Page 29 - MIN.ON AUG 31,2015
P. 29

                                                                                                                   Monday 31 August 2015

Mothers, students join Japan’s protests over security bills 

MARI YAMAGUCHI                  Anti-nuclear protests after     Protesters shout slogans during a rally in front of the National Diet        expected. But grass-roots
Associated Press                the 2011 Fukushima disas-       building in Tokyo, Sunday, Aug. 30, 2015. Thousands of Japa-                 groups among typically
TOKYO (AP) — Mothers            ter also petered out.           nese protested outside the parliament a set of security bills de-            apolitical groups such as
holding their children’s        Smaller protests were held      signed to expand the role the country’s military.                            mothers and students —
hands stood in the sprin-       elsewhere across the na-                                                                                     aided by social media —
kling rain, holding up anti-    tion Sunday. The demon-                                                        (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)  appear to be growing.
war placards, while stu-        strations started earlier this                                                                               A group called Moth-
dents chanted slogans           year but grew sharply af-                                                                                    ers Against War started in
against Prime Minister          ter July, when Abe’s ruling                                                                                  July and gained support-
Shinzo Abe and his de-          party and its junior coalition                                                                               ers rapidly via Facebook.
fense policies to the beat      partner pushed the leg-                                                                                      It collected nearly 20,000
of a drum. Japan is seeing      islation through the more                                                                                    signatures of people op-
new faces join the ranks of     powerful lower house de-                                                                                     posed to the legislation,
protesters typically made       spite vocal opposition from                                                                                  which representatives tried
up of labor union members       other parties — and media                                                                                    unsuccessfully to submit to
and graying leftist activists.  polls showing the majority                                                                                   Abe’s office last Friday.
On Sunday, tens of thou-        of Japanese opposed the                                                                                      “I’m afraid the legislation
sands filled the streets out-   bills. Whether the protests’                                                                                 is really going to reverse
side Tokyo’s parliament to      momentum signals wider                                                                                       the direction of this coun-
rally against new security      social change remains to                                                                                     try, where pacifism was our
legislation likely to become    be seen. They could die                                                                                      pride,” said a 44-year-old
law in September.               out once the summer holi-                                                                                    architect who joined Sun-
“No to war legislation!”        day is over and the legisla-                                                                                 day’s rally with her 5-year-
‘’Scrap the bills now!” and     tion is passed, as is widely                                                                                 old son. q
“Abe, quit!” they chanted
in one of the summer’s big-     Police:
gest protests. Their cries are
against a series of bills that       Bangkok bombing suspect is not cooperating 
would expand Japan’s
military role under a reinter-  N. ANUSONDISAI                  custody for at least seven        at the Erawan Shrine, which                ing many that were empty,
pretation of the country’s      J. GECKER                       days.                             killed 20 people, more than                and police were exploring
war-renouncing constitu-        Associated Press                The unnamed foreigner             half of whom were foreign-                 the theory that he was part
tion.                           BANGKOK (AP) — Thai po-         was arrested Saturday at          ers, and injured more than                 of a network that provided
In Japan, where people          lice said Sunday the man        an apartment on the out-          120 others.                                fake passports to migrants.
generally don’t express         arrested in connection with     skirts of Bangkok where po-       National police spokes-                    He said the passports were
political views in public,      Bangkok’s deadly bomb-          lice seized bomb-making           man Prawuth Thavornsiri                    from one country, but
such rallies have largely       ing was being uncoopera-        equipment and fake pass-          told The Associated Press                  wouldn’t say which one.
diminished since the often      tive, possibly not telling the  ports. It was the first possible  that police found “more                    He did not explain why a
violent university student      truth to interrogators and      breakthrough in the investi-      than 200 passports” in the                 passport gang might target
protests in the early 1960s.    would remain in military        gation into the Aug. 17 blast     man’s apartment, includ-                   a religious shrine.q
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