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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 21 November 2023

             Nola’s $172 million, 7-year deal with Phillies includes bonus if

             traded in 2024 or ‘25

            By AARON BRACY                                                                                                      durable.”
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Nola  is  90-71  with  a  3.72
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Aar-                                                                                         ERA in 235 starts over nine
            on  Nola  wanted  to  stay                                                                                          seasons  and  has  1,582
            with  the  Philadelphia  Phil-                                                                                      strikeouts  in  1,422  innings.
            lies.                                                                                                               He  had  his  best  season  in
            “I’ve always been a Phillie.                                                                                        2018,  when  he  went  17-6
            It’s the only place we kind                                                                                         with a career-low 2.37 ERA
            of  had  our  eyes  set  on,”                                                                                       in  33  starts  and  a  career-
            Nola  said  Monday  at  Citi-                                                                                       high 212 1/3 innings.
            zens  Bank  Park,  a  day  af-                                                                                      He  would  get  a  $1  million
            ter agreeing to a $172 mil-                                                                                         assignment bonus if traded
            lion,  seven-year  contract.                                                                                        in 2024 or 2025. During the
            “It’s the most comfortable                                                                                          2025  season,  Nola  will  be-
            place for me.”                                                                                                      come  a  10-year  veteran
            Nola became the first top-                                                                                          who  has  spent  five  years
            level free agent to reach a                                                                                         with his team and will have
            deal. The 30-year-old right-                                                                                        the  right  to  block  trades
            hander  was  drafted  sev-                                                                                          without his consent.
            enth  overall  by  Philadel-                                                                                        Nola  gets  a  suite  on  road
            phia in 2014 and has been                                                                                           trips   and   would   earn
            one  of  the  most  durable                                                                                         $50,000 bonuses for making
            pitchers  since  his  2015  big                                                                                     the  All-Star  team,  winning
            league debut.                                                                                                       a Gold Glove or becoming
            “Enjoyable and not enjoy-                                                                                           League Championship Se-
            able at the same time,” he                                                                                          ries MVP. He would receive
            said  of  free  agency,  “Not   Philadelphia  Phillies  baseball  team  pitcher  Aaron  Nola  takes  questions  from  the  media  after   $100,000  for  World  Series
            really  about  the  money.   signing a seven-year contract, Monday, Nov. 20, 2023, in Philadelphia.                 MVP.
            Being in a place we want                                                                           Associated Press   Nola   also   would   get
            to  be  for  the  next  seven                                                                                       $100,000  for  winning  a  Cy
            years. That part is more im-  “It was kind of tough at the   “Stick  to  my  routine  and   make  myself  healthy  and   Young  Award,  $50,000  for
            portant  for  me.  We  want-  end of the year,” Nola said.  what  I’ve  done  up  to  this   stay  healthy.  I  hope I  age   finishing second in the vot-
            ed to go through and see     Nola went 12-9 with a 4.46   point,”  Nola  said.  “I  have   well, for sure. I’m going to   ing and $25,000 for third.q
            what  it’s  about,  but  ulti-  ERA  in  32  starts  with  Phila-  some ways I feel like I can   do everything I can to stay
            mately this is the place we   delphia  this  year,  finishing
            wanted to be.”               with  202  strikeouts  in  193
            After  earning  $16  million   2/3  innings,  then  went  3-1
            this year in a contract that   with a 2.35 ERA in four post-
            paid $56.75 million over five   season starts.
            seasons, Nola will get year-  After  losing  a  six-game
            ly salaries of $24,571,428.  World  Series  to  Houston
            “We have one of the best     in  2022,  the  Phillies  were
            pitchers  in  baseball  that   eliminated  by  Arizona  in
            really  fits  into  our  ball-  a  seven-game  NL  Cham-
            club,”  Phillies  president  of   pionship  Series  this  year
            baseball  operations  Dave   after  winning  the  first  two
            Dombrowski  said.  “Some-    games.
            times  you  have  to  make   “We’ve     gotten    pretty
            compromises,  you  have      close,” he said.
            to  go  to  certain  length.   “We  obviously  have  the
            You weigh the dollars and    team  to  do  it.  It’s  every-
            length of contract, an indi-  body’s  in  the  organiza-
            vidual  that’s  talented,  tre-  tion’s goal to do that. That
            mendous  pitcher,  reliable,   was  a  big  reason  I  came
            you  know  the  makeup  of   back.”
            the  individual,  extremely   Nola is part of a projected
            hard worker.                 rotation that includes Zack
            “We want to win. We want     Wheeler,  Taijuan  Walker,
            to  make  it  happen,  and   Ranger  Suárez  and  Cristo-
            sometimes  you  have  to     pher Sánchez.
            compromise.”                 “We  like  our  five  starters
            Nola  and  wife  Hunter  are   and  look  like  we’re  set,”
            expecting  their  first  child.   Dombrowski said.
            He  said  he  blocked  out   Nola has made at least 32
            pending  free  agency  dur-  starts and pitched at least
            ing  the  season,  but  the   180 2/3 innings in five of the
            reality  that  he  might  not   last six years the exception
            pitch again in Philadelphia   the  pandemic-shortened
            hit him after the season.    2020 season.
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