shared  their  experi-                                                            able  to  provide  insight,  those  workshops,  as  the
            ence about studying in the                                                             inspiration  and  practical  survey  among  the  stu-
            Netherlands.  This  s  an  ini-                                                        tips and tricks that the stu-  dents  showed  afterwards.
            tiative  of  the  educational                                                          dents  will  take  with  them  They  also  indicated  that
            foundation    WeConnect,                                                               into the next, very exciting,  they  would  like  to  talk  to
            which  thus  contributes  to                                                           chapter  of  their  lives.  They  Arubans  who  are  already
            education choice informa-                                                              have  unlimited  potential,  studying in the Netherlands.
            tion.                                                                                  and  with  the  right  mindset  Studies such as Biology and
                                                                                                   they are sure to thrive.” The  Medical  Laboratory  Re-
            Information                                                                            third spokesperson, Aruban  search,  International  Busi-
            A  very  large  proportion  of                                                         Joseph  Loaiza  (Tax  Law,  ness and Law are popular.
            these students will leave for                                                          Leiden  University)  adds:  “The  students  want  more
            another  country  in  a  few                                                           “Believe in yourself and just  information about housing,
            months'  time;  the  choice                                                            go for it. Your journey is just  life-work  balance,  study
            for  the  Netherlands  is  an                                                          starting.  Enjoy  every  mo-  pressure,  mental  health,
            obvious one. Some already                                                              ment.” All three have since  budgeting and how to deal
            know  for  sure  what  they                                                            returned  to  their  native  is-  with  Dutch  culture.”  Tanja
            want to study and in which  happy  with  the  demand  the  Netherlands  to  study.  land  as  young  profession-    Fraai explains. WeConnect
            city,  others  are  still  unsure.  from the schools.” says We-  The  Aruban  born  Nanine  als.                    has  offered  to  facilitate
            “It is difficult to choose from  Connect  manager  Tanja  Ponson  chose  Biology  and                               these virtual conversations.
            a  distance  and  the  field  Fraai.                      Medical  Laboratory  Re-     Need                         All  workshops  are  hosted
            of  choice  is  complex  and                              search  at  the  Hogeschool  At  Colegio  people  are  by  Rachel  Hughes,  the  lo-
            diverse,  especially  with  all  Peers                    Leiden, followed by a mas-   happy with the information  cal  WeConnect  coordina-
            English-language studies in  WeConnect works with the  ter's degree at the VU Uni-     provided  by  WeConnect.  tor on the island. The work-
            the  Netherlands.  Everyone  peer-to-peer system, so the  versity in Amsterdam. ”I see  Dean Richeilla Wijngaarde:  shop  has  been  running  for
            should  be  able  to  ask  his  information officers are for-  a young Nanine in front of  ”As a dean, I think it is im-  some time at Colegio Nigel
            or her questions. So we are  mer  students  who  went  to  me, and I can imagine how  portant  that  our  students  Matthew in San Nicolas.q
              Medlab Aruba ‘fit-2-fly’:

              Covid-19 testing on the island

              NOORD  —  While  on  vacation,  testing  prior  to  coming  to  Aruba
              the  last  thing  you  need  to  worry  and have all their information in-
              about is what to do or where to go  corporated  upon  entry  to  any
              for  your  COVID-19  testing.  Many  of  the  available  testing  centers.
              countries,  including  the  U.S.  re-  Guests will receive a confirmation
              quire  for  all  passengers  heading  email  with  QR-code  that  will  be
              back home to present with a neg-   requested upon day of testing to  on these properties will be allowed
              ative test result for PCR or Antigen  facilitate a faster turn-around time  to conduct the test. Appointment  Price
              72 hours prior to departure.       for your results.                  is also made online at WWW.CO-      Offering a great rate for the test-
                                                                                    VIDARUBA.COM.                       ing. The Antigen test is at $50 and
              MEDLAB  Aruba  is  an  accredited  Testing options                    The participating hotels with test-  the PCR at $100. Payment method
              ISO 15189:2012 OGA-LE 23-08 lab-   Offering  three  method  of  testing  ing  facilities  are  Aruba  Marriott  is card (preferred), cash (hygiene
              oratory with over 30 years of expe-  gives  you,  our  island  visitors,  the  Resort  (Stellaris,  Ocean  and  Surf  measures).
              rience on the island. The laborato-  possibility to choose which service  Club),  Holiday  Inn,  Playa  Linda  The COVID Test is not covered by
              ry complies with the Department  is  at  your  convenience.  Recom-   Beach Resort, RIU Antillas, RIU Pal-  the Aruba Visitor’s Insurance, but
              of Public Health of Aruba, and the  mended  time  to  complete  test  ace,  Eagle  Resort,  Costa  Linda  you  are  able  to  seek  reimburse-
              Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  prior to departure is 48 (72) hours.  Beach Resort, Bucuti & Tara Beach  ment once back home.
              Prevention  (CDC)  requirements  We  also  request  for  you  to  bring  Resort,  Manchebo  Beach  Resort,
              for  COVID  -19  testing.  MEDLAB  your passport to the appointment.  Casa  del  Mar  &  Aruba  Beach  Results
              Aruba has been assigned as one  Testing  Option  1:  Walk-In  service  Club, Caribbean Palm Village.      Turn-around time for results is with-
              of the private laboratories autho-  at  our  location  in  Noord  Medi-  Testing  Option  3:  Airbnb/  Other  in 24 hours. Result is sent electroni-
              rized to perform “Fit-2-Fly” testing  cal  Center  (NMC),  Noord  63  or  hotel  location.  We  come  to  you  cally to your email (check spam/
              for departing passengers.          at Superfood COVID Testing Cen-    for the test together with our ve-  junk folder)
              Hassle free scheduling – QR-code   ter. You may also book online at  hicular Mobile Health Test Unit. We
              The laboratory has invested on the  WWW.COVIDARUBA.COM          and  require  a  minimum  of  six  people  For  more  information  visit  www.
              only fully integrated digital book-  choose location.                 for  this  service.  Request/  Book,  call  us  at  +297
              ing platform on the island that al-  Testing Option 2: On-site at partici-  appointment  through  WhatsApp  5975548 or email us at covid@lab.
              lows guests to pre-register for the  pating hotels. Only guests staying  number +297 5975548.             aw.q
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