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a14    people & arts
                Tuesday 21 November 2023
            'Please regulate AI:' Artists push for U.S. copyright reforms but tech

            industry says not so fast

                                                                                                                                ing  the  copyrighted  work
                                                                                                                                into something different.
                                                                                                                                "The American AI industry is
                                                                                                                                built  in  part  on  the  under-
                                                                                                                                standing that the Copyright
                                                                                                                                Act does not proscribe the
                                                                                                                                use  of  copyrighted  mate-
                                                                                                                                rial  to  train  Generative  AI
                                                                                                                                models,"  says  a  letter  from
                                                                                                                                Meta Platforms, the parent
                                                                                                                                company of Facebook, In-
                                                                                                                                stagram  and  WhatsApp.
                                                                                                                                The purpose of AI training is
                                                                                                                                to  identify  patterns  "across
                                                                                                                                a broad body of content,"
                                                                                                                                not  to  "extract  or  repro-
                                                                                                                                duce"  individual  works,  it
                                                                                                                                So  far,  courts  have  largely
                                                                                                                                sided with tech companies
                                                                                                                                in  interpreting  how  copy-
                                                                                                                                right  laws  should  treat  AI
                                                                                                                                systems. In a defeat for vi-
                                                                                                                                sual artists, a federal judge
                                                                                                                                in San Francisco last month
            Actor and filmmaker Justine Bateman, right, speaks outside Netflix during a Writers Guild rally on July 13, 2023, in Los Angeles.   dismissed  much  of  the  first
                                                                                                               Associated Press   big  lawsuit  against  AI  im-
            By MATT O'BRIEN              being,  not  a  computer.  tems, often without permis-    giarism  machine"  before  age-generators, though al-
            AP Technology Writer         And I myself am reading a  sion or compensation.          Hollywood  is  "coopted  by  lowed some of the case to
            Country  singers,  romance  large part of them."          More than 9,700 comments  greedy  and  craven  com-       proceed.
            novelists, video game artists     WHAT'S AT STAKE?        were sent to the Copyright  panies  who  want  to  take  Most  tech  companies  cite
            and  voice  actors  are  ap-  Perlmutter  directs  the  U.S.  Office, part of the Library of  human talent out of enter-  as   precedent   Google's
            pealing to the U.S. govern-  Copyright  Office,  which  Congress,  before  an  initial  tainment."                  success  in  beating  back
            ment for relief — as soon as  registered   more    than  comment  period  closed  The  music  industry  is  also  legal  challenges  to  its  on-
            possible — from the threat  480,000 copyrights last year  in  late  October.  Another  threatened,   said   Nash-   line  book  library.  The  U.S.
            that  artificial  intelligence  covering millions of individ-  round of comments is due  ville-based  country  song-  Supreme  Court  in  2016  let
            poses to their livelihoods.  ual works but is increasingly  by  Dec.  6.  After  that,  Perl-  writer  Marc  Beeson,  who's  stand  lower  court  rulings
            "Please  regulate  AI.  I'm  being  asked  to  register  mutter's  office  will  work  to  penned  tunes  for  Carrie  that rejected authors' claim
            scared," wrote a podcaster  works  that  are  AI-generat-  advise  Congress  and  oth-  Underwood    and    Garth  that  Google's  digitizing  of
            concerned about his voice  ed. So far, copyright claims  ers on whether reforms are  Brooks.  Beeson  said  AI  has  millions of books and show-
            being  replicated  by  AI  in  for  fully  machine-gener-  needed.                     potential to do good but "in  ing snippets of them to the
            one of thousands of letters  ated  content  have  been  WHAT ARE ARTISTS SAYING?       some ways, it's like a gun —  public amounted to copy-
            recently  submitted  to  the  soundly  rejected  because  Addressing the "Ladies and  in the wrong hands, with no  right infringement.
            U.S. Copyright Office.       copyright  laws  are  de-    Gentlemen of the US Copy-    parameters  in  place  for  its  But  that's  a  flawed  com-
            Technology companies, by  signed  to  protect  works  of  right  Office,"  the  "Family  use, it could do irreparable  parison,   argued   former
            contrast, are largely happy  human authorship.            Ties"  actor  and  filmmaker  damage to one of the last  law  professor  and  bestsell-
            with  the  status  quo  that  But, Perlmutter asks, as hu-  Justine  Bateman  said  she  true American art forms."  ing  romance  author  Heidi
            has enabled them to gob-     mans feed content into AI  was disturbed that AI mod-     While  most  commenters  Bond, who writes under the
            ble  up  published  works  to  systems  and  give  instruc-  els  were  "ingesting  100  were individuals, their con-  pen  name  Courtney  Mi-
            make  their  AI  systems  bet-  tions  to  influence  what  years  of  film"  and  TV  in  a  cerns were echoed by big  lan.  Bond  said  she  agrees
            ter  at  mimicking  what  hu-  comes out, "is there a point  way that could destroy the  music  publishers  (Universal  that  "fair  use  encompass-
            mans do.                     at  which  there's  enough  structure of the film business  Music  Group  called  the  es  the  right  to  learn  from
            The  nation's  top  copyright  human involvement in con-  and replace large portions  way AI is trained "ravenous  books,"  but  Google  Books
            official  hasn't  yet  taken  trolling  the  expressive  ele-  of its labor pipeline.  and  poorly  controlled")  as  obtained  legitimate  cop-
            sides.  She  told  The  Associ-  ments  of  the  output  that  It  "appears  to  many  of  us  well  as  author  groups  and  ies  held  by  libraries  and
            ated  Press  she's  listening  the human can be consid-   to be the largest copyright  news  organizations  includ-  institutions,  whereas  many
            to  everyone  as  her  office  ered  to  have  contributed  violation in the history of the  ing the New York Times and  AI  developers  are  scrap-
            weighs  whether  copyright  authorship?"                  United  States,"  Bateman  The Associated Press.          ing works of writing through
            reforms  are  needed  for  a  That's  one  question  the  wrote. "I sincerely hope you       IS IT FAIR USE?        "outright piracy."
            new  era  of  generative  AI  Copyright Office has put to  can  stop  this  practice  of  What leading tech compa-  Perlmutter  said  this  is  what
            tools that can spit out com-  the public. A bigger one —  thievery."                   nies  like  Google,  Microsoft  the  Copyright  Office  is  try-
            pelling imagery, music, vid-  the  question  that's  fielded  Airing some of the same AI  and  ChatGPT-maker  Ope-  ing to help sort out.
            eo and passages of text.     thousands  of  comments  concerns  that  fueled  this  nAI are telling the Copyright  "Certainly  this  differs  in
            "We've  received  close  to  from creative professions —  year's  Hollywood  strikes,  Office  is  that  their  training  some  respects  from  the
            10,000 comments," said Shi-  is what to do about copy-    television  showrunner  Lilla  of AI models fits into the "fair  Google  situation,"  Perlmut-
            ra  Perlmutter,  the  U.S.  reg-  righted  human  works  that  Zuckerman  ("Poker  Face")  use" doctrine that allows for  ter  said.  "Whether  it  differs
            ister of copyrights, in an in-  are  being  pulled  from  the  said  her  industry  should  limited uses of copyrighted  enough to rule out the fair
            terview. "Every one of them  internet  and  other  sources  declare  war  on  what  is  materials such as for teach-  use defense is the question
            is  being  read  by  a  human  and ingested to train AI sys-  "nothing  more  than  a  pla-  ing,  research  or  transform-  in hand."q
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